30 Ways To Reply to ‘What’s Up’ in a Flirty Way

Engaging in playful, flirtatious banter can add a spark to any conversation.

But not every response to a simple ‘What’s up’ needs to be routine or unexciting.

This context offers an opportunity to be witty, flirtatious, and maybe even leave a lasting impression on the individual on the other end.

In our increasingly text-based world, having a clever or cheeky reply at your fingertips can make all the difference.

It can make you memorable, appealing, or intriguing.

This piece offers some creative suggestions for responses that are bound to incite interest in your chat companion.

Ways To Reply To ‘what’s Up’ In A Flirty Way

1. “The sky, but it’s not as bright as your smile.”

We are often asked the question ‘What’s Up’ in our daily interactions and we usually give general or common replies.

But sometimes when this question is asked by someone we are attracted to or interested in, we may want to reply in a flirty way to show our interest.

One way to do this is by saying, “The sky, but it’s not as bright as your smile.” This is a creative way of complimenting someone’s smile and subtly implying that they light up your world.

It’s playful and light-hearted, keeping the conversation casual while also conveying your interest in them.

The phrase ‘the sky, but it’s not as bright as your smile’ literally means that while the sky may be the only thing physically above you, the person’s smile is the most significant thing to you at that moment.

This statement shows that you not only notice their physical attributes but also appreciate them.

It essentially sets a flirty and playful tone for the conversation, which can help to break the ice and make the recipient feel good about themselves.

It’s also whimsical and unexpected, making it more memorable than a standard greeting.

Moreover, this charming statement is designed to provide a boost.

Everyone loves to feel admired, and comparing someone’s smile to the sky’s brightness is a compliment that can really lift someone’s spirits.

However, it’s important to ensure that your tone and facial expressions align with your words.

Feel free to smile or laugh lightly as you say this line, to show that you’re just being playful and not overly serious.

I recommend you to watch this video which offers more ideas in flirting and how to express your feeling to your crush.

15 Cheesy Pickup Lines to make your Crush Blush

It contains creative and witty pick up lines that are fun to use and can be very effective.

These lines would not only get you laughing but also provides you with a range of options when you want to answer or reply to your crush in a witty, cheesy yet memorable way.

Remember, the key is to have fun with your responses, it is not as much what we say but how we say it.

Learning how to flirt effectively can help you make the best out of those cute awkward moments and create a connection with the person you’re interested in.

So, go ahead, be yourself, be fun, light, and playful because you never know, your perfect response might just turn a friendly chat into something more exciting.

2. “Just my heart rate when I saw you!”

Surprise is a strong opener when it comes to flirting, and saying “Just my heart rate when I saw you!” is a brilliant way to implement this.

It implies that the very sight of them has a strong emotional effect on you, likening it to a physical reaction in the form of a heightened heart rate.

These kinds of responses rely on creativity, unexpectedness, and a hint of sentiment to successfully achieve their flirtatious intentions.

When you cordially answer someone’s “What’s up” with this phrase, you consequently replace the regularity and predictability of a conventional response with an unforeseen, yet charming comment that speaks volumes of your attraction and admiration towards them.

It carries both humor and wit, while also depicting a tangible level of interest in them.

Remember, it’s all about balancing the seriousness with the humor.

Here, the realistic depiction of heart rate being elevated helps instill a sense of truth within the statement, while the humorous presentation of the idea lightens the atmosphere.

Being able to effortlessly blend these two elements is often the key to a successful flirtatious conversation.

While each person has their unique style of flirting, the focus should always be on the other person, making them feel special and wanted.

Using a line like “Just my heart rate when I saw you!” does exactly that.

To substantiate this quote, the statement essentially values the other person’s presence and attractiveness.

It unabashedly expresses that they’re capable of influencing your state of being in such a remarkable manner.

These words, when said with the right tone and delivered at the perfect moment, can steer the dialogue in a decidedly flirty direction.

The heart rate comment recognizes their charm and allure, which can be quite flattering.

It’s especially effective if the person you are flirting with is someone who values a bit of cheesiness or appreciates clever quips.

Ultimately, the effective use of this statement signals your interest in a fun and playful manner.

Furthermore, this line implies that your feelings towards the person are not just casual, but that they impact you significantly enough to alter your heart rate.

It’s a borderline exaggerated yet light-hearted way of letting the person know that they have a powerful hold over your emotions.

Confidence is key when using this line as it implies a level of boldness, demonstrating your willingness to put your emotions on display.

In essence, saying “Just my heart rate when I saw you!” is a fine mix of charm, humor, and candor.

Using such a line manifests your flirtatious intentions clearly, but in a teasing and engaging manner.

The idea is to make them enjoy the conversation, titillate their curiosity, and establish a memorable impression.

Remember, the fine art of flirting doesn’t limit you.

You have to determine what works best for you and the person you’re conversing with.

Striking the right chords with such a flirtatious remark as “Just my heart rate when I saw you!” can definitely leave your mark on their mind, and lead the conversation into diverse, exciting directions.

3. “Did you just raise the temperature in here?”

Who wouldn’t love a heartwarming compliment when asked “what’s up?” Rather than the stereotypical “not much” or “same old, same old”, you could spice things up with a line like “Did you just raise the temperature in here?”

This pickup line is hysterical, bold and cute all at the same time.

It’s an unusual and delightful twist to the mundane responses we often get to hear.

It not only conveys that the person’s mere presence is impactful enough to change the environment but also subtly hints at the ‘hot’ effect they have on you.

Literally, it implies that their presence has influenced the physical environment in the room or metaphorically that they have managed to ‘heat’ things up with their attractiveness and personality.

“Did you just raise the temperature in here?” This statement implies the influence and impact of their presence.

The line effectively utilizes humor and playfulness, devices which when used correctly, can significantly enhance one’s charm.

They manage to break the ice and make the conversation much more comfortable.

A flirty line as such helps create an instant connection and sparks off their interest.

It catches them off-guard and gets them more involved in the conversation than a boring reply could.

It sets a tone that’s different, sort of intimate, and fun.


As highlighted in the linked video, using humour in your pickup lines effectively aids in attracting their attention and leaves a lasting impression.

Watching the video, you might understand how importance of subtle humor while using pickup lines and how it can be the game-changer in any conversation.

So, the next time someone asks you “what’s up?”, rather than reaching for a typical response, try the line “did you just raise the temperature in here?” Instead of answering the question directly, you respond in a way that glorifies their attractiveness and personality, leaving them flattered and interested in you.

And remember, it’s not just about using a pickup line but it also about the timing, the place and how well you know the person.

The same line could be cheeky, funny, cute or simply inappropriate, depending on when, where and with whom you use it.

Trying out this flirty reply could very well transform a drab conversation into something exciting and possibly, kindle the first sparks of a budding relationship.

So, next time when you’re asked “what’s up?”, now you know how to use a flirty comeback to make a memorable impression and turn what could have been an ordinary conversation into an interesting one!

4. “Just dreaming of you until you walked in.”

Flirting involves playing with words and inducing an element of surprise in your conversation.

When asked ‘what’s up’, a flirtatious response such as “Just dreaming of you until you walked in”, can be quite captivating and unexpected.

The receiver of this comment will likely be taken aback positively, leading to an interesting and playful emotional atmosphere.

The essence of this response lies in its rather dreamy and endearing quality. It speaks volumes about how much you’ve been thinking about the person.

Although it may sound a bit cheesy, it can be incredibly sweet if delivered with the right tone and timing.

Whether you’ve met this person only a few times or you’ve known each other for a while, such a comment can evoke feelings of curiosity and interest in the other person.

This sentence implies that you’ve been awaiting their presence and that they’ve been on your mind.

This can lead to the receiver feeling special and valued, thereby deepening your connection with them.

One of the keys to successful flirting lies in the art of making the other person feel valued and intrigued whilst maintaining a good balance between being too forward and too vague.

The sentence might serve as a good ice-breaker.

The other person might feel an urge to know more about your thoughts, keeping them engaged in the conversation.

It’s often the unexpected responses that can leave a lasting impact and make someone smile.

Your reply can make them curious and thrilled, which is one step closer to building a closer relationship or connection.

It’s important to keep in mind that the right reaction to this flirtatious response depends on the other person’s feelings and level of interest.

A playful exchange of words can be fun, but it must be reciprocated.

Overall, the phrase “Just dreaming of you until you walked in” could be a flirty response to ‘what’s up’, showing your interest and creating intrigue.

It evokes a sense of mystery and anticipation, imbuing your conversation with excitement and spark.

With every word artfully chosen, your flirtatious response is likely to make the other person’s day.

Remember, the ultimate goal of flirting is to establish a connection and show interest in a lighthearted and playful way.

And in the game of words, such a surprising response encapsulates that essence perfectly.

So, next time you’re posed the common question ‘what’s up’, rather than resorting to the standard replies, try something that might get their heart fluttering.

In conclusion, while the realm of flirting can be complicated and challenging to navigate, a combination of creativity, wit, timing, and a touch of sweetness can turn a simple ‘what’s up’ into an opportunity to create a lasting impression.

5. “Just trying to match your level of cuteness.”

The art of flirting might seem daunting to many, but once you think of it as an enjoyable and playful interaction, it becomes less intimidating.

Such creative responses to the common question ‘What’s Up?’ like “Just trying to match your level of cuteness.” not only open up the doors for an exciting conversation but put across your interest in a fun way.

Match Baby to Parent | Lineup | Cut

Watching the embedded video might give you an idea of how easily one can form a bond with someone when they approach the situation with a bit of humor and honesty.

The attempt of matching someone’s cuteness level is not about competing or comparing but rather about recognizing and acknowledging the person’s appeal.

“Just trying to match your level of cuteness.”

Saying this, implies that you find them attractive, and you’re willing to put in the effort to be more pleasing to them.

It’s a soft, coy, and humorous approach that feels less like a pickup line and more like an individual’s unique way of expressing interest.

At the same time, this witty reply doesn’t directly reveal your feelings, giving you enough space to gauge their interest and reaction before you choose to proceed further.

It’s a perfect mix of subtlety and intrigue wrapped inside a compliment.

Moreover, this proclamation shows your confident and light-hearted personality.

Confessing that you’re trying to match their cuteness, might spur a conversation about both of your good attributes and qualities, leading to a deeper and more meaningful dialogue.

Keeping a playful attitude when flirting encourages back-and-forth banter, allowing both parties to show off their quick wit.

A flirty response like these also helps the conversation go beyond the mundane topics and might lead to a hearty laugh or a blushing smile that could be a ticket to their heart.

When spicing up a casual exchange with such flirty banter, it’s important to read the signs of how the other person is receiving your witty wordplay.

If your words are met with reciprocated enthusiasm, feel free to continue with the lighthearted flirtation.

But if the responses seem cold or uncomfortable, be tactful and switch to a safer conversational path.

By being humorous and confident, you manage to draw their attention effectively without appearing too desperate or straightforward.

By the time the conversation ends, there’s a high chance they’ll be thinking about you, pondering over the unique and charming way you expressed your interest.

With this cute and cheeky response, you take a step away from the traditional and often overused pick-up lines, presenting yourself as someone refreshing to talk to and be around.

So the next time you are asked ‘What’s Up?’, why not add a little charm and see where it leads!

On watching the video mentioned above, you may learn the importance of being transparent with your feelings, and how it can help to form a more authentic relationship.

So, let your guard down and let your words convey your true feelings.

6. “Well, I was bored until you came along.”

Flirting sometimes entails choosing the right words to say at the opportune time.

When someone asks you ‘What’s Up’, responding with, “Well, I was bored until you came along.” can exude a flirty tone that lets them know they have your attention.

This phrase is particularly effective because it shows that you are excited by their presence, and you were longing for something, or someone, to spice up your day.

Such a remark emits the desired charm while slyly confessing your interest in them.

This kind of flirty expression, if delivered effectively, can create an appealing vibe between you and the other person.

Flirting isn’t strictly about having deep, involved conversations.

It’s about using casual, playful remarks to subtly convey your interest and possibly ignite a spark in the other person.

When you say, “Well, I was bored until you came along.” you’re helping to create that oscillating tension of attraction, which is a fundamental part of flirting.

Flirting can be light, spontaneous, and fun.

It’s about communicating that you find someone attractive, and this response does the trick in a non-obvious way.Flirtatious comments create intrigue and allow the other person to decode your intentions.

The underlying understanding between the two parties makes such remarks magnetic and inviting.

When you deliver this line with a smirk or a teasing tone, it can create a convivial atmosphere.

This could lead to more engaging conversations and a comfortable rapport, which serves as a foundation for any relationship, be it friendship or more.

By saying, “Well, I was bored until you came along,” you create a chance for the other person to respond with similar sentiment.

It is a way of encouraging them to reciprocate your interest and continue the flirtatious banter.

It is a catalyst in keeping the conversation flowing.

While the aim of using flirty responses isn’t to manipulate or play games, it sets the scene for attraction and possibly something deeper.

It’s part of the dance, almost the ‘getting to know you’ stage of a relationship.

Remain confident when expressing this line.

Feel free to customize it to your style.

This ensures that the phrase comes out naturally and isn’t forced.

Authenticity is critical in flirtatious interactions.

If delivered well, “Well, I was bored until you came along,” can be a powerful opener to a potentially exciting, flirty conversation.

It’s an ideal response to ‘What’s Up’ when you want to communicate your interest in a light, charming manner.

Finally, remember that flirting is meant to be fun.

While you may feel nervous, maintaining a sense of light-heartedness and enjoying the process can encourage a positive, enjoyable interaction.

After all, flirting is a form of communication meant to express interest and create a connection.

7. “Waiting to see your dazzling eyes.”

When it comes to flirting, mastering the art of subtlety is crucial.

In response to the common question, “what’s up?,” a clever and slightly mysterious answer such as, “waiting to see your dazzling eyes,” takes the cake.

It strikes the right balance between expressing attraction and keeping things lighthearted and playful.

Communicating genuine interest in another person’s features is always a winner in the flirting game.

After all, who wouldn’t feel special upon hearing such a thoughtful and flattering reply?

It’s important to remember communication is not merely about the words we say but also the tone and body language we use.

When delivering this line, ensure your tone is cheerful and your gaze is soft.

“waiting to see your dazzling eyes”

These words communicate anticipation and admiration.

The hint of anticipation conveyed with this line depicts an eagerness to see the person.

It subtly suggests a certain level of interest without coming off as too strong or creepy.

On the other hand, the word ‘dazzling’ is a beautiful compliment that highlights the extraordinary beauty of their eyes.

Remember to smile genuinely when saying this line.

Smiling not only shows that you are friendly and approachable, but it also makes you appear more attractive.

Emphasizing on the positivity and warmth in your tone can add an inviting feel to this flirty response.

An overwhelming response with a light-hearted vibe can do wonders!

How to Compliment a Girl - Without Being Creepy! (PRO TIP)

Whether you’re new to the flirting game or want to enhance your skills, this video tutorial can offer some handy insights.

It shares important tips on how to make complimenting feel natural and not creepy.

A simple combination like the right words with perfect timing can take a casual conversation to an engaging and flirty one.

Through a double-fold approach comprising anticipation and admiration, this unique reply not only compliments the other person but also kindles an eagerness in them to see you.

It’s all about the tease and the build-up of expectation, and nothing serves the purpose better than a little mystery.

So, the next time you’re posed with the question, “what’s up?,” you know how to zone in on your creative side and tackle with utter charm.

8. “Just daydreaming about our next date.”

In the world of flirty responses to the question, ‘What’s Up?’, nothing beats the charm of being indirect yet suggestive.

A witty reply can be, “Just daydreaming about our next date.” This response not only catches the interest of the listener but also stirs their curiosity about what you believe the date would be like.

Answering in such a manner instantly imbues the conversation with a romantic and whimsical air.

It shows that you are quite playful and don’t mind teasing a bit.

This statement depicts that you are so engrossed in thoughts of the person you are interacting with that it has taken the form of an envisioned date.

Answering with ‘Just daydreaming about our next date.’ gives a subtle hint that you are not just interested in one-time chitter-chatter.

You are instead looking for a deeper connection and are excited about the endless possibilities that the future hold.

This response clearly signifies a desire to spend more exclusive time with the person.

‘Just daydreaming about our next date.’ implies that the person occupies your thoughts even in their absence, thus making them feel appreciated and cherished.

This response is more effective in gauging the interest of the other person.

If he/she is interested in you too, they might respond by teasing you for daydreaming or even setting up a date.

Therefore, it not only expresses your intentions but also creates a space for them to express theirs.

Responses like, ‘Just daydreaming about our next date.’, work well for those who are shy or reluctant to convey their feelings openly.

Such statements, enigmatic yet telling, can help to break the ice and initiate deeper, more meaningful conversations.

Moreover, replying in a dreamy tone, like ‘Just daydreaming about our next date.’ also portrays the speaker’s poetic and romantic nature.

It can make the other person more intrigued to know you better, as it provides an image of you being a dreamer and a romantic.

The response, ‘Just daydreaming about our next date.’ is a simple yet impactful way of conveying that their presence matters to you.

It offers a romantic air to the conversation, which is refreshing and impactful, thus taking the flirting game to the next level.

However, remember that the key is in delivering it in a light and joking manner.

A forced or serious tone might make you sound desperate or creepy.

Keep it light, easy, and playful to make it sound as naturally flirtatious as possible.

So, the next time you are asked ‘What’s Up?’, you know exactly how to respond to leave a lasting impression.

Remember, being clever, subtle, and a little playful can make your reply stand out in the world of ordinary responses.

9. “Drawing hearts with your name on them.”

One of the absolute time-honored traditions of expressing affection and romantic feelings towards someone is through the simple yet powerful gesture of drawing hearts with their name inscribed inside.

It is a simple act that never fails to bring about that sweet giddy feeling.

You can use this symbol to subtly yet effectively communicate your feelings when you are asked the “what’s up” question.

This flirtatious gesture not just signals your romantic inclination towards the person but also gives them a casual and adorable insight into what you’ve been up to.

The importance of this gesture can’t be stressed enough.

Crafting a heart simply represents the universal language of love.

It’s classic, enduring, and full of sentimental value.

The merit and symbolic nature of this gesture has stood the test of time.

It’s an age-old representation of love and continues to be an adorable way to express your romantic feelings.

When this sentiment is expressed verbally, it tends to retain its sweetness while assuming a playful façade.

It keeps the conversation light and easy-going, yet distinctly romantic.

If your aim is to keep it casual, yet drop a hint about your feelings, you can’t go wrong with this playful and romantic comment.

Remember, it isn’t the grand gestures but the small endearing tokens of admiration that often leave the most profound impact.

In a world where everyone is aiming to go big, sometimes, it’s these little signs of affection that stand out and leave a lasting impression.

How To Draw A Heart Step By Step 💖| Heart Drawing | Simple Drawing Tutorial | Super Easy Drawings

Speaking of drawing hearts, this skill might come in handy and this particular video could be of help.

It’s an easy step-by-step guide to making a perfect heart drawing, super easy and accessible for anyone, irrespective of their drawing skills.

So, go ahead and give it a try, it’s never too late or too early to wear your heart on your sleeve, literally!

In all, drawing hearts with someone’s name inside has always been a beautiful way of expressing one’s interest in another while injecting a bit of fun and playfulness into an otherwise mundane conversation.

Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to charm your way into someone’s heart!

And who knows?

You might even get a chance to actually draw that heart for them!

10. “Just being dazzled by your charm.”

Flirty communication is all about expressing your attraction towards someone in a light, playful, and fun way.

One effective method to capture their attention is by saying something along the lines of “Just being dazzled by your charm.” This can be a great reply to ‘What’s up’.

Not only does it communicate that you’re hanging out and having a good time, but it also subtly indicates that you find them charming.

This way of replying appreciates their presence and adds a layer of excitement to the conversation.

It’s unexpected, intriguing, and gives the person you’re chatting with a reason to be curious about you.

When you hint that somebody’s charm mesmerizes you, it speaks volume about your attraction.

This tactic is about being bold without crossing any lines.

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love hearing that they’re charming?

Stepping out of the mundane ‘nothing much’ reply can spice up an interaction, more so with a touch of humor and affection wrapped up in one line.

The “Just being dazzled by your charm,” response packs a punch by adding a comic angle to underline your appeal to their charm.

Remember, the idea is to put a smile on their face and make their day.

This reply comes off as incredibly sweet and unexpected, making them remember your conversation more vividly.

When thinking about what to reply to ‘What’s up’, a lighthearted compliment like appreciating someone’s charm is always a winner.

Even if you’re someone who is reserved or shy, this style breaks the ice by balancing between friendly and flirty, letting them know that you are interested and enjoying your time with them.

Even more, such a reply tends to stick in the recipient’s mind, speculating on why you may feel dazzled by them.

It creates a mystery, a sense of playfulness, and paves the way for a memorable, enjoyable conversation.

“Just being dazzled by your charm” is leveraging positive attributes about your interaction.

It sends a vibe of attraction and interest, without coming off too strong, hence making the conversation really sweet and enjoyable.

Ultimately, you must be authentic when flirting.

So, make sure your words align with your personality; after all, genuineness radiates through candid moments.

Remember, it’s the sincerity behind your words that counts.

So next time when someone asks you, ‘What’s up?’, let that charm dazzle you and make them feel admired!

Let these words convey that beyond the superficial details of what you’re doing, they are the highlight of your day.

11. “Rehearsing my next pick-up line on you.”

Everyone appreciates a good pick-up line.

They could be cheesy, sentimental, or funny, but the best pick-up lines are the ones that come naturally, without sounding forced or scripted.

Flirting should be fun, and pick-up lines add an element of humor to the conversation.

Practice is key when it comes to pick-up lines.

You don’t want to falter midway or pronounce something incorrectly.

So, when asked what’s up, you may say, “Just rehearsing my next pick-up line on you”.

It’s a playful reply that shows you’re interested and adds a bit of intrigue to the conversation.

It makes the person wonder what your pick-up line would be, thereby eliciting their curiosity and keeping them hooked for that line later.

This response is also slightly self-deprecating, which can show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you can laugh at yourself – a quality that is often endearing in a person.

Being open and playful about your intentions makes one appear confident and approachable, which is a very attractive quality.

This line subtly hints at your romantic interest without coming across as too forward.

Furthermore, it shows your creativity in coming up with unique and engaging ways to communicate your attraction, while at the same time expressing your affable and amiable personality.

The element of surprise also helps maintain the other party’s interest.

Since they wouldn’t know what to expect with your cute rehearsal reveal, it keeps them entertained and waiting to hear what you’re going to say next.

Knowing when and how to use a pick-up line can seem tricky, but it’s all about reading the other person’s body language and responses.

Tailoring your approach based on their unique interests or attributes can make your line feel more sincere and less like a cliché.

Try putting an unusual spin on an old favorite or come up with something entirely original.

The key is to make the other person smile or laugh, not to win them over with grand declarations of love.

Pick-up lines are just one tool in the flirting toolbox.

They should be used in conjunction with, and not in replacement of, genuine conversation and connection.

10 best pickup lines help you to Impress a girl.

For those looking for inspiration, this video provides some examples that may just be the ticket.

It’s full of creative expressions of interest, each designed to help you leave a strong impression on your crush.

You don’t have to use these lines verbatim, but they can provide a solid foundation for your own unique spin on these classics.

12. “Your smile got me off my balance.”

When we talk about flirting, often we rely on expressing ourselves through heartfelt compliments and punch lines.

This is indeed a unique way to have a playful, yet heartfelt reply to “What’s Up?”.

When you say “Your smile got me off my balance”, it means you are not just teasing but also pouring some genuine feelings into the conversation.

Your partner can find it cute, and its unexpectedness can put them in a good surprising state.

Responding to a simple greeting like “What’s up” with “Your smile got me off my balance” gives a strong hint that you admire them, enough to be distracted and even get out of focus.

Subtle compliments like this can boost their confidence and might initiate a more deep and meaningful conversation with you.

Apart from it being a sweet comment, it adds a personal touch, making the whole interaction less casual and more intimate.

It is a good way to compliment someone’s smile and telling them how much their smile affects you.

You’re communicating that their smile is something that makes you feel off balance, a very playful and romantic analogy.

However, you must remember that the success of this statement heavily relies on the delivery.

The compliment should sound real and not like a worn-out pick-up line.

So, when they ask you “What’s up?”, you can reply with this line, and then maybe you can share a flirty giggle, followed by a heartwarming conversation, who knows?

But there’s always a likelihood that they would want to dive into a deeper conversation to understand the feelings behind your words.

Also, don’t forget, timing is crucial.

Saying it at a moment when she or he has just smiled can make it more effective and impactful.

While this line can seem like a bold move, it’s important to gauge the other person’s reaction to it.

If they seem comfortable and interested, you can take it as a green light to proceed.

However, if the other person’s reaction is not what you expected, don’t get disappointed.

It’s always essential to maintain respect towards the other person’s feelings.

And remember, not every joke or pickup line will work with everyone.

Lastly, using such a line shows you are someone who has a good sense of humor and is not afraid of expressing their feelings.

This could potentially make the other person feel more comfortable around you, making way for a more intimate bond.

Imagine how something as simple as a greeting can turn into a flirty compliment, making the conversation more exciting and engaging!

13. “Oh, just the usual, thinking about you.”

Who wouldn’t love a flirty twist while answering a typical question like “What’s up”?

You can turn the tables and make your responses more appealing and irresistible to hear.

If you’re looking for a fun and flirty reply to this common question, then “Oh, just the usual, thinking about you.” is an interesting way to express your attraction to somebody.

This response showcases that you’re interested in someone in a romantic way.

It subtly communicates that the person you’re addressing has invaded your thoughts and made an important impact on your mind.

Using such a phrase demonstrates that the person is constantly on your mind, and that you’re genuinely interested in them.

At times, a simple statement could hold the intensity of your emotions more than an elaborate expression.

Indeed, in this seemingly nonchalant reply lies a deep sentiment.

You are indicating that the person is so significant to you that you often find yourself thinking about them.

This hint might spark their curiosity or interest in you as well.

Therefore, this response not only highlights your interest but also elicits engagement from the else one.

Being casual with such responses represents your confidence and charm.

A casual comment with an underlying hint of passion exhibits your ability to carry a conversation and maintain a captivating interaction.

This phrase is a flirty response wrapped up in casual demeanor, making it a perfect play of wit and expressiveness.

3 Simple Flirting Tactics That Drive Women WILD (Flirting Lines Included)

Additionally, the above video showcases multiple tactics for successfully flirting.

So, if you’re new to the whole concept or looking for something, this could be a great way to extend your knowledge.

By watching the video, you’ll get a better understanding and practical examples of how to apply the discussed tactics.

The video’s tips will help you master the art of effectively blending casual responses with flirty undertones.

In flirting, your replies should not only express your interests but also stimulate their curiosity about you.

They must feel that you’re worth their time.

The complete scenario should be such that you enjoy the situation, and they enjoy the interaction.

Remember that the key is to stay confident, calm, and watch their body language to know how they are receptive to your flirty responses.

Harnessing your wit and being expressive can do wonders to create a memorable interaction.

Hence “Oh, just the usual, thinking about you” is an innovative and intriguing way of reply.

Overall, it’s not just about thinking up flirty answers; it’s also about presenting them in a way that shows your personality in the most attractive light.

14. “Surviving without your witty comments.”

A flirty expression such as “Surviving without your witty comments” can trigger similar hilarious replies making your conversation more vibrant and interesting.

It’s all about introducing that spice and repartee into the communication that makes things fun and exciting.

This kind of reply could work wonders if you are already familiar with the other person and aware of their sense of humor.

This indicates they likely are of interest to you, and you value their sharp wit and humor.

You convey your likability towards them indirectly, and in a way that is both pleasing and attention gathering.

The best part?

You’re doing it a manner that leaves an avenue open for banter, a core aspect in flirty conversations.

In essence, using such a line, you display your ability to appreciate their humor and, in more ways than one, inviting them to share more such instances with you.

It serves a dual purpose – expressing your admiration and interest, and inciting them to carry the conversation further with their witty remarks.

Throw in a playful smile or a teasing eye roll to make the body language align with the flirty nature of your comment.

This particular line also reveals a little about you – that you have a sense of humor, and you appreciate clever quips and sharp wit.

By playfully suggesting that you’re ‘surviving’ without their witty comments, you’re also subtly portraying that you’re resilient yet would enjoy their company.

This phrase is a classic reminder that flirting doesn’t have to be about showering compliments or cheesy pick-up lines.

It can also be about appreciating the little things about the other person that you find attractive – in this case, their witty comments.

Moreover, with this line, you effectively signal your liking towards the other person’s company, thereby dropping hints for them to perhaps initiate a meet-up or a casual conversation next time.

Remember, this line is designed to elicit a chuckle or a smile from the person you’re chatting with.

So, adopting a light-hearted tone while delivering this line is of utmost importance.

Effective delivery of the line is key to making this flirty banter successful.

However, don’t forget to regulate and be careful with your timing.

Avoid using such a comment during serious moments as humor, especially flirty humor, might come across as offensive or dismissive.

Ultimately, with all the elements blended in – flirty undertones, humor, wit, and a hint of your liking towards them – this reply is a great arsenal to hold onto in your flirting game!

15. “Just working on my charm, how am I doing?”

Introducing flirty responses to everyday enquiries can be a fun approach to put a spin on mundane conversations.

They add a layer of cheekiness, playfulness, and intrigue that makes conversing with you a distinctive and exciting experience.

One of my choice replies to ‘What’s Up?’ in a flirty way is ‘Just working on my charm, how am I doing?’.

This line is specifically designed to come across as confident, playful, and a little mysterious, all at once.

The beauty of this reply lies in its self-depreciating humor.

It suggests that you’re constantly striving to be charismatic, subtly indicating your interest in the person you’re speaking to.

This statement gives the other person a chance to compliment you, thereby making them more invested in the conversation.

Its gentle charm comes from the fact it demands a response yet doesn’t put too much pressure on the other person.

‘Just working on my charm, how am I doing?’

The flirtatious nature of this question lies not just in its content, but also in its delivery.

The perfect mix of confidence and vulnerability in your voice and expressions can significantly enhance its charm.

It is sure to invoke a smile or, dare I say, a blush!

Right after throwing this question, it’s best to sport a smile or a playful smirk.

Depending on the reaction of the person you’re talking to, you can choose to reveal that it was just a script or continue the acting.

Check out the following video to learn more tips on enhancing your charisma:

How To Improve Your Charisma

Among other things, this video provides excellent material to improve your overall charm and charisma.

It’s filled with practical tips and techniques to help you captivate your audience and interact more effectively.

A master stroke deliberated in the video is ‘The Art of Making Others Feel Special’.

This simple yet robust strategy can make anyone instantly like you and enjoy your company!

By exuding charm and making the other person feel good about themselves, you can effortlessly navigate any conversation.

Remember, the line ‘Just working on my charm, how am I doing?’ opens the door for fun, flirty banter.

How you take it forward depends on your chemistry, context and the response from the other person.

Feel free to improvise on the spot!

Whether the conversation may lead to a spicy date or a new friendship, it’s crucial to be sincere, respectful, and mindful of your actions and words.

After all, the essence of charm lies in genuine interaction.

16. “Trying to keep cool around your hotness.”

Your response to “What’s up?” can be a golden opportunity to infuse your conversation with an element of intrigue and flirtatiousness.

One approach is responding with something like, “Just trying to keep cool around your hotness.”

In the broad world of flirtation, this response isn’t particularly direct.

Instead, it’s playful and lighthearted, hinting at attraction while keeping things fun.

The intent is to make the other person suspend their boredom, prompting them to engage more deeply in the conversation.

With this kind of reply, you’re expressing that their presence makes you somewhat nervous and excited, but you have tried to remain composed.

It’s a cheeky way of implying that they have a strong effect on you, but you’re delivering this message with a sense of humor.

Marshaling your courage in the arena of romantic interactions can be a daunting task, especially when the person you’re attracted to is nearby.

That’s why responding to something as simple as “What’s up?” with “Trying to keep cool around your hotness” can be entertaining yet suggestive.

By using this approach, you’re showing that you can be playful and flirtatious without resorting to conventional, overused flirty clichés.

The other person may likely find your remark amusing and endearing and see a dose of your true personality too.

This kind of response doesn’t just communicate that you’re interested in them, but it conveys that you have a fun and appealing personality.

It can spur the excitement and the flirtatious vibe in your conversation.

This comment enables you to show your wit.

In addition, you’re trying to break out from the standard chitchat and transitioning it into something more intimate and flirtatious.

This can be really appealing to the person you’re conversing with.

Upon hearing this, the other person will likely be inclined to respond in kind, generating a back-and-forth dialogue that’s friendly, flirtatious, and engaging.

You’ve managed to infuse a spark of romantic ambiance into what initially appeared to be an ordinary chit-chat.

So, answering “What’s up?” doesn’t have to be a complicated affair.

It’s an opportunity for you to engage, entertain, and heighten the other person’s interest.

Responses like “Trying to keep cool around your hotness” are fun and bold, making the conversation memorable and potentially leading to more intimate exchanges.

In any case, whether or not your reply will have the intended effect depends on the dynamics and context of your relationship with the other person.

But the end goal is to have fun, and to let the other person know subtly, yet clearly, that you’re attracted to them.

17. “Just you makes everything seem up.”

When considering Ways To Reply to ‘What’s Up’ in a Flirty Way, the phrase, “Just you makes everything seem up,” holds a particular charm.

This response brilliantly leaves an ambiance of emotional warmth paired with a flirty undertone.

With that sentence, you’re communicating to the person that their presence greatly impacts your mood.

The way you’re able to stir such a noteworthy effect on someone’s emotions is a testament to your presence.

It makes the other person understand that their company is not just appreciated but also preferred.

When you say that to someone special, it shows them how much of an impact they have on your day.

The weight of your words matters, and with this phrase, you’re essentially telling them that they’re a crucial part of what’s keeping you upbeat.

The sentence subtly suggests that you’re more than just a little interested in them.

It can not only strike the right chord of flirtation but also set a comfortable tone, showing your admiration for them.

After exchanging these sentences, there’s a compliment silently wrapped within the flirtatious comments.

They might find it playful and it could pave the way for a more light-hearted and romantic conversation.

“Just you makes everything seem up”, is not simply a flirtatious reply to a common “what’s up”.

It conveys much more, it subtly expresses that the person’s presence brings a positive influence to your mood.

The response brilliantly leaves an ambiance of emotional warmth paired with a flirty undertone.

Besides being a flirtatious reply, this phrase also has the power to break the ice.

It will make them know that their mere presence is enough to make your world seem brighter.

Through your words, they might find those emotions resonating, making your conversation even more endearing.

Such a phrase conceals deeper emotions under the guise of light-hearted banter, making it a perfect choice for those who want to keep their cards close but still want to play the game of flirtation.

Flirting is an intricate art, and how smoothly and effortlessly you manage to infuse it into a conversation says a lot about your confidence.

One way to further refine your skills might be to observe the experts in action.

The video below might be of help.

10 Ways to Make Your Guy Feel Special | James M Sama

This video holds numerous tips on how to make someone feel special using your words and actions.

It also provides constructive insights on relationship communication that are very useful when flirtatiously replying to ‘What’s up’.

Gaining more knowledge on this topic could assist in making your interaction more comfortable and effortless.

With many practice, you’ll soon find yourself acing the flirting game.

18. “Apart from my heart rate, you mean?”

In the context of flirtatious conversations, one’s heart rate often becomes a symbolic indicator of their feelings.

Similarly, replying to ‘What’s Up’ with ‘Apart from my heart rate, you mean?’ can be seen as an underhanded and humorous admission of one’s interest in the other person.

After all, everyone is aware that excitement, nervousness, or being in the presence of someone you’re attracted to can cause your heart rate to spike.

This clever response plays up this physiological phenomenon to create a playful and intriguing dialogue.

People might expect to receive responses centered around day-to-day activities or emotions when they ask ‘What’s Up?’.

However, replying with something unexpected, like assuming they’re asking about your heart rate, can be a breath of fresh air.

In flirtatious interactions, unpredictability and wit often create a more engaging conversation, and this response checks both these boxes.

Of course, delivery matters a lot when it comes to such responses.

You want to sound spirited and playful, rather than serious or desperate.

The key is to maintain lightness and humor throughout the conversation.

Unpredictability can strengthen the conversational connection.

Exploring the unexpected keeps the conversation interesting and intensifies curiosity.

This response sets the tone for a fun and unpredictable dialogue that can build and deepen connections.

Another advantage of using this response is that it subtly communicates your interest.

You’re trying to convey that your heart rate has increased because of them without explicitly saying so.

This indirect method tends to be more captivating as it allows room for interpretation and induces an element of mystery.

When you speak about your heart rate in such a context, you’re essentially giving away that you’re nervous or excited around them.

This gives the other person some insight into your feelings and might encourage them to reciprocate with their feelings, creating a more open and honest exchange.

Moreover, this response is not just limited to in-person meetings.

It can also be utilized in text form, where the use of emojis can greatly complement the phrase.

You could choose to add a heart or a playful wink emoji at the end to make it more lighthearted.

In conclusion, ‘Apart from my heart rate, you mean?’ can serve as a witty, edgy, and intriguing response to ‘What’s Up’.

It indicates your attraction, and leaves the other person eager to see what you might say next, successfully keeping the spark of flirtation alight.

19. “Getting lost in your enchanting eyes.”

When it comes to flirting, the saying “actions speak louder than words” can certainly apply, yet, sometimes even the most subtle and eloquent words, can make a huge impact.

This sentiment is apparent in the charming response to ‘What’s up’, which is ‘Getting lost in your enchanting eyes.’

Could anything be more romantic and captivating than to admit that you are getting lost in another person’s gaze?

There’s an almost ‘Shakespearean’ elegance to this kind of communication.

It is subtle, yet impactful, turning an otherwise ordinary interaction into something much more profound.

This approach also has a dual function – it not only expresses how attractive you find the other person’s eyes, but also hints at the deep admiration you have for them.

By admitting to ‘getting lost,’ you’re presenting an image of being so captivated and entranced by the other person that you’re willing to forget everything else around you.

This utterance suggests a willingness to surrender to the moment, to let go and to just be present.

It implies a certain vulnerability which can be quite endearing.

Vulnerability, when given willingly, creates an environment of trust and intimacy that holds the potential to deepen any connection.

In a world where distractions are abundant, telling someone that their eyes are so enchanting that you get lost in them, speaks volumes about just how much they matter to you.

It touches on an emotionally intimate level that goes beyond just flirting, making this reply a viable option even when engaging with someone you’re genuinely interested in.

5 Compliments That Make Women Melt

This video speaks to the profound impact that effective communication, including choice compliments, can have in creating a stronger connection with someone, especially if you are attracted to them.

Mastering these techniques can offer in-depth insight into understanding and utilizing the power of words when it comes to romantic entanglements.

Overall, ‘getting lost in your enchanting eyes’ is a wonderfully poetic way to respond when someone asks ‘What’s up?’.

It’s effective in its delivery, maintaining that essential element of charm and cunning, while also revealing a deeper sentiment that frames you as someone capable of appreciating an individual on a more intimate level.

It makes you appealing on a multifaceted level, which will undoubtedly raise your success rate in the realm of flirting.

20. “Catching feelings.

Can you help?”

Asking “What’s up?” might seem mundane but there are playful and flirty ways to respond to this common greeting.

If you’re feeling brave enough, one of the fascinating ways could be, “Catching feelings.

Can you help?”

When you say this, you’re indirectly admitting that you like the person and that the feelings are strong enough, they’re noticeable.

It’s a sneaky yet charming way to let the person know you are interested in them without sounding too desperate.

These kind of responses shake things up in the most delightful way.

They not only enhance your conversation but also make the other person intrigued by your witty comebacks.

However, it is crucial that you only use such responses if the situation and the bond shared with the other person permits you to.

These kind of responses shake things up in the most delightful way.

The aim is not to force the other person into reciprocating your feelings but to let them know of yours’, subtly and respectfully.

You wouldn’t want to make them uncomfortable or come off as being too forward.

Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that you’re in a setting that welcomes such responses and the person on the receiving end is open to it.

With that said, this response can be a grand gesture to express your feelings or make the atmosphere between you two light and bubbly.

It’s amusing, flirty, and will certainly catch the other person off guard.

It’s an unconventional way to lead the conversation into a more personal space.

Responses like these will help you break the predictability and add an element of surprise to your interaction.

More importantly, they reflect your feelings and thoughts in a unique and memorable manner.

Consider them to be an opportunity to express yourself, and, possibly, make your crush notice you.

Now, remember to say it in a playful tone.

The way you express this can drastically change its effect.

If said lightly, it can bring about laughter and joy, and may even make the other person blush or smile.

The key is to make the best out of your interaction and create an environment where both you and the other person feel comfortable and are enjoying the conversation.

It can be a fun and flirtatious way which can pave your path towards building a deeper connection with the person you’re interested in.

Lastly, note that such flirty responses are merely one’s expression of interest and it does not guarantee a mutual feeling from the other person.

Hence, use wisely, make it fun, keep it respective, and be ready for any outcome.

21. “Just stealing glances of you at every chance.”

One of the most natural yet effective ways of responding to ‘What’s Up’ in a flirty way is saying that you are ‘Just stealing glances of you at every chance’.

This coy remark is sure to brighten their day, increase intrigue, and may even give you an opportunity to light some sparks!

Glances are short, quiet observations that can convey feelings of interest and attraction.

It’s nice to know someone finds you attractive enough to watch you, even when they believe you aren’t watching back.

This statement, while straightforward, and flirtatious, is also pretty sweet and sincere.

In fact, stealing glances isn’t just a line.

It is a genuine action that might happen when you are attracted to someone.

The sight of that person can hook your attention and keep drawing it back even when you are trying to focus on other things.

It’s hard not to glance at someone you find attractive.

Most people can’t help but look at things they like.

This glance isn’t just any stare.

It’s a special, subtle way of showing your interest in the person.

When you say this line, the person will realize how much you are interested in them, and they may get curious which can lead to some interesting conversation.

Moreover, this recognition of their attractive presence can boost their confidence which is always a great thing to do.

In fact, they might even start stealing glances your way too!

So, using “Just stealing glances of you at every chance” as your response to ‘What’s Up’ can certainly escalate a regular chat into a flirty conversation.

It has enough charm to make it cute and intriguing, but not too much to make it awkward or uncomfortable.

For additional tips and signals flirtatious behavior, there is a video that could be helpful:


It discloses some signs that a guy may find you attractive and may possibly be giving you those ‘uncontrollable looks’.

This information could be beneficial in decoding certain behaviors and developing your flirt game.

Do check it out for some insight into the opposite sex’s signals.

The key to proper flirting is to keep it fun, light and confusion-free.

Miscommunication can lead to mixed signals or awkward situations, so clarity is vital.

This doesn’t mean you have to be direct all the time, you just have to ensure that your intention can be grasped from the context, tone and non-verbal cues.

Remember, it’s okay to keep things playful and less serious when you’re flirting.

The idea is to make them feel good about themselves and express your interest.

‘Just stealing glances of you at every chance’ does this effectively – it is a casual yet flirty way of telling them that they have caught your attention.

22. “Waiting for a stunning person to greet.”

Everyone loves the thrill of a flirty conversation, especially when it starts off on such a romantic note.

When asked ‘What’s Up’, responding with “Waiting for a stunning person to greet” can certainly infuse a dose of excitement and charm into the interaction.

It subtly shows your interest in the other person, painting a picture that you’ve been anticipating their arrival with eagerness and delight.

This response, however, isn’t just a frivolous comment, it’s a potent weapon of attraction.

It implies that the other person has the ability to brighten up your loneliness by simply being present.

Consequently making the other person feel valued and important.

However, it’s crucial for this compliment to be genuine to leave a profound impact.

Undeniably, flirty conversations can at times be tricky and require a certain level of finesse to execute properly.

By choosing to say “Waiting for a stunning person to greet”, you present yourself as someone who is witty and creative, plus it adds a dash of pleasant surprise to the exchange.

Additionally, this response sets a positive tone and conveys that you are ready to engage in a light-hearted, enjoyable conversation.

After the above quote, the impression you’re creating adds sentimentality to the conversation, making it personal and creating a sense of familiarity.

This very familiarity can foster comfort and openness, leading to an enhanced interaction.

Yet, it’s vital to understand that a response like this should be said with a friendly, playful tone to ensure it’s received well.

In fact, innuendos and insinuations are the heart and soul of flirty comments.

They elevate a mundane conversation, converting it into an interaction that holds potential for more.

The beauty of the statement “Waiting for a stunning person to greet” lies in its versatility.

Despite the direct flattery, it remains cheeky and playful.

Therefore, the outcome of this response is majorly controlled by the tone and body language you carry while executing it.

While this response is perfect for igniting excitement in your interaction, it is also open-ended, thereby, inviting the other person to contribute, keeping the conversation flowing.

It’s an implied invitation that might make your partner inquisitive and draw them into further conversation.

In the grand scheme of things, this reply is more than just a response; it’s a clever conversation starter.

It’s an art to be able to lure people into conversation and to be able to do with creativity can be a game changer.

Above all, who doesn’t like to be noticed by someone they’ve got their eye on?

Complimenting someone on their looks is often appreciated, but it’s even more appreciated when it’s done with a bit of creativity like saying “Waiting for a stunning person to greet.”

Interestingly, a reply as simple as this, holds immense power to turn a trivial conversation into a memorable one.

With the right timing and the right delivery, this flirtatious reply can push all the right buttons.

Nonetheless, balance is key.

While it’s amazing to break the ice with a flirty comment, maintaining respect and understanding your boundaries, is paramount.

Even though these comments are meant to be fun and lighthearted, everyone’s comfort should always be a priority.

Words have the power to create an ether, and this response does exactly that.

It escalates a casual exchange into a much more enticing interaction, making a usual greeting an exciting one.

23. “Missing someone beautiful, then saw you.”

There’s something enchanting about using a flirtatious response that hints at your feelings, regardless of whether they’re whispered secretly or shared openly.

The phrase “Missing someone beautiful, then saw you” is a lovely way to declare your admiration without appearing desperate or overly forward.

It lets the other person know that you were longing to have their company, and now that they’re around, you’re content.

Picture the scene: they ask you casually, “What’s up?” You glance at them, giving a confident smile as you reply, “Missing someone beautiful, then saw you.” It can effortlessly spark intrigue and curiosity, leading to a more in-depth and interesting conversation.

The allure of this phrase lies in the suggestion that your longing has just been fulfilled, painting a picture of a romantic meeting in their minds.

Flirtation doesn’t have to be complicated or rehearsed.

In fact, the best flirts are spontaneous and authentic, making others feel special in the process.

This phrase precisely does that.

It’s spontaneous, adorable, yet thought-provoking.

A few words are enough to weave a story that shows how much their presence means to you, signaling a subtle affection beneath your playfulness.

It speaks volumes about your feelings for them, without explicitly stating so.

Despite its simplicity, this phrase is a powerful tool.

It communicates your emotions towards them in a lighthearted manner, eliminating any uncomfortable undertones.

Imagine the twinkle in their eyes and the blush on their cheeks when you toss them this sweet nothing wrapped in flirtatious charm.

Even if they don’t share your feelings, this line doesn’t feel intrusive or overwhelming.

Rather, it gives off a cool, smooth vibe, making it safe and effective in just about any situation.

Remember, being flirtatious isn’t about throwing compliments left and right.

It’s about making the other person feel special and appreciated, making them wish to know more about you and vice versa.

The way to achieve this is through witty comments and intriguing statements, such as “missing someone beautiful, then saw you”.

Remember, it’s ok to be nervous when trying to be flirty, especially if it is out of your comfort zone.

What’s important is to be genuine and authentic, making the other person feel valued and cherished.

Their smile and the shared vibes will help relax your nerves and make the conversation more enjoyable.

How To Tell Him You Miss Him Without Sounding Needy

If you’re feeling unsure about how it’s done, this incredibly insightful video might help.

The video takes a deep dive into expressing emotions indirectly to avoid discomforting your special someone.

Watching this video would help you understand how to perfectly time and deliver that flirty line to make a lasting impression.

24. “Feeling lucky to see your sunshine smile.”

When you’re employing the art of flirtation in response to a simple “what’s up,” it is crucial to maintain genuine warmth in your exchanges.

The statement “Feeling lucky to see your sunshine smile” can be quite effective since it is flattering yet earnest.

It suggests that the recipient’s happiness is your main concern, and you are elated to witness their joyful expressions.

This type of compliment not only acknowledges the recipient’s outer beauty but also affirms their power to positively impact your emotions.

Furthermore, it suggests that you associate uplifting feelings with their presence.

This positive association is a strong rapport builder and cultivates an atmosphere of joy and appreciation when you interact.

The ‘sunshine smile’ analogy reflects the brightness and warmth that a heartfelt smile can illuminate, and the luck signifies the privilege one feels to be on its receiving end.

The imagery not only compliments their smile but also affirms that their smile has a positive and cheerful effect on you.

It’s essential to ensure that these words are not merely flattery but a true reflection of your feelings.

Authentic sentiments always strike a deeper chord.

Expressing your gratitude for their smile lets them know that not only their presence is cherished, but each gesture they make is also appreciated.

This disclosure of one’s feelings can make the other person feel special and valued.

The phrase also carries an undertone of affectionate humor, framing you as someone who looks at life through a romantic and playful lens, a trait most people find charming.

So when you claim that you feel ‘lucky’ to see their ‘sunshine smile,’ you subtly emphasize your fondness while acknowledging how they light up your day.

It establishes your emotional investment in the person’s mood and communicates your joy in their happiness.

Often, shared laughter and smiles become the best ice-breakers, paving the way for deeper connections.

By recognizing the value of their smile, you invite a potential bond based on shared mirth and mutual joy.

Remember, the goal of flirtation is not just to win over the person, but to create a bond enriched with charm, fondness, and shared happiness.

Having the right words to express those feelings becomes crucial, and saying something like “Feeling lucky to see your sunshine smile” can be just the perfect way to capture those emotions!

25. “The stars, but they can’t shine as you do.”

One of the many flirty ways to reply to ‘What’s Up’ is to use a beautiful analogy, just like comparing the person you’re attracted to with the stars in the sky.

The phrase “The stars, but they can’t shine as you do” is a clever and romantic response.

It implies that even though the stars are breathtaking, they pales in comparison to the individual you’re expressing your affection towards.

This response is not only charming, but also leaves a memorable impression.

Flirting can be subtle yet profound, as people find it endearing when someone can appreciate their qualities and express it in a unique manner.

It’s essential to convey your feelings with creativity and authenticity, which are both showcased in this response.

This answer is not a straightforward remark, but it carries an element of depth and sentiment, engaging the person and boosting their curiosity and interest.

Moreover, such comparison with celestial bodies generates a sense of awe and charm.

They are traditionally seen as majestic and unattainable, but you’re metaphorically bringing them within reach, thereby simulating a sort of fairy-tale romanticism.

This flirtatious comment hints at your admiration and fascination for them, which is likely to be pleasantly received.

The phrase “The stars, but they can’t shine as you do” is a clever and romantic response.

This response is not only charming, but also leaves a memorable impression.

The impact of this remark would undoubtedly be amplified by the ambience and context.

If it’s relatively dark and stars can be viewed, use this line to make the moment extra special.

You’re not just saying it for the sake of saying something flirtatious; you’re framing it within the real environment, making it more believable and impactful.

Moreover, a combination of descriptive language with sincere intentions often proves to be effective while flirting.

This approach allows you to articulate your thoughts into expressive words, touching people’s hearts in the process.

People usually enjoy being compared to beautiful, celestial bodies because the comparison is often associated with positivity and a sense of infinity, which makes them feel special.

Your remark not only elevates their mood but also captivates their attention, encouraging them to engage more with you.

The ability to make someone feel good about themselves is an integral part of successful flirting.

With this reply, you’re showing them that you’re interested and making an effort to flatter them at the same time.

How To Give Compliments To Your Partner

The video embedded in this section contains tips on how to compliment the person you’re interested in effectively.

It also provides different ways to express your feelings and make your conversations more captivating.

26. “Oh!

Just enjoying the view when you’re around.”

There’s something truly captivating about the presence of the person you’re flirting with.

It’s like they become the most attractive scene you’ve ever witnessed, and you cannot help but admire their every move and expression.

This is the essence of the 26th flirty response to ‘What’s Up?’ It’s all about expressing your admiration for their alluring presence and how much you enjoy being around them.

Saying, “Oh!

Just enjoying the view when you’re around,” projects two things.

Firstly, it shows how much you’re smitten by their charm and secondly, it subtly lets them know that they are the source of your happiness and interest at that moment.

Therefore, this response is crafted to let them know that they’re a sight to behold, worth all your attention and time.

When it comes to the element of flirtation, it’s essential to maintain a delicate balance between expressing your interest and not coming off as too intense or creepy.

Hence, using such a response projects your feelings without intimidating the other person.

It’s playful, fun, and not overly direct, which is a crucial aspect of effective flirting.

The beauty of this response is that it’s versatile.

It can be used in a variety of scenarios, whether you’re in a crowded party, a quiet cafe, or a virtual conversation.

The message will remain the same: you’re enjoying the view because they are in it.

This subtlety and versatility are what make this response so effective and appealing.

When you say, “Oh!

Just enjoying the view when you’re around,” not only are you complimenting their attractiveness, but you are also telling them that their presence adds value to your life.

How one interprets this compliment could vary greatly.

However, the majority would find it pleasing and flattering.

This is because it not only touches upon their physical attractiveness but also hints at their overall influence over your mood and surroundings.

This acknowledgement could go a long way in making them feel desirable and appreciated.

This response also allows you to gauge the other person’s reaction.

Based on how they respond, you may decide your next action.

If they seem surprised or delighted, you know your words have found their intended effect.

However, if they respond with discomfort or confusion, you can quickly change the topic without making things too awkward.

In essence, this response adds a little mystery and intrigue to the conversation, which can be quite engaging.

It pushes the conversation forward and opens doors to deeper connections.

It ignites a spark of curiosity in the other person, making them wonder what it is about them that has caught your attention.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting how this response can be certainly gratifying for you too.

The joy of making someone else feel good about themselves and lighting up their face with a smile is a reward in itself.

After all, the act of flirting, in its essence, should be mutually enjoyable.

In conclusion, this response is a charming way to appreciate someone’s presence and express your interest in them.

So, next time when asked ‘What’s Up?’, consider dropping this line and let the person know that they are, indeed, a pleasant view to relish.

But remember, while using this response, ensure it comes off as sincere and genuine, rather than just another flippant line.

27. “Looking forward to stealing your heart.”

Everyone loves a bit of flirty playful banter, and what better way to engage in such than with a unique and intriguing response to the simple question, ‘What’s up?’ Instead of the boring, monotonous replies about daily chores or routine tasks, how about putting a bit of spark in the conversation?

Number 27, “Looking forward to stealing your heart“, echoes a certain degree of flirtation and amusement that can brighten up both your moods.

Been eyeing someone special or deeply entranced by their charms?

Here’s your chance to give them a hint.

Imagine looking into their eyes and simply replying to their ‘What’s up?’ with a cheeky, “Looking forward to stealing your heart.”

There’s something incredibly endearing about a playful confession.

It shows you’re not just interested in their appearance, but you’re also intrigued by their personality and charisma.

Confidence is key here.

The more sure and charismatic you are in delivering this line, the more appealing it can seem.

Plus, it’s all in the name of good fun, right?

But there’s a balance to it.

Be careful not to overdo or be too pushy, as it might make the other person uncomfortable.

After all, the main aim is not just to steal their heart, but also to keep it.

How to Tell Him You Love Him (3 Special Ways to Steal His Heart)

One of the main aspects to remember while flirting is to be sensitive to the other person’s comfort level.

Flirting should be mutual and consensual.

Do watch the embedded video for some amazing tips which help you understand this better.

Moreover, it stresses on how you can tell the one you’re smitten with, that you love them.

A dash of mystery, a sprinkle of confidence and a whole lot of charm; that’s all it takes!

So the next time they ask, ‘What’s up,’ wink and say, “Just looking forward to stealing your heart” and watch their reaction!

Who knows, you might get a laugh, an intrigued look or even better, a flirty response!

No matter what, it will definitely make your conversation much more interesting and fun! And isn’t that what flirting is all about?

Most importantly, remember to be yourself and enjoy the ride!

After all, life is too short for boring conversations!

28. “Falling for someone adorable (Hint: It’s you).”

There are countless ways to flirt, each with their own charm and whimsy.

One of the most captivating is indicating your affection indirectly.

The line “Falling for someone adorable (Hint: It’s You)” does just this.

It artfully disguises the sentiment, adding an element of intrigue and curiosity.

One of the key factors that make this phrase such a powerful flirting tool is its ability to inject a playful tone into the exchange.

This phrase not just communicates attraction but does so in a teasing manner which adds to its allure.

The charm lies in its subtlety.

The choice of words in this phrase is also a major contributing factor.

‘Falling’ readily connotes the feeling of getting smitten, and when it’s paired with ‘someone adorable’, it certainly makes the person feel flattered.

Falling for someone adorable, when combined with the hint gives the sentiment a mysterious undertone, which is bound to capture the recipient’s attention immediately.

This particularly works well when the other person is either unaware of your feelings or is just getting familiarized with the idea of you both being more than just friends.

When used appropriately, this line can act as a pleasant surprise and push things further in a romantic direction.

In addition to the enticing playfulness, this line also gives the recipient a confidence boost.

The use of the term ‘adorable’ induces a glowing feeling, making this reply to ‘What’s Up’ a sentimental compliment.

Furthermore, it’s not direct, it invites the recipient to read between the lines.

This flirtatious phrase is a coded message, a secret shared only between you and the person you fancy.

Decoding this kind of hidden message can certainly spark an engaging exchange.

The beauty of this kind of flirting is how it invites reciprocation.

It gives the recipient the opportunity to respond in kind, either by playing along with the hint or playfully challenging it.

While this line is whimsical and subtle, care should be taken as to not to use it too early in the conversation or relationship.

Timing is everything.

Being too quick may come off as insincere, while waiting for the perfect moment can make the impact even greater.

Just like any form of communication, the success of this flirty method will depend largely on your ability to match it with the dynamics of your relationship.

It will make a difference how well you know each other, how often you converse, and how comfortable you both are with this type of verbal playfulness.

But with the right amount of finesse paired with accurate timing, “Falling for someone adorable (Hint: It’s you)”, can indeed be a master stroke in flirting.

Remember, successfully flirting fosters a sense of intimacy and encourages an environment where the feelings can naturally develop.

It becomes a dance of words, a melody of phrases, and a symphony of emotions, all aiming for the grand concert – a mutual love interest.

29. “Just waiting for you to come spice things up.”

When it comes to flirting, anticipation and the art of suspense can work wonders.

Quite often, it’s the subtle innuendos and the light-hearted teasing that makes your conversations engaging and interesting.

To reply to ‘what’s up’ in a flirty way, you might say, “Just waiting for you to come spice things up.”

This remark is intriguing and leaves your crush wondering about the possibility of a romantic encounter.

It lures them into a playful conversation, paving the way for deeper connection and interaction.

It’s not about being overly suggestive but showing your love interest that their presence brings excitement into your life.

Instead of a plain ‘nothing much’, this reply demonstrates that you’re looking forward to spending time with them, thereby introducing a sense of anticipation.

Flirting is all about playful banter and making the other person feel special.

By saying this, you’re indirectly expressing that their company adds excitement to your day.

This not only grabs their attention but also makes them curious to know more about your interests and how they can contribute to them.

Emphasising on the fact that they are a crucial element to your happiness stimulates a sense of importance and connection.

It showcases that they have the capacity to influence your mood positively.

It broadens the boundaries of the communication and offers an open invitation for them to dive into the conversation.

3 Ways to SPICE UP your SEX LIFE!

By watching the embedded video, you might gain insights into enhancing your communication skills and exploring the art of flirting.

The video also offers pointers on maintaining an interesting stream of conversation to keep your romantic interest engaged.

Remember, everyone loves a good teasing session! This flirty response to ‘what’s up’, conveys an active interest in your crush.

It shows a clear intention of wanting to take your relationship beyond casual talks.

So, next time you’re caught off guard with ‘what’s up’, remember this line.

Paired with the right body language and tone, it could be your key to winning your crush’s heart!

30. “Enjoying the meteor shower of your smiles.”

One of the most magical ways to articulate your feelings when someone inquires, ‘What’s up?’ is to answer, “Enjoying the meteor shower of your smiles.” This flirty response subtly conveys your fascination and admiration towards the other person’s smile and how it elates you, just like a meteor shower lightens up the dark sky.

By responding in such a way, you not only exhibit your eloquence but also express your attraction and affection in an enchanting manner.

The reference to a meteor shower captivates the other person’s imagination and conveys the depth of your feelings.

This flirty response subtly conveys your fascination and admiration towards the other person’s smile and how it elates you, just like a meteor shower lightens up the dark sky.

The ‘meteor shower’ comparison paints a romantic image, evoking feelings of awe and joy, comparable to the elation and beauty a real meteor shower brings.

It beautifully expresses how captivated you are by their smile, to the point where you consider it as mesmerizing and awe-inspiring as a spectacle of falling stars.

Moreover, it sends a clear message that their smile brightens up your world and fills your heart with happiness.

This not only underscores your fondness for their smile but also how their happiness — translated into smiles — embellishes your day.

Arousing the image of a meteor shower is suggestive of a cascade of smiles that you find endearing.

It implies that you eagerly await each smile from them, just as one waits for the next meteor during a shower.

The phrase ‘Enjoying the meteor shower of your smiles‘ is an example of a flirty response that carries a deeper weight.

It’s the equivalent of saying that you’re continually left in awe by their radiant and enchanting smiles.

Rather than just playing with words, this flirty statement portrays a poetic expression of your genuine feelings.

It communicates that their smile isn’t just a casual aspect for you, instead, it’s a beautiful event that you relish and cherish.

Each smile they flash is like a star shooting across the sky, enchanting, enticing, and bewitching you.

This bold statement makes it clear that you’re not into casual flirting but seeing the beauty in their happiness.

Complimenting a person’s smile is always a good start in flirting, as it’s tied to their happiness and positivity.

This unique and creative comment not only compliments their smile but also emphasizes how their simple act of smiling has a profound impact on you.

So, next time you’re stuck with the classic ‘What’s Up?’ question, you now have an interesting and poetic response up your sleeve.

Try it out and enjoy the consequent ‘meteor shower of smiles’ that you’re sure to receive.

Oozing the charm of a hopeless romantic, this flirty response will surely light up the other person’s face resulting in an actual ‘meteor shower of smiles’ from them.

The Bottom Line

Having encountered all these charming sentiments, it’s clear where the fascination lies.

It’s with that enchanting smile, those bewitching eyes, the incomparable charm and the captivating presence that makes the heart race.

It’s in the magic of the moment when someone adorable walks in, spicing things up, stealing glances, and raising the temperature.

The ongoing aspiration to match the said level of cuteness or charm is a testament to the magnetic appeal experienced.

As subtle attempts to steal hearts are made, feelings are caught, making every encounter feel like witnessing a meteor shower of smiles.

Undeniably, the irresistible allure is far more dazzling than the stars and brighter than the sky itself.

No longer just surviving but truly living, full of anticipation for the next date, the next witty comment, the next look into those enchanting eyes.

Unabashedly falling, unabashedly mesmerized, and unabashedly enchanted.

With all glorious things to observe, it remains apparent, none can outshine the individual in question.