15 Signs Your Girlfriend is Lying to You

Trust and honesty are vital cornerstones of every relationship.

However, suspicions might occur sometimes and may cause you doubt.

Is she being completely honest, or is she concealing something?

Identifying deceit can be tricky, especially in emotional circumstances.

This article is designed to help you navigate such a difficult situation.

We will explore various indicators that might suggest your partner is not being entirely truthful.

Signs Your Girlfriend Is Lying To You

1. Avoids direct eye contact during conversations

Eye contact is one of the most powerful and direct forms of communication between two people.

When someone is lying, they often avoid making direct eye contact, as doing so might inadvertently reveal their deception.

A person’s inability to maintain eye contact during a conversation might be due to many reasons beyond lying, such as shyness, embarrassment, or cultural norms.

Still, it’s worth noting that avoiding eye contact is a common telltale sign of dishonesty.

Experts suggest that when a person is lying, their eyes may wander or they may blink more often than normal.

This behavior is generally believed to be the body’s way of coping with the stress and cognitive load that comes with the act of lying.

Therefore, this sign should not be singled out as a determinant of lying.

Instead, it should be interpreted alongside other possible signs of deception that may be present.

When your girlfriend begins to avoid eye contact during your conversations, it’s possible that something fishy is going on.

This may not always indicate that she is lying, but if this behavior is out of character for her, it’s worth investigating further.

Addressing unusual shifts in behavior is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship.

An open and candid discussion may reveal more about the situation than her body language alone.

Communication is key in identifying and resolving potential issues.

It’s also crucial to remember that determining if someone is lying isn’t solely about interpreting individual signs in isolation.

Instead, propose a holistic approach to the situation, considering various factors such as personality traits, context, and relationship history.

You are encouraged to learn more about nonverbal communication and its role in identifying dishonesty.

Below is a useful resource for you.

14 Body Language Signs Someone Is Lying to You (Nonverbals)

By watching the embedded video, you will gain a more comprehensive understanding of body language signs that indicate deceit.

You will learn to interpret nonverbal cues, which can be quite subtle yet revealing, aiding you in discerning the truth in complex situations.

Remember, however, body language is just one aspect to consider.

It’s vital not to jump to conclusions based solely on these signs.

Paying attention to behavioral patterns in conjunction with effective and open communication can help maintain trust and resolve potential issues in your relationship.

2. Continually changes her story.

A common sign that your girlfriend may be lying to you is if she constantly changes the details of her stories.

One minute she may say that she was at a certain place at a specific time, and the next, she completely alters her story.

This could be an indication that there’s something she doesn’t want you to know.

It’s crucial to note that changes in a story don’t always mean she’s lying.

Remember, humans are naturally prone to forgetting details or getting things mixed up.

However, if the change happens repeatedly and crosses logical boundaries, it could be a sign of deceit.

For instance, if she initially told you she spent her entire Saturday working but later mentions a movie she saw that same day, that’s a major inconsistency.

You should start questioning the veracity of her stories when there are continual inconsistencies.

This holds especially true if her altering narratives always take place after she’s faced with some form of evidence or contradiction.

Another thing to look out for is if the alterations are in favour of her actions or motives.

This could be a sign of lying because people usually lie to make themselves look better or to avoid problems.

Take note of these inconsistencies, but be careful not to accuse her straight away.

Accusing her without concrete evidence could lead to unnecessary fights and may cause more harm than good in your relationship.

Such snap judgments could also make you lose her trust, which would make it even harder for her to be open with you in the future.

A good thing to do when you notice these alterations is to talk it out with her first.

Ask her why she changes her story, and express your feelings about it.

It’s important to communicate in a relationship, as it prevents misunderstandings and helps to build trust.

3. Shows signs of nervous body language.

The human body can reveal more than words sometimes.

Increased nervousness in the body language of your girlfriend can be a potential sign that she might be lying.

Signs such as fidgeting, poor eye contact, touching face, pacing around, or shallow breathing can reveal a hidden truth.

These signs do not necessarily affirm that your partner is keeping something from you.

But sudden changes in body language might indicate discomfort which could be a result of deceit.

To identify these signs accurately, you must be familiar with your significant other’s usual way of expressing herself physically.

When she behaves in a way that’s atypical of her regular behavioral pattern, you must be alert.

Deviation from regular behavior isn’t always down to lying, but it’s always worth keeping an open mind about what it could mean.

Understanding body language can thus be beneficial.

Gather knowledge about subconscious actions.

Those little habits that people fall into when they’re concealing the truth.

Watching their body language can be as telling as listening to their stories.

It is often involuntary hence more reliable at times.

It is important to note that you should not jump to conclusions based only on skeptical body language.

Conversation and honest communication is key in understanding the situation.

These signs are not foolproof.

But their understanding can enhance your relational communication.

To get more insights about understanding body language signs, watching the following video can be helpful.

12 Signs of Nervous Body Language

By carefully observing the lessons in the video, you’ll have a better understanding about body language and how to spot the signs of nervousness.

It’s always good to keep in mind that these signs do not solely indicate dishonesty.

But they can certainly act as a catalyst for a conversation that might need to happen.

4. Frequently Breaks Promises or Commitments

Establishing trust within a relationship is built on honesty and reliability.

So when your girlfriend continually breaks promises or commitments, it can put that hard-earned trust to the test.

It’s essential to take into account that people can get busy or forget things occasionally, but it becomes concerning when this behavior turns into a pattern.

Once promise-breaking becomes frequent, it may be a signal that your girlfriend is not being truthful.

And it’s not just about broken promises or cancelled dates.

It could also involve her failing to uphold her end of a shared responsibility, or not keeping her word on small, seemingly insignificant matters.

These little inconsistencies and disappointments can gradually add up, suggesting a deeper problem: lack of integrity.

Take into consideration how she explains these broken promises.

Does she apologize and offer a reasonable explanation, or does she brush it off trivially?

If it’s the former, it might just be a case of poor planning or consideration.

But if it’s the latter, it could reflect a more rooted problem around honesty.

Note also how she reacts when you bring up these unfulfilled promises.

Does she take it seriously and try to make it up to you, or does she get defensive and blames you for being overly sensitive?

Her reaction has a lot to say about her willingness to mend the situation and remain truthful in the relationship.

This pattern of continually not meeting her commitments doesn’t only put stress on the trust you have built over time, but potentially indicates deeper issues regarding honesty in your relationship.

Your instinct might be correct in doubting the truthfulness of her actions.

Remember, not all these signs necessarily mean your girlfriend is lying to you, they’re just signals you should take note of.

Monitor these behaviours and assess whether they form a pattern or a one-time event before jumping into conclusions.

Don’t let these signs cloud your judgement or define your whole relationship.

It’s always best to communicate your concerns openly to your partner first, before anything else.

5. Is defensive when you ask questions

It’s common to expect a certain level of transparency in a relationship.

However, if your partner becomes defensive every time you ask a simple question, there might be a reason for concern.

Defensiveness can be a red flag that your partner is hiding something from you.

It might mean she is trying to keep the situation under her control rather than allowing an open discussion.

Furthermore, when confronted about her actions or words, if she reacts with hostility and attempts to transfer the blame onto you, this could be a strategic move to deflect attention away from her lies.

When a person is telling the truth, they would have no reason to be defensive.

They would typically be open to sharing information and clarifying any misunderstandings.

However, exaggerated defensiveness is common among people who lie because they fear being caught.

Defensiveness can manifest in various ways.

For example, she might dismiss your concerns, act offended, or offer long, complex explanations for simple questions.

Frequently responding with counter-questions is another tactic used to avoid giving a straight answer.

Defensiveness: Psychology Behind Defensive Behavior

In the video, experts detail the psychology behind defensive behavior and why it’s a potential indicator of dishonesty.

You would understand how to notice defensiveness in a person’s behavior and how to correctly interpret this sign.

If you notice your girlfriend resorting to defensive behavior more often than not, remember not to jump to conclusions immediately.

There might be other reasons she is acting defensively, like feeling insecure or under stress.

While their defensiveness is not certain proof of deceit, it’s essential to communicate your concerns openly to your partner.

However, if her defensiveness is accompanied by some of the other signs mentioned in this list, it increases the chance that she might be lying to you.

Remember, trust is the cornerstone of every successful relationship.

If you’re constantly left feeling doubtful or suspicious, it can strain the relationship and cause emotional distress for both you and your partner.

Through honest communication and understanding, however, such issues can be resolved, and trust gets restored.

Identifying signs of lying and deception is the first step towards tackling the issue.

Recognition can help prompt a discussion and start the journey towards a more honest and open relationship.

6. Doesn’t Give Details in Her Stories

One sign your girlfriend might be lying to you is that she doesn’t provide specific details in her stories or explanations.

Keep in mind that the level of detail you’ve come to expect from her can be considered her ‘baseline behavior’.

When she strays from this baseline and her stories start to become vague or lack specifics, it could be an indication that she’s not being truthful.

However, remember that people do sometimes forget details or might omit them if they think they’re not important.

The key thing to look for is a pattern of omitting details, particularly in situations where you’d usually expect more information.

An unexpected change in the level of detail she provides can serve as a strong cue of deception.

This cue is based on well-researched psychological principles.

Some theories suggest that liars tend to provide fewer details to avoid being caught in their lies, while others believe this behavior stems from the cognitive load of lying – that is, the mental effort it takes to fabricate and maintain a lie.

Regardless of the reason, the absence of specifics in her stories could be a sign that she’s not being entirely honest with you.

At the same time, it’s important not to jump to conclusions based on this sign alone.

Lack of detail could also be due to general forgetfulness, fatigue, or other non-malicious reasons.

‘When in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask for more information.

If she continues to evade specifics or deflects your questions, it may be time to have a serious conversation about honesty and trust within your relationship.

Ultimately, trust is built on honest communication – and that includes the little details.

Remember to approach the situation in a non-accusatory manner, keeping the lines of communication open and understanding that we all have moments when we might be less than forthcoming.

By showing empathy and willingness to understand, you stand a better chance of getting to the truth of the matter.

7. She seems distracted or distant.

An observant partner can likely detect when their girlfriend is subtly displaying signs that she is distracted or distant.

Small changes in behavior can reveal significant clues regarding her honesty in the relationship.

The effort she puts into the conversation might diminish, her attention span may drop, and she might seem as if she’s mentally present elsewhere.

This underlying diversion, which seeps into the conversations and interactions, can potentially indicate deception.

She might struggle to maintain the flow of a conversation due to a subconscious effort to fabricate her narrative.

The sparkling depth of her eyes, which used to reflect her genuine feelings, may now merely only flicker with an ambiguous hollowness.

What was once filled with enthusiasm and interest has now become just an act of obligation.

She might be showing symptoms of an indecipherable angst or unease that she used to formerly shield.

While it’s understandable not everyone is chatty or expressive all the time, consistent episodes of such behavior may hint at something concealed.

It’s vital not to jump to conclusions, but, alternatively, approach her transparently about your worries without blaming or belittling her.

Remember, open communication in a sensitive, sensible manner can genuinely help in understanding the other person’s perspective better.

Given the delicate nature of suspecting dishonesty in a relationship, it could be useful to delve deeper into the understanding of human emotions and body language on a surface level.

How to Catch a LIAR! Learn Expert Lie Detection/Body Language Reading!

Watching this embedded video might give a unique insight into the science of like detection and how subtle changes in body language can be analyzed to discern truth from falsehood.

It combines research, observations, and expert analysis to help viewers understand how to catch a liar.

8. Unexplained time gaps or whereabouts

Unexplained time gaps or whereabouts is a potential sign of dishonesty in your relationship with your girlfriend.

It’s normal for people to have their own space and time, but if your girlfriend starts to have unexplained absences or is vague about where she’s been, it could be an indication that she’s not being truthful.

She might often tell you, I’ve been out, or I had things to do, without giving any specific details about her activities or the people she was with.

Consistently looking for excuses to avoid answering you when you ask her about her whereabouts also can be a red flag.

This could be even more concerning if these unexplained time gaps start to interfere with plans you’ve made together, or if they began occurring suddenly or more frequently than before.

Such changes in her routine can suggest she could be hiding something from you.

Dishonesty can manifest in lack of transparency about where and with whom she spends her time.

For instance, she might suddenly start going out more frequently with ‘friends,’ but is reluctant to tell you who these friends are.

She may also go to lengths to avoid you bumping into her when she’s out, which is a clear indication that she’s not being honest about her time or company.

Remember, these are possibilities and not absolute signs of deceit.

Every relationship, every individual, and every situation is unique, hence multiple factors can contribute to these behaviors.

However, it’s crucial to approach the situation with sensitivity and open-mindedness to determine the real issue effectively.

Communication is key, and it’s important for you to address your concerns and feelings with your girlfriend, rather than jumping to conclusions based solely on unexplained time gaps.

Try to avoid being accusatory but, instead, express your worries and ask for her to clarify things for you.

Understanding and trust should be the foundation of any healthy relationship.

9. Overuse of affirmations, e.g., I swear.

When it comes to assessing the truth in your girlfriend’s statements, it’s important to watch out for overuse of affirmations such as, I swear.

This is a often a red flag that signals dishonesty or concealment of truth in a conversation.

Most genuine, honest people don’t feel the need to attach affirmations to their every statement as their words, actions, and intentions naturally align.

Thus, when your girlfriend is repeatedly using phrases like, I swear or believe me, it can often indicate that she is not being truthful.

Continual use of affirmations is a way of overcompensating, trying to make you believe her words, even when she herself knows they are not the truth.

Therefore, an increased use of affirmations can be a clear sign of lying or hiding something.

This is not a hard and fast rule, but it is a commonly observed behavior in people attempting to deceive others.

Of course, there could also be other reasons for excessive use of affirmation, like anxiety or nervousness.

However, coupled with other signs of dishonesty, it is a strong indicator that not everything she is telling you is the truth.

To understand this better, let us give it a thought.

Why would someone who is telling the truth feel the need to constantly remind others to trust them or to believe them?

Generally, the truth should be able to stand on its own without the need for such affirmations.

In other words, if she were being truthful, the truth of her words would be self-evident.

Moreover, the overuse of affirmations itself often undermines the credibility of the information being shared.

Now, affirmations always don’t mean lying, but when used excessively, it’s time to carefully assess the situation and consider any other signs that she might be lying to you.

The language of lying — Noah Zandan

In this video, you’ll get insights into signs of lying and how to detect deception in verbal communication.

Moreover, it will help you understand the psychology behind lying and why some people tend to overuse affirmations while lying.

10. Her reaction seems rehearsed or pitchy

One of the less conspicuous, yet significant signs your girlfriend might be lying to you is if her reaction to certain situations or questions seems rehearsed or pitchy.

This is a fine grey area that might not strike you immediately as a red flag, but your subconscious picks up on it.

A sincere reaction to a surprise or unexpected news is usually spontaneous and unfiltered.

It indirectly reflects the authenticity of the person’s emotions.

On the contrary, if your girlfriend’s reaction seems rehearsed or unnatural, it could be a sign that she is rather trying to convince you of her innocence or trying to cover up her lies.

It’s important to note that people express themselves differently.

Some might be just naturally reserved or controlled in their emotions, but this does not necessarily mean they are being dishonest.

However, a stark change in their normal reaction patterns is something to be cautious about.

A rehearsed response often lacks the natural fluidity of a spontaneous reaction.

There might be some inconsistencies in her facial expressions, voice tone and overall body language.

As if she was putting on a performance rather than genuinely expressing her feelings.


Being observant of these subtle changes can often expose hidden truths.

Utilizing these observations, you can ask some probing questions to clarify any doubts you might have.

When you ask her about a spontaneous event or a surprise, pay attention to how she reacts.

If she tends to pause, as if trying to figure out an appropriate reaction, it might be a sign her reactions are not genuine, and that she might not be completely honest with you.

You should not jump to conclusions based on this alone, but couple it with other signs to better understand the whole picture.

It’s better to communicate your doubts rather than keeping them to yourself.

Trust your instincts, but also give her the chance to explain herself.

Remember that understanding these signs shouldn’t be used as ammunition, but rather as tools for transparent communication.

11. Frequent touching of the face while talking

You might have noticed your girlfriend often touching her face while having a conversation with you.

This could be anything ranging from rubbing her nose, covering her mouth, or even scratching her cheek.

According to some experts, frequent face touching is an automatic response for someone who is feeling anxious and attempts to self-soothe.

A guilty conscience could be the root of this unconscious action as liars tend to be more anxious and nervous about getting caught.

It is possible that your girlfriend may not even realize that she is doing it, making it a clear indication of her discomfort.

However, it’s important not to jump to conclusions right away as face-touching could also be a natural reaction to stress or discomfort, unrelated to lying.

It’s crucial to pay attention to other verbal and nonverbal cues to determine if there is a pattern that might indicate dishonesty.

This doesn’t mean she is always lying just because she might be touching her face.

But it certainly gives you a reason to suspect that something might be off.

That sentence points towards the importance of not getting trigger happy with your accusations and keeping a level head.

It means that while her body language can provide you with clues, it’s really the consistency and repetition of these odd behaviors that should raise flags.

Always remember to approach the situation calmly and tactfully, as accusing someone of lying without solid proof can severely damage your relationship.

Furthermore, if you find your girlfriend touching her face more often than usual, and it makes you suspicious, it’s always better to communicate your concerns rather than trying to play a detective.

In a relationship, clear and effective communication is often the solution to most problems.

It allows you both to express your feelings and sort out your issues in a peaceful manner.

How To Catch a Liar! Learn Expert Lie Detection/ Body Language Reading!

Lastly, for more practical advice on how to discern if someone is lying, consider spending some time to learn more about body language.

This video can teach you a lot about both reading and understanding non-verbal cues that could reveal if someone is telling the truth or not.

12. Gets angry or uncomfortable when confronted.

If you’ve started noticing that your girlfriend gets angry or uncomfortable when confronted about certain things, then it could suggest that she is lying to you.

Typically, people who are honest and transparent exhibit calm and controlled behavior during confrontations because they know that they have nothing to hide.

On the other hand, liars can generally get defensive, nervous, and even angry when questioned about their actions or their inconsistencies.

This is mainly because they feel guilty and anxious about exposing their deceit.

A sudden outburst of anger or manifesting discomfort during a confrontation is often a mechanism to deflect attention from their deception and gain control over the situation.

Essentially, if your girlfriend despises confrontations and it makes her edgy, then it could very well be a sign that she is trying to hide something.

This quote goes to the core of this point: the uncomfortable response to confrontation can be a mechanism to divert attention from the lie.

After all, if she is honest, why would she fear facing any confrontation?

She could be using this strategy to keep you from probing deeper into the matter and discovering the truth.

And if she keeps repeating this behavior whenever confronted, then perhaps it is time to take this as a potential sign that something is off.

But remember, occasional discomfort or anger could simply be indicative of her nature and does not necessarily mean that she is lying.

Do observe her behavior during confrontations – if her reactions are repetitive and seem out of character, then it could be a red flag.

However, if she typically gets defensive, even during petty confrontations, then it could be just her personality and not necessarily a sign that she’s being dishonest.

Therefore, it is crucial to analyze her reactions in the larger context and not form conclusions based on isolated incidents.

Throughout this analysis, make sure to approach her with empathy and understanding and do not jump to conclusions without having substantial proof.

Coming confrontations from a place of love and concern could yield more truth than aggressive demands.

13. Uses your trust against you.

As the saying goes, trust is the bedrock of any thriving relationship.

But when this trust is exploited by a lying partner, it becomes a tool used not in building but in undermining the relationship, subtly or extensively.

Your girlfriend may manipulate your trust for her selfish interests.

This tactic, while not readily obvious, gradually creates cracks in your relationship, which can eventually crumble if not addressed.

One way to detect this is when your girlfriend uses your trust as a shield whenever she senses you’re getting suspicious of her actions.

She might guilt-trip you into feeling bad about your suspicions, insisting that a partner who trusts his girlfriend wouldn’t question her like that.

She attempts to make your natural suspicions seem like an issue, disguising it as you not trusting her as much as she trusts you.

Manipulating a partner’s trust is one of the most subtle and dangerous tactics a liar employs.

This form of manipulation, in which she uses your trust against you, is extremely harmful because it can douse any suspicions you may have harbored, allowing her lies to fester.

Continuous exposure to such a scenario may cause you to doubt your own judgments, leading to an unhealthy relationship dynamic where your opinions and concerns are subdued.

It’s crucial to address this issue if you notice these signs.

Open communication and honesty in discussing your observations are necessary steps in getting your relationship back on track.

This isn’t easy, especially if you’re struggling with feelings of betrayal.

Even the smallest seeds of doubt can grow into daunting weeds of distrust if left unresolved.

To get a better understanding how trust can be betrayed and what you can do about it, you might find this insightful:

What To Do When Someone Betrays Your Trust? | Sadhguru Answers

You will learn about how trust can be repaired in a relationship and how to approach your partner when trust has been violated.

This is no small task but working towards understanding and resolution is the best way to heal from such betrayal and navigate through the cloud of deceit.

Regardless, it is essential to remember that trust and honest communication are fundamental elements of a healthy relationship.

When these are compromised, it may lead to other problems down the road such as emotional distress or behavioral changes

The bottom line is noticing this sign of trust manipulation is crucial for a healthy relationship.

It’s not just about catching a liar; it’s about addressing and fixing the issue.

14. Becomes overly critical or blame-shifting

Blame-shifting and being overly critical toward you can reflect a significant change in the behavior of your girlfriend, indicating that she may be hiding something from you.

When a person feels guilty about their actions, they often project their guilt onto others, leading them to become overly critical.

If she has suddenly become more critical of you, it might be her subconscious attempts to shift the focus off her own falsehoods.

Blame-shifting involves attributing one’s own misconduct to another person, a phenomenon that is often seen in habitual liars.

This tactic is a form of psychological manipulation that relinquishes the individual from their responsibilities.

Blame-shifting and over-criticism are also parts of a broader spectrum of manipulative behaviors, like gaslighting, prevalent among individuals who are being dishonest.

If you notice a sudden increase in the amount of criticism, it could be a sign that she is trying to divert attention away from her own dishonest behavior.

Critical people often struggle with their inability to be trustworthy.

When they feel backed into a corner, they resort to attacking someone else to feel safe again.

Thus, an increase in overly critical behavior can be a telltale sign that she’s not being honest with you.

Remember, criticism and blame-shifting not only helps the individual dodging the problem, but it also works to make others feel insecure or confused about the reality.

It can leave you questioning your judgment and doubting your experiences which might lead to you overlooking her lies.

Besides, keeping an eye on such signs can help you understand if she’s using these tactics as a shield for her dishonesty.

In case, you notice these signs in your relationship, ensure to communicate your concerns to your partner before jumping to conclusions.

Stay calm and express your point of view without being confrontational; remember, everyone has the right to their privacy, and it is essential to respect that.

And most importantly, remember that these signs do not necessarily confirm that your girlfriend is lying to you; they merely indicate potential red flags to be aware of in your relationship.

15. Unusual increase in privacy or secrecy

In any relationship, trust and honest communication are the benchmarks.

When you notice a sudden increase in her desire for privacy or secrecy, that could be a signal she’s not being entirely honest.

If she’s suddenly more secretive with her phone, computers, or other personal items, it’s worth keeping an eye out for other signs of deceit.

One might argue that everyone has a right to privacy, and that’s absolutely correct, but if her new need for privacy is out of character or seems excessive, it could be a sign of deceit.

If she’s changing passwords that you once knew or no longer leaves her phone out in the open, these could be signs something isn’t right.

Similarly, if she’s suddenly taking a lot of private calls or stepping out of the room to text, it could indicate she has something to hide.

It’s important to bear in mind that these signs also hinge on her usual behavior.

If she’s normally private and suddenly becomes even more so, that might not necessarily indicate that she’s lying.

However, if she was typically open about these things and is now hiding them, it’s a strong indicator that something’s not adding up.

Remember, trust is an essential part of a relationship, and if you find there’s reason to question it, it’s worth having a open conversation with your partner about your concerns.

Keep these observations in mind as they are potential red flags in your relationship.

Note, however, that these are merely signs and not definitive proof.

Good communication can often reveal the root of such changes and should always be the first approach.

Confrontations based on these signs should be handled delically otherwise they might have the opposite effect.

If you want some insight on how to handle such a scenario, you might want to check out this resource:

5 Signs He's Lying to You (or Hiding Something)

Watching the video will provide some explanations on subtler signs of deceit and how to address these issues in a sensitive and respectful manner.

Further, it provides insight on how to work through such issues constructively.

The goal is to create an environment where both you and your girlfriend feel safe and comfortable to be open and honest with each other.

It’s worth noting, however, that if these signs become consistently present, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship’s dynamics.

The Bottom Line

To sum up, the aforementioned behaviors are suggestive of deceit or dishonesty from a person.

These are cues that might indicate that the individual is not being entirely truthful in their interactions with others.

These signs include avoiding eye contact during conversations, changing the story frequently, visible signs of nervousness, breaking commitments often, and defensiveness when questioned.

Other indicators may span from lack of detail in stories, seeming distracted, unexplained time gaps, overuse of affirmations, rehearsed reactions, frequent face touching, discomfort or anger when confronted, exploiting your trust, blame-shifting, and an unusual increase in privacy.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to remember that these signs are not definitive proof of one’s dishonesty and one should approach such circumstances with a degree of rational skepticism.