11 Signs Your Sister In Law Is Jealous of You

Navigating familial relationships can often prove to be a complex endeavor, especially when it involves your spouse’s family.

Feelings of jealousy can arise within these relationships due to a multitude of reasons.

Specifically, tension fueled by jealousy from a sister-in-law can disrupt the harmony in familial bonds.

By recognizing the early signs, you can address and mitigate such issues effectively.

This article seeks to help you identify and understand the possible indications of envy exhibited by a sister-in-law.

With this understanding, it’s possible to strategize the best approach ensuring peace and goodwill in your family.

Signs Your Sister In Law Is Jealous Of You

1. She frequently criticizes your lifestyle choices.

When jealousy becomes a factor within a sister-in-law relationship, you may notice the increasing presence of criticism.

She might frequently target the way you choose to live your life, criticising your lifestyle choices, from the smallest things, such as your dietary habits, to more significant ones, like your career or partner choice.

Comparatively trivial aspects, such as your fashion sense, hobbies, or even the way you choose to spend your free time, could be met with overtly negative feedback.

This criticism is often unconstructive and merely serves as a way for her to express her own insecurities and jealousies.

“When a sister-in-law is fuelled by jealousy, her criticism often becomes excessively harsh and illogical.

Consequently, it can disrupt harmonious relationships and create an uncomfortable family dynamic.”

At the crux of this issue is typically an internal struggle within your sister-in-law herself.

She may be battling feelings of inadequacy or envy, leading her to project these insecurities outwardly onto you.

In most instances, her criticisms have less to do with you and more to do with her own self-esteem issues.

She could use this as a mechanism to downplay your achievements, edging herself closer to the satisfaction stemming from her perceived superiority.

It’s necessary to approach these situations with understanding and remind yourself that these are often signs of her own personal issues.

Nevertheless, this incessant negativity can be draining and difficult to deal with.

Understanding this need for superiority can go a long way in helping comprehend her actions.

Nevertheless, the bitter taste of constant criticism can make it quite difficult to cultivate a healthy relationship with your sister-in-law.

Every individual is different, hence dealing with these situations requires patience and maturity.

You shouldn’t have to justify your lifestyle choices or tolerate constant negativity.

10 Signs Your Friend Is Fake or Jealous Of You (Part 1)

Watching this video might provide you with insight and advice on dealing with someone who exhibits signs of jealousy or hostility towards you.

Furthermore, it may provide helpful guidance on how to effectively manage these difficult and complex relationships.

Dealing with a jealous sister-in-law can be a harrowing ordeal, especially when you’re unsure of how to navigate the situation.

It can be all the more challenging if this jealousy escalates to manipulative behaviour or intentional exclusion from family gatherings.

Remember, your foremost responsibility is your mental wellbeing.

It’s absolutely permissible to create boundaries and restrict engagement if it causes discomfort or distress.

In the end, everyone seeks peace and tranquillity within their family dynamics, and it’s important to ensure your happiness isn’t compromised due to another’s issues.

2. Copies your fashion or home decorating style.

A strong indication that your sister-in-law might be jealous is when she begins to mimic or copy your fashion style or home decorating preferences.

This doesn’t mean that she simply likes your taste; it could mean much more than that.

While it’s true that imitation can be a form of flattery, in this context, it may also be an indication of covetousness.

It’s crucial to distinguish between pure admiration and the desire to outdo you whenever possible.

Your sister-in-law’s need to imitate could arise from her desire of possessing aspects of your life that she admires or, possibly, envies.

It is this envy that fuels her to mimic your style rather than adopt one of her own.

This is to suggest that if she continuously immerses herself in your lifestyle choices, striving to turn them into her own, it may be an indication of underlying jealousy.

In supporting this fact, her wish to outdo or compete with you could naturally manifest itself through her attempts to mimic your fashion style and home décor.

She yearns to attain whatever you possess, to potentially move up in social status or simply to gain admiration from others.

You might notice that she purchases the same clothing or decorative items you recently acquired.

Or perhaps she’ll start using the same brands as you do, particularly if you have discussed how satisfied you are with them.

If you notice her frequently copying your style, particularly shortly after you’ve made a change or significant purchase, you should be aware.

This behavior goes beyond simple admiration and ventures into the territory of jealousy – especially if it’s a consistent pattern.

Moreover, it would help if you were particularly observant when it comes to her reactions about your style choices.

Is she complimentary, or does she seem to be subtly competitive?

Observe the patterns and it might reveal a lot more about her emotions towards you.

Of course, everyone has the right to be inspired by others’ style and taste, but imitating every single thing is a different story altogether.

It reeks of an unhealthy obsession and might point to deeper issues, such as jealousy or insecurity.

In conclusion, your sister-in-law copying your fashion style or home decorating style is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, if it’s coupled with negative comments and the need always to copy or compete with you, then jealousy might be at its core.

Be on guard and observe her actions closely.

3. Rarely makes positive comments about your achievements.

Whenever you share some news of your achievements, you might have noticed that your sister-in-law rarely makes positive comments on them.

This could imply that she is not genuinely happy for you and might be an indication of her jealousy.

Even if she does congratulate you, her comments might be filled with subtlety incisive remarks or unnecessary comparisons, aligning with the trend of downplaying your achievements.

In the midst of the celebration, you could be left feeling a sour taste due to her lack of positive acknowledgement.

Her silent treatment or inability to rejoice at your success might be a sign of envy corroding her happiness for you.

This behavior can be more conspicuous if she’s extremely vocal and supportive in circumstances not directly connected to your achievements.

A crucial thing to remember here is that everyone reacts to success in different ways and sometimes people struggle to show genuine happiness, especially if they are grappling with their own issues.

However, if this behavior is becoming a consistent pattern, it is plausible that she might be dealing with feelings of jealousy.

Jealousy, more often than not, stems from a feeling of inadequacy or insecurity, which could be a possibility in your sister-in-law’s case too.

If she continually negates your accomplishments, it might be due to her own feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

It’s important to differentiate between her belittling your achievements out of jealousy, or just having a judgmental nature.

By keen observation over time, you can distinguish if the negativity is primarily targeted towards you, giving you a better idea about her emotions.

If you find yourself constantly rationalizing her negativity or if it’s affecting your mental health, it might be time to address the issue directly.


The video shared above sheds light on how successful people deal with toxic relationships, which might help you navigate your relationship with your sister-in-law.

It provides practical advice on how to deal with people who are not supportive of your success, and might equip you with strategies to manage such situations.

4. Constantly compares herself to you

The act of constant comparison is a manifestation of jealousy that not only affects relationships but also fosters an environment of competition and bitterness.

If your sister-in-law is always comparing herself to you, it’s a clear sign that she feels inferior or is struggling with jealousy.

These comparisons can come in various forms such as physical appearances, career achievements, or even domestic successes.

She may constantly point out how your kids are doing in school or make remarks about your housekeeping skills.

Just remember, such comments aren’t about you; they’re a reflection of her insecurities.

You might also find your sister-in-law copying you in unexpected ways.

This might include adopting your clothing style, buying similar home décor, or trying to match your lifestyle.

While it’s flattering to serve as an inspiration to someone, constant imitation is an indication of a deep-rooted competition or jealousy.

This behavior speaks about her desire to be you or at least be perceived as better than you which is a common trait found in jealous individuals.

The problem arises when these comparisons are not healthy but are made to compete or belittle you.

It might be difficult to handle such a situation, as it can lead to feelings of discomfort and angst.

But remember, it’s important not to fuel this negative energy by engaging in the same competitive behavior.

Rise above these immature actions by focusing on your own growth and not letting her bitter words affect your peace of mind.

It’s important to set your boundaries and never let her negativity affect your self-esteem.

One way to do this is to avoid responding to her comparisons.

This doesn’t mean you have to totally ignore her, but simply just not engage in her attempts to start a competition.

However, sometimes it becomes necessary to address the matter head-on.

If left undealt, this behavior might escalate, affecting your relationship with other family members too.

Thus, discussing with her how her constant comparisons are not healthy perhaps might bring about a change.

If talking to her doesn’t work, seeking the help of a third party such as a family elder or a therapist might be necessary.

Remember, it’s a tough situation to be in but you’re not alone.

Many people are coping with jealous relatives.

Therefore, it becomes crucial to handle such situations with grace, maturity, and understanding.

Careful and considerate communication can go a long way in rectifying the situation and gradually bringing about a positive change.

In conclusion, constant comparisons aren’t just annoying.

They’re signs of a deeper issue – jealousy.

By recognizing these signs early, you can take the necessary steps to handle the situation and maintain a healthy relationship devoid of negativity and competition.

5. Tries to one-up your stories or experiences.

If your sister-in-law is constantly trying to one-up your stories or experiences, this could be a sign of her jealousy.

For instance, if you share an accomplishment or an exciting experience, she may immediately reciprocate with a tale of her own that she believes to be superior or more interesting.

This immense need to consistently outshine you is likely rooted in her jealousy, as she’s either consciously or subconsciously competing with you.

This video provides some insight into how to handle such situations.

It presents strategies to maintain your composure and not let this overshadowing behavior bother you.

This form of competition is often subtle – she may wait until others are present before indulging in her comparative narratives, so that she garners the most attention and admiration.

She may not even realize she’s acting this way, as jealousy can often prompt individuals to act uncharacteristically without noticing.

This behavior, while frustrating, is actually indicative of her own insecurities and not reflective of any shortcomings on your part.

It is essential to keep this in mind and not let her negative actions impact your self-esteem.

Handling this can be tricky – it’s often a good idea to demonstrate empathy and try to understand her perspective, besides focusing on maintaining a positive interaction.

However, it is important to establish your boundaries and not allow your sister-in-law’s constant need to one-up you to overshadow your stories and experiences.

Ultimately, this excessive competition can strain the relationship, making it tumultuous.

Therefore, it is necessary to engage in a conversation about her behavior – although such a discussion may be uncomfortable, acknowledging the problem is the first step towards resolving it.

It’s crucial to remember that her jealousy isn’t a reflection of your worth but a symptom of her personal insecurities or struggles.

Attempting to ignore or grin and bear it may not always be the optimum solution.

Although it might be challenging, addressing the issue could lead to a healthier and more understanding relationship between you and your sister-in-law.

6. Neglects to invite you to family events.

One significant sign that your sister-in-law might be jealous of you is if she often forgets or neglects to invite you to family events.

You may notice that she seems to have an established pattern of excluding you from family gatherings, dinners, and even smaller-scale, intimate events.

When she consistently shows such behavior and also doesn’t provide any reasonable explanation for your omission, this might be indicative of jealousy.

If your sister-in-law happened to overlook inviting you once or twice due to genuine forgetfulness or confusion, it would be forgivable.

However, persistent non-invitations could be a giveaway sign of her jealousy and ill feelings towards you.

This act of exclusion could be a means to assert her dominance, diminish your importance in the family, or simply satisfy her jealous inclinations.

When she finds joy in your absence and disconcertment, it shows an underlying desire to hurt you or make you feel insignificant.

Similarly, she could perceive your absence as her opportunity to paint a negative image of you within the family.

Moreover, by not inviting you to family events, she attempts to separate you from the family or keep you at arm’s length to maintain her control and visibility.

It is crucial to note that a family is usually an individual’s immediate social circle, and the sense of belonging within this circle contributes fundamentally to one’s identity and happiness.

When you are excluded from it, your sister-in-law aims to cause emotional distress.

She might also exaggerate or fabricate reasons for your absence at family events, further solidifying her attempts to badmouth you or tarnish your image among other family members.

This harmful behavior is not only an expression of her jealousy but also her desire to sow discord and damage your relationship with the rest of the family.

If there is a recurring pattern of exclusion and fake apologies for forgetfulness, it is an alarm bell ringing loudly of her jealousy.

Therefore, it’s important to keep communication open with other family members and express your feelings about the issue.

You might find that they are unaware of your sister-in-law’s actions and once aware, they can help mitigate the situation.

Recognizing these signs within the family dynamics can effectively help you navigate the turbulent waters of your sister-in-law’s jealousy.

Understandably, these situations can be distressing, but it is vital to address them with empathy and patience.

In conclusion, when your sister in law frequently neglects to invite you to family events, it can very well be a potent sign of her jealousy and antagonistic feelings towards you.

7. Downplays Significant Events in Your Life

One of the most telling signs your sister-in-law is jealous of you is if she constantly downplays significant events in your life.

This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as dismissing your achievements or expressing little to no interest in your important life milestones.

She may make negative or minimizing comments about your wedding, job promotions, or other achievements, in an attempt to make herself feel superior or level the playing field.

She might even subtly imply that your successes are not as noteworthy or impressive as they truly are.

For example, if you share the news of a big promotion at work, instead of celebrating your success, she might shrug it off and say something like, “Well, anyone can get a promotion if they work long enough.”

This type of reaction is not only hurtful, but it’s also a clear sign of envy.

It suggests she is unable or unwilling to celebrate your accomplishments because they make her feel less successful by comparison.

Her inability to share in your happiness speaks volumes about her feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.

Her behavior may often come across as condescending or passive-aggressive.

Over time, these downplayed reactions and comments can take a toll on your relationship, causing unnecessary stress and tension.

In some instances, she might even refuse to acknowledge or discuss these significant events, choosing instead to change the topic or focus the conversation on herself.

It’s important to not let your sister-in-law’s jealousy affect how you perceive your accomplishments.

Remember that your successes are worth celebrating, no matter how she may try to diminish them.

Even more so, don’t allow her reactions to discourage you or make you feel less proud of your achievements.

Instead, surround yourself with positive influencers who uplift and celebrate your successes.

Never Let Anyone Downplay Your Success

This insightful video could help you understand better why some people, including your sister-in-law, may tend to downplay your accomplishments.

Moreover, viewing the video might provide you with useful strategies on how to deal with such negativity and continue to appreciate your own success.

8. She seems overjoyed at your failures

If one of the clear indications that your sister-in-law is jealous of you is her seeming delight when things don’t go your way.

Her joy should be a cause for concern, especially when it becomes evident in situations where you are down or upset.

Their blatant joy in your misfortune is one way your sister-in-law might express jealousy.

They may be giddy with schadenfreude, a German term for taking pleasure in someone else’s pain.

When you face a setback, perhaps at work, instead of comfort or encouragement, they may express a surprisingly joyful aura.

One easily noticeable sign is her overly enthusiastic response to your disappointments or missteps.

This response can manifest in various behaviors, such as laughing, smiling, or making sarcastic remarks.

Overall, they may act more positively and cheerfully when you are not doing well.

These reactions are quite different from the empathy, sympathy or supportive sentiments one would expect from a family member.

Furthermore, a jealousy-driven sister-in-law can use your failures as opportunities to showcase their virtues or achievements.

They may make it a point to tell you how they would have handled the situation better.

They might also use your failures to derive a sense of self-validation.

Essentially, they can get a boost in self-esteem from seeing you falter, then using your struggles to feel better about themselves.

In addition, another common behavior could involve them spreading the news of your setbacks within your social circles.

They may feign concern to family or mutual friends, when in reality they are trying to project an image of you failing or struggling.

It is important to note that while this behavior is hurtful and can cause relationship strains, it ultimately stems from your sister-in-law’s insecurities and feelings of inadequacy.

She might use your failures as a way to fill the void she is feeling about her own life or to divert herself from her own problems.

If this behavior pattern persists, it’s essential to address the matter before it disrupts family dynamics.

This could entail setting boundaries, having honest conversations about how their behavior affects you, or seeking advice from a family therapist.

Dealing with a jealous sister-in-law can be intricate and emotionally exhausting.

Remember, it’s important not to react impulsively, but rather, handle the situation with empathy and poise.

9. Often Gives You Backhanded Compliments.

One recurring sign of a jealous sister-in-law is the tendency to give backhanded compliments.

This could mean complimenting you about something while sneakily slipping an insult or a snide remark in the same breath.

For instance, she could possibly say something like, ‘I admire how you never seem to care about what others think, even if it means going outside with your hair looking like a bird’s nest.’

This sort of comment contains a veneer of praise that disguises a direct insult.

While they appear harmless on the surface, backhanded compliments are intended to do one thing – undercut your self-esteem and belittle your accomplishments.

If you constantly receive these types of compliments from your sister-in-law, it’s likely that she harbors feelings of jealousy and resentment towards you.

It’s easier for her to mask her true feelings by couching her insults in the form of what appears to be praise.

Her jealousy might lead her to use these compliments as a tactical tool to express her resentment without openly causing conflict.

This strategy enables her to appear innocent and possibly retrieve her words if confronted, claiming that her intentions were misinterpreted.

She’ll argue that she was “just joking,” thus allowing her to avoid acknowledging her jealousy and negative sentiments towards you.

Understanding and recognising these tactics can help you navigate such challenging situations more effectively.

🗨 How to Respond to Backhanded Compliments & how to handle insults at Work | communication skills

This video will shed light on how to identify and respond to backhanded compliments and insults in an appropriate manner.

Mastering these communication skills can give you an assertive upper-hand in situations involving passive-aggressive behaviors from your sister-in-law.

10. Excessive probing into your personal life.

In this regard, a sister-in-law displaying signs of jealousy tends to probe too excessively into your personal life, often beyond the boundaries of normal curiosity or concern.

She might repeatedly and persistently ask you detailed questions about your lifestyle, career, relationships, and even your finances.

This unhealthy curiosity is not driven by genuine interest or care for your wellbeing.

She could, for instance, want to know about your marital life, your children’s schools and performance, or how much you earn.

This can be a painful invasion of your privacy and even lead you to feel like you’re constantly under some microscope.

However, what stands out the most is not only an outright nosiness but also a seeming delight in discovering any problems or difficulties you might be facing.

This could manifest in her asking leading questions or attempting to ‘catch you out’ in showing any signs of struggle or unhappiness.

Such behavior is undoubtedly harmful emotionally as it can lead to feelings of resentment and mistrust.

The constant scrutinizing can potentially damage your relationship and cause isolation.

What’s more, it’s unhealthy for her too as she lives her life in a way that’s more focused on you rather than focusing on her own growth and development.

Another sign that she’s excessively probing into your personal life is her sincerity when asking about your life experiences.

Often, you’ll notice that a jealous sister-in-law isn’t actually interested in your responses and solves no purpose other than to satisfy her envy and insecurity.

She’s just checking in to ensure she remains superior or to find faults or failures in your life that make her feel better about her own.

Realizing this can be distressing but remember to maintain a level of control and decide how much you’re comfortable sharing, putting boundaries in place as necessary.

Eventually, by addressing the issue, you might be able to resolve any possible misunderstandings and improve the relationship with your sister-in-law.

However, it’s crucial to remain aware of such behavior and take appropriate steps to protect your personal life.

11. Tries to outdo you in gift giving

The act of gift-giving is typically a positive expression of love and friendship; but when your sister-in-law constantly attempts to outdo you with every gift she gives, it may be a sign of an underlying issue of jealousy.

Competition is natural in any relationship; however, when it comes to gift-giving, it should be about the sentiment rather than the value of the gift.

Often this competitive behaviour stems from the person’s need to prove their worth or feel superior.

This could escalate during festivities such as birthdays, Christmas or any other gift-giving occasion where your sister-in-law may initiate a constant struggle to give the most impressive gift.

When gift-giving turns into a full-blown competition instead of an act of love, genuine joy can easily dissolve into points of contention.

This may feel exhausting and complicated, making these special occasions feel less enjoyable than they should be.

It’s not uncommon for those who feel insecure or jealous to use these situations as a platform to show off or make themselves feel better.

If you notice your sister-in-law always tries to give more expensive gifts, or ones that overshadow yours, it’s likely she’s attempting to assert herself and feed her ego.

Rather than responding to this jealousy-induced competition, it might be more beneficial to address the issue directly with her, or to find ways to detach yourself from the unspoken contest.

Perhaps in private discussions, ensure that she understands the idea behind your gifts and that they’re given out of love and not to create a rivalry.

If she continues in this pattern, it could be a sign that she’s dealing with internal issues of insecurity and jealousy which she needs to address.

The ultimate goal should be to maintain peace and warmth within the family, avoiding letting these situations spark tension or disagreements.


In the provided video, you will find insights into handling jealousy and competitiveness among friends, which can be applicable to family relationships as well.

You will learn different methods on how to deal with these emotions in a productive and healthy manner.

The Bottom Line

Derived from these indicators, it is evident that living under persistent scrutiny, negative criticism, or an atmosphere of competition can be mentally and emotionally draining.

If you find the person in question constantly critical of your lifestyle choices, trying to overshadow your accomplishments, showing signs of jealousy, or taking interest in your personal life moreso than required, it may be a sign that she is feeling envious of you.

They might downplay your significant events, get pleasure from your misfortunes, and attempt to imitate your style or surpass you in areas such as gift giving.

Remember, it’s essential to communicate your feelings in a healthy manner, and sometimes, maintaining distance could be the key to preserving your peace of mind and emotional well-being.