11 Signs Your Friend Is Trying To Steal Your Boyfriend

In an ideal world, friendships are based on mutual trust, respect and unconditional support.

However, unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and instances of betrayal do occur.

It can be absolutely heart-wrenching to realize that your trusted confidante harbors ulterior motives.

Today we will delve into signs that point to the unsettling possibility that someone within your close circle is infringing upon a romantic relationship.

This issue is neither light nor comfortable but undeniably crucial for ensuring healthy boundaries within friendships and romantic relationships.

Let’s take a step-by-step look at the potential red flags which, when ignored, might pave the way to detrimental outcomes.

Signs Your Friend Is Trying To Steal Your Boyfriend

1. They hang out without including you.

One of the most glaring signs that your friend is trying to steal your boyfriend is if they frequently hang out without you.

This can be a tough pill to swallow, especially if you’ve always considered your friend to be trustworthy.

However, if she actively seeks his company and always arranges meetings without your knowledge, it might be time to be suspicious.

This does not mean that all clandestine meetings equate to betrayal.

The key is consistency and secrecy.

This could be a sign that they’re trying to build an intimate bond, which doesn’t involve you.

Of course, it’s vital to have separate friendships outside the relationship.

However, the boundary is crossed when she routinely excludes you from these hangouts.

It could be as innocent as grabbing a coffee together, going for a walk, or something more deliberate like going out for a dinner to places you and he used to visit.

Even worse, if she’s not making an effort to cover it up or avoiding to tell you about these meetups, it might be because she wouldn’t mind you finding out and potentially ending the relationship out of hurt and anger.

Remember, as gut-wrenching as these situations can be, the first step towards resolution is acknowledging the issue.

Communicate your feelings to your boyfriend and friend respectfully, firmly expressing how it bothers you and makes you feel excluded.

However, the general rule of thumb is that your concerns should be taken seriously.

If not, it might remind you of the kind of friend and boyfriend you are dealing with.

You should never have to play detective in your own relationship, or feel excluded from your friend, whom you trust.

Girl Talk : 5 Signs Your “Bestfriend” Wants Your Man !! | ((Must Watch))

For a more face-to-face discussion on this matter, try watching the embedded video.

It dives into a few poignant signs that might suggest your friend has eyes for your man.

You might pick up some useful tips on how to handle such a delicate situation without losing your dignity or self-esteem.

2. Engages in constant, unnecessary physical contact.

One of the significant indicators that your friend might be trying to steal your boyfriend is if she is getting too close physically with him.

This is especially true if these physical interactions seem redundant or just unnecessary.

No doubt, friends tend to engage in friendly physical contact such as hugs, high fives, or even occasional playful nudges, which is perfectly normal.

However, if you notice your friend touching your boyfriend frequently and unnecessarily, it might be a sign of something more.

Physical contact in itself might not be definitive proof of anything, but when combined with other indicators, it might be a hint that your friend has feelings for your boyfriend.

As a supportive point, consider the type of physical touches.

If they go beyond what is considered friendly or casual, it surely raises some red flags.

For example, a constant touch on his arms, overly long hugs, or lingering hands could suggest a greater level of intimacy.

These types of intimate physical connections move beyond the boundary of platonic friendship, potentially indicating that your friend is trying to get closer to your boyfriend.

Also important is observing the frequency of these occurrences.

If these physical interactions happen more than usual, there is a chance that your friend is trying to establish a deeper connection with your boyfriend.

Bearing witness to these levels of physical interactions between your friend and your boyfriend can be uncomfortable and may cause you to question the nature of their relationship.

If your friend often touches your boyfriend in your presence and doesn’t seem affected by your discomfort, it’s time to take your concerns seriously.

You should trust your instincts.

If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

The key here is to not jump to conclusions too soon but keep a close watch on their interaction patterns.

While it can be tough to confront your friend, it might be necessary to discuss it with your boyfriend first, expressing your concerns and seeking his take on the situation.

Remember, communication is crucial in any relationship.

Observing unusual and unnecessary physical contact can be unsettling, but it’s crucial that you keep your own sense of judgment and intuition sharp to guarantee that you don’t misinterpret innocent actions or blind yourself to possible threat.

This way you can make an informed decision without letting jealousy or insecurity cloud your judgment.

3. She often praises, compliments him excessively.

It’s common for friends to compliment each other occasionally: it promotes positivity and boosts self-esteem.

However, if your friend is excessively praising or complimenting your boyfriend, it could be a sign that she is trying to steal him away.

The frequency and intensity of her compliments will be a key indicator of her intentions.

Normal comments acknowledging a friend’s fashion sense, work ethic, or humor are fine, but when it veers into more intimate territory such as his looks or personality traits, then that could be a red flag.

Moreover, the context and tone of her compliments also matter.

If she praises him more when you’re not around or in ways that subtly undermine you, that could also show underlying intentions.

How your boyfriend responds to these compliments will be crucial to monitoring the situation.

Uncomfortable or disinterested reactions are generally a good sign, but if he seems to encourage or reciprocate her advances, then that might be cause for concern.

If you notice any of these patterns in behavior, then it’s time to have a frank discussion with both your boyfriend and your friend.

Communicate your feelings honestly and assertively.

It’s important to give them the benefit of doubt initially: not all compliments signify romantic interest and can simply be new platonic friendship dynamics forming.

However, if you have articulated your discomfort and they continue to ignore or dismiss your feelings, then you may need to reassess your relationships.

Although it’s tough, it’s a necessary step in order for your feelings to be acknowledged.

Sometimes, people are simply unaware of their actions and how they might affect others.

Laying your feelings out clearly can help them adjust their behavior properly.

But, assertive conversation should not turn into a blaming game; be understanding and receptive to their views as well.

3 Things Men Do When They Are Highly Attracted To You | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

In the embedded video, the speaker discusses some behaviors that men exhibit when they are highly attracted to someone.

This could aid you in evaluating your boyfriend’s responses to your friend’s excessive praises or compliments.

Viewing this informative video will shed some light on the subtle indications of attraction, potentially aiding you in discerning whether your boyfriend is simply enjoying a friendship or developing feelings towards your friend.

4. Frequently flirting with him in front of you

In many respects, flirting can be an expression of attraction towards another person.

If your friend is constantly flirting with your boyfriend right under your nose, it could be an indication that she is interested in him.

This could manifest itself in numerous ways, whether it’s through excessive physical contact, continuous eye contact, suggestive conversation or playful teasing.

It’s important to note that though some friends might exhibit flirtatious behavior jokingly, there is normally a line that is not crossed.

In situations where the line is crossed, the flirting can seem excessive and inappropriate.

You might begin to feel uncomfortable, but your friend doesn’t seem to care much about your feelings.

She laughs excessively at his jokes, touches him more than necessary, maintains prolonged eye contact, and engages in suggestive conversation.”

These actions, if consistent, are steps beyond normal friendly gestures.

They show a deliberate attempt to catch your boyfriend’s attention or to appeal to him in some sexual or romantic way.

Some friends use this as a method to probe whether or not the boyfriend is interested.

By flirting, they test the waters to see his reaction or response, thus determining whether or not he may reciprocate their interest.

It may begin subtly; a batting of her eyelashes here, a lingering touch there, until it gradually escalates into more obvious signs.

Understanding the intentions behind her actions can be quite baffling, especially when the flirting takes place openly and right under your eyes.

It is very possible to be caught off guard the first time it happens, but with time and continued observance, the puzzle pieces fall into place.

It’s an even bigger red flag when your friend, despite seeing your discomfort, continues to pursue this behaviour, undermining your feelings.

This indicates that she prioritizes her feelings above your friendship and could be trying to win your boyfriend over.

However, it is also worth noting that interpretations of flirting can vary widely among different people.

Not every playful banter or casual touch is indicative of romantic or sexual interest.

Therefore, proper observations are needed to determine whether or not your feelings are valid and the flirting is out of bounds.

Also, significant is how your boyfriend reacts to her flirtatious behavior.

If he encourages it or flirts back, it could be a sign that he is enjoying the attention, or even worse, that he may be interested in her too.

This behaviour is undoubtedly a betrayal of friendship and it brings to question the sincerity of your friend’s feelings towards you.

It makes you wonder if she values the friendship as much as you do, or if she is simply using you as a medium to get closer to your boyfriend.

Without a doubt, seeing your friend flirt with your boyfriend right in front of you is a disturbing experience.

It brings a lot of questions to mind and poses a threat to both your friendship with her and your relationship with your boyfriend.

Therefore, it’s a situation that needs to be addressed immediately.

5. She calls or texts him frequently.

It’s the era of digital communication, and as such, a lot of human interaction happens over calls and texts.

However, when it comes to your friend and your boyfriend, things can get a little tricky.

There’s no problem if they communicate once in a while or for important matters —it’s a sign of a healthy friendship.

But if you observe that your friend is excessively communicating with your boyfriend, it could be a red flag.

There’s no fixed number or threshold value, but what’s essential is the context and frequency.

Instant communication often leads to stronger bonds, and therefore, could potentially create a romantic relationship between your friend and boyfriend.

Would she text him early in the morning or late at night?

Does she call him even for trivial matters?

These could be potential signs your friend is trying to steal your boyfriend.

However, there exists a more severe sign — if she attempts to keep their conversations as a secret from you.

This scenario doesn’t automatically qualify her as attempting to turn him into something more than a friend.

But it does add another layer of suspicion.

A friend should respect your relationship and communicate transparently, particularly when it regards your partner.

If she’s hiding their frequent communications from you, it might indicate she has something to hide — possibly inappropriate behaviour or intimate conversations.

The bottom line is, constant and secretive communication is a clear sign she might be more interested in your boyfriend than is comfortable for you.

STOP WAITING For His Text & DO THIS Instead... | Matthew Hussey

By taking the time to watch this video, you might gain insights into how to approach such a situation.

You might learn how to handle communication boundaries within a relationship and maintain healthy respect for everyone involved.

6. She talks negatively about you to him

Dealing with negativity is certainly a challenge, and it is even more so if it is coming from someone you consider to be a friend.

However, if that friend starts speaking badly about you to your boyfriend, it might be one of the signs that she is trying to steal him from you.

This sign could be manifested in several ways.

For instance, she might share with him things you did wrong or speak disparagingly about your habits, views, and decisions.

She might even exaggerate or twist the truth to portray you in an unfavorable light.

While it is not uncommon for friends to express their concern or displeasure about certain aspects of your character or behavior, it becomes a problem when such negative talk is frequent and unprovoked.

What she seeks to achieve with the constant negativity is to create doubts in your boyfriend’s mind about your suitability as a partner.

She might want him to question his choice and start considering the possibility of being with someone else, presumably, her.

This approach is not only manipulative but it also illustrates her willingness to sabotage your relationship.

It is crucial to keep an eye on the frequency of such instances.

If your boyfriend mentions more than once that your friend has been saying negative things about you, it shouldn’t be overlooked.

In fact, this could be the beginning of an effort to wedge between you and him.

Not only the frequency, but the content of what is being said to him matters as well.

If these negative words just focus on superficial things like your fashion sense or makeup prowess, it could be a sign of envy.

However, if she’s talking about your character, values, or your relationship skills, it’s a clear attempt to steer him away from you.

Furthermore, such behavior is quite telling about the kind of person she is.

Someone who truly respects you and values the friendship would never engage in a purposeful campaign of denigration and division.

Also, worth noting is the reaction of your boyfriend.

If he is sharing with you that she is bad-mouthing you, it’s a good sign that he values honesty – and you – over her attempts to manipulate.

However, if he defends her, accepts her comments, or engages in the discussion himself, there may be a deeper problem.

In any case, dealing with such situations can be tricky.

It’s important to communicate openly with your boyfriend about your feelings and what you observe.

Talk about your friend’s behavior without blaming or accusing them and express your concerns maturely.

Remember, understanding the intention behind her words is key.

If her aim is to degrade you in order to elevate herself, it’s clear evidence that she’s trying to win your boyfriend’s affection.

This is illicit and completely goes against the code of friendship.

The bottom line is, you need to address this as soon as possible, especially if you value the relationships you have with your boyfriend and your friend.

But always keep in mind that a true friend, who respects and values you, would never make an attempt to steal your boyfriend by speaking ill of you.

7. Shows up randomly at his events.

Your boyfriend has events, social or professional, that he attends and it’s normal for friends to accompany him.

However, it becomes a bit troubling when your friend starts appearing at these events uninvited or without prior notice.

The worry here is the frequency of such occurrences.

If it’s a one-time event, it could be a coincidence but if it is a recurrent behavior, then it could be an indication that your friend is trying to intrude on your relationship.

It becomes more evident when she isn’t necessarily linked to these events or circles.

It signifies a more profound interest in your boyfriend’s activities and could be an attempt to spend exclusive time with him, therefore pushing you out of the picture.

Remember, the intent behind such behavior is the key to understanding whether your friend is trying to encroach on your relationship.

This could be the result of her seeking attention from your boyfriend.

She might be using these events as a gateway to get closer to him

Or, these might be her opportunities to interact with him in a social setting and flaunt her compatibility with him.

I understand that this could be a lot to take in and it can create an awkward situation for you.

Therefore, it’s important that you approach the scenario calmly.

Awkward! How to Deal When You See Your Ex

This could help you to handle such situations.

This provides a guide on dealing with uncomfortable situations when a friend tries to intrude on your relationship.

In conclusion, It’s important to pay attention to your friend’s actions and the intentions behind them.

But remember to stay calm and rational while assessing the situation your relationship is facing.

8. Ignores your discomfort when around him.

Your friend’s indifference to your comfort and feelings is another red flag.

This can be especially true when she is around your boyfriend.

More often than not, there seems to be a dismissiveness to how you feel when all of you are in the same place.

She might be ignoring your discomfort entirely and not even consider how her behavior might be affecting you.

A vital aspect of a solid friendship is empathy and respect for each other’s feelings.

However, if she continues to flirt with your boyfriend, show him too much attention, or even throw negative remarks about you, and yet, she ignores how uncomfortable these actions might make you feel, then it could be because she’s trying to steal your boyfriend from you.

This scenario is particularly concerning if she is doing this because she knows it’s making you uncomfortable, but she’s doing it anyway because it’s advancing her agenda.

She is basically trying to undermine your relationship with your boyfriend, and by ignoring your discomfort, it’s clear that her interest in him comes before your friendship.

This absence of respect for your feelings demonstrates a more pronounced self-centeredness on her part and an unwillingness to prioritize your friendship over her desires.

Hence, such behavior is definitely not something you should ignore.

It is entirely fair for you to feel upset or uncomfortable when she acts this way around your boyfriend.

Any genuine friend would try to limit their actions, especially when they know that such behavior could upset you.

Ignoring your discomfort and bidding her time indicates that she is more interested in him rather than respecting your space and feelings.

This is an appropriate sign that your friend might be trying to steal your boyfriend from you.

Consider having an open and honest conversation with her about these feelings.

Depending upon her response, you may need to reconsider the value and importance of this friendship to her and in your life in general.

Remember that true friends are those who respect our feelings and boundaries.

So, don’t let such behavior go unnoticed.

It’s not just about your relationship with your boyfriend, but it’s about respecting your friendship and ensuring it doesn’t suffer due to one-sided desires.

On the contrary, clear indication of her continuing such actions and behaviors despite knowing how uncomfortable it makes you feel, is no sign of a good friend or a person who cares about your feelings and friendship.

Mutual respect and understanding is the core of any relationship, be it friendship or love.

Ignorance of your discomfort, hints at a complete lack of these core values which could consequently mean her intentions are not backed by genuine friendship but by a manipulative desire.

Lastly, observe her actions carefully and make sure to stand your ground if you notice her continuously dismissing your feelings.

Remember, you do not have to put up with behavior that is continually causing you discomfort just to save your friendship.

9. Gives him intimate gifts.

Gift-giving in any relationship is a meaningful gesture that can speak volumes about the giver’s intentions.

Moreover, the significance greatly magnifies when the gifts tend to be intimate or personal in nature.

The act can be alarming if it’s a friend who is lavishing intimate gifts on your boyfriend consistently.

Your friend might argue that they just appreciate your boyfriend as a friend and they express their friendship through such gestures.

However, it’s important to remember that there is a stark difference between friendly gifts and intimate ones.

Intimate gifts hold a lot more meaning and can signal that there’s something more from your friend’s side.

Observing a gift’s nature is crucial.

For instance, a usual “friendly” gift can be a book from their favorite author or a box of their favorite sweets for their birthday.

On the other hand, intimate gifts can be clothing they only mentioned once they wanted, a handmade scrapbook full of their cherished photos, etc.

Intimate gift-giving might not be just a friendly gesture; there could be hidden feelings and motives behind such behavior.

This behavior manifests a clear line crossing from just friends into romantic territory.

Depending not only on the gift itself, but also the frequency and occasion.

For example, if she’s giving these gifts regularly, without any specific reason or celebration, that’s a sign of concern.

When deciphering signs of an inappropriate relationship, context matters greatly.

You are not obliged to tolerate such actions that make you uncomfortable.

Honest and open communication with both your boyfriend and your friend can be the key to resolving this issue.

Make sure to voice your concerns, and don’t let anyone invalidate your feelings.

If you need a perspective on the psychology behind gift giving in relationships, you might want to learn from experts in the field.

Gift giving & receiving (what it says about your relationship)

By checking out this video, you might get valuable insights into the psychology behind gift giving, and how it impacts relationships.

Sue’s expert perspective can help you understand the situation better and guide you on how to approach it tactfully.

Remember, this is not the finality of the situation.

Every relationship is different, and these signs are potential indicators, not definitive evidence.

You can approach this as a step towards improving and strengthening your relationship, rather than letting it break you down.

10. Frequently asking about his relationship status.

One of the major red flags in a friendship is when your friend seems to be too concerned about your boyfriend’s relationship status.

This excessive curiosity may initially seem harmless, like they’re just being supportive.

But too much curiosity can hint at hidden motives.

Inevitably, everyone tends to ask about their friends’ partners once in a while.

Normal conversations may include questions about how the relationship is going or how happy the couple is.

The problem starts when these questions become a frequent topic of discussion.

It can get quite alarming and uncomfortable if your friend keeps asking the same questions over and over again, especially about his relationship status.

These repetitive questions may include asking about your fights, your disagreements, or even intimate details about your relationship that cross the boundaries of what’s considered a casual or friendly interest.

Not just this, a significant sign of trouble is if your friend directly or indirectly tries to find out from your boyfriend if he’s happy in the relationship or not.

This is not only awkward but a clear breach of trust.

After all, it’s outright disrespectful and inappropriate.

It’s as if your friend is trying to undermine your relationship with your boyfriend.

Repeatedly grilling him about his relationship happiness hints at a possible attempt to drive a wedge between you two.

It’s as though your friend is planting seeds of doubt in your boyfriend’s mind about the relationship.

Moreover, if your friend doesn’t stop at just asking you about his status but takes an extra step to ask your boyfriend directly, it’s a clear sign of overstepping boundaries.

Perhaps they’re disguised as harmless inquiries, but repeated prying is a major red flag that their interest in your boyfriend is more than platonic.

It’s crucial to watch out for these signs and immediately put an end to this cycle of excessive questioning, especially if it’s causing discomfort to you or your boyfriend.

It’s essential to protect your relationship from any such intrusive behavior.

In conclusion, while it’s normal for friends to show interest in your relationship, excessive inquisitions can possibly be a sign of a friend trying to steal your boyfriend.

Always trust your instincts, if something feels off, it probably is.

You should never feel pressured to share more information about your relationship than you’re comfortable with.

So, watch out for this sign and take necessary actions to clear the air and maintain the sanctity of your relationship.

It’s crucial to set boundaries to ensure that your friendship doesn’t turn into a cause of worry and stress for your relationship.

This doesn’t mean you should abruptly end your friendship, but you should have a candid discussion about any behavior that is causing discomfort.

It’s essential to maintain healthy relationships, both with your partner and your friends.

11. Sharing private jokes or moments with him.

One of the most concerning signs that your friend is trying to steal your boyfriend is when they start sharing private jokes or intimate moments with him that you aren’t part of.

These moments can be as simple as callback to a forgotten conversation, an inside joke, or even a secret shared between the two of them, that purposefully excludes you.

When this occurs, it typically denotes a level of closeness and intimacy that crosses the line of simple friendship.

It not only undermines your relationship with your boyfriend, but it also breaches the trust you’ve placed in your friend.

Endeavour to observe the way they communicate with each other, especially when you are around.

This can provide valuable insights into the nature of their relationship.

Is their language flirtatious?

Are their jokes suggestive or intimate?

These are all indicators of a potential emotional affair.

Equally important is their behavior when you’re not around.

In your absence, do these shared moments escalate?

Does your boyfriend mention the depth of conversations, or do you notice a subtle shift in his recount of these moments?

Often, it’s the small, seemingly insignificant details that can reveal a lot about the dynamics between the two of them, so don’t disregard them too easily.

Your instinct and intuition can be a powerful tool in such scenarios.

On a lighter note, watching the following video can give you more insights, and possibly validate your current situation.


Observing how others interact in similar circumstances can be an enlightenment.

It can also help you distinguish between harmless banter and a deliberate move to undermine your relationship.

Remember, every situation is unique and while these signs may raise a red flag, it’s important to discuss such issues openly with your boyfriend and your friend before jumping to conclusions.

Communication is key!

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, these gestures might indicate that your female friend may have feelings for your boyfriend.

These could be signs of her attempting to create a deeper bond with him outside of their friendship and potentially damaging your relationship with him.

It’s essential to communicate, set boundaries, and ensure you are comfortable with their interactions.

Remember, it’s crucial to maintain trust and open lines of communication in every relationship.

Always address your concerns directly and ask for clarity when necessary.