17 Signs Your Boyfriend is Planning a Surprise Proposal

Navigating the dynamics of a relationship can sometimes be intriguing, especially when you’re anticipating an important milestone such as a proposal.

Your intuition tells you he’s up to something, but you aren’t quite sure.

There’s a sudden change in his behavior, an increase in secrecy, and a sense of heightened excitement or nervousness around him.

These behavioral shifts may make you question whether he’s planning to pop the big question.

This tension, full of hope and uncertainty, can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

However, knowing certain telltale signs can help anticipate if your partner is about to take this huge step.

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Planning A Surprise Proposal

1. Sudden interest in your ring size

Have you noticed a sudden interest from your boyfriend about your ring size?

It might be a hint towards a surprise proposal.

When a man is planning to propose, he will need to know the size of the ring that will fit his beloved perfectly.

A sudden urge to know your ring size could be a sign that he is planning a surprise for you.

Conversations about rings might increase.

He might bring up a discussion about rings and subtly or candidly asks for your ring size.

It could be done in a playful or casual manner so as to not raise any suspicions.

Does he check your jewelry when you are not around or does he play with your rings often?

If yes, he might be trying to determine your ring size.

One should not overlook the possibility of him seeking help from your friends or family members to know your ring size.

It’s a common trick to keep the surprise alive.


His sudden inquisitiveness about your ring size and discussions related to rings are not a coincidence.

It indicates that he is planning something significant.

It means that he is seeking attention to the details which can make a big difference.

The sudden curiosity to know your ring size and discussions about rings isn’t just him being randomly interested in jewelries.

Rather, it could be the early signs pointing towards a surprise marriage proposal.

Signs He Is Going to Propose! [The Merlot Down]

If you are still not convinced with these signs, the video given above might provide you some clarity.

It presents various signs which indicates that your man might be preparing himself to pop the question.

This will offer valuable insights into the behavioral changes of men that are usually noticeable when they are about to propose.

Being observant about these signs will help you know if a surprise proposal is on its way!

In conclusion, a sudden increased interest in your jewelry, specifically your rings and their sizes is a possible sign of a surprise proposal.

His attempts to know your ring size may seem random at first, but it is a detail that can’t be missed when he is planning to propose.

Be observant to these changes and all these signs will start making sense if you suspect that a surprise proposal might be around the corner.

2. Overly secretive about his plans

One of the most noticeable signs to look out for when your boyfriend is planning a surprise proposal is him being overly secretive about his plans.

You might have previously been someone he shared his day-to-day plans with, suddenly he becomes very ambiguous about what he is planning for dates or future outings.

This could mean he is trying to plan something special and wants to keep it a surprise.

You may start to notice him giving vague or evasive answers when you question him about specific details of his plans.

For instance, he may just say he’s ‘going out with friends’ or ‘doing some errands’ without giving any significant details.

If your boyfriend, who was once an open book, suddenly seems to have many mysterious outings or tasks, this may be a sign he is preparing for a grand proposal.

Also, his newfound obsession with privacy wouldn’t just be limited to his plans; it could even extend to his personal devices.

He might suddenly become overly particular about keeping his phone or laptop privacy away from you.

While this might seem like a red flag at first, consider the context.

If he is usually open with you, he might be trying to prevent you from stumbling upon any proposal clues like an open engagement ring website or communication with your family or friends concerning the proposal.

It is important to consider that the sudden secrecy might not be a sign of negative events such as cheating but rather about planning a proposal.

You should try to trust your partner and give them some space, as you could end up ruining the surprise they are trying to put together.

You must refrain from constantly questioning him about his plans.

Let him have his privacy, and you might be rewarded with the most romantic proposal ever!

However, it’s important to remember that suspicions should only be raised if he is normally open with you, but suddenly he starts keeping secrets.

It’s also imperative to complement this sign with other indicators of a surprise proposal as this alone may result in incorrect judgments, creating unnecessary misunderstandings.

Planning a surprise proposal is a big step for anyone, and secrecy is crucial to its success.

Therefore, an unusual level of secrecy could be a sign your boyfriend is planning to pop the question.

3. Increasing talks about future together

Your boyfriend has been dropping hints about the future, and you’ve noticed it’s more frequent than before.

He’s been talking more about dream homes, the number of children he’d love to have, or cities he’d want to settle in.

Whether casually or seriously, discussions about long-term plans between both of you have increased.

Suddenly, conversations about future pets, ideal retirement spots, and lifetime goals are an everyday thing.

This shift could be a significant sign that he’s considering a much more substantial commitment.

You’ve noticed that he not only refers to his future but includes you in his plans.

When picturing his future scenarios, he’s replaced ‘I’ with ‘we’.

The phrase ‘Our house’, ‘our kids’, ‘our vacation’ are being used more frequently than ever before.

He ensures to always mention a shared future – a future where both of you are involved heavily.

This signifies the serious nature of the relationship in his mind.

He’s trying to paint a picture of the future to check if you also envision the same.

Watch out for subtle keywords indicating his intent, such as ‘if we get married’ or ‘when we move together.’

These talks see increases as he’s inching closer to the moment when he wants to ask the big question.

All these could be sneaky signs that he’s about to propose.

Often, a proposal is not just sprung on you without any indication – there’s usually a buildup, and these increased discussions about a shared future is a part of that.

His actions and words are telling you that he’s ready to take the next big step, and he’s subtly preparing you for it too.

15 Sneaky Signs He's About To Propose

This video could give you more insights into other signs that could hint at an impending proposal.

It might provide a broader perspective on your boyfriend’s behavior and help you prepare for the surprise.

Next time he speaks about the future, listen attentively – he might be leading you towards a surprise proposal.

Remember though, it’s essential to understand his usual behavior to identify any significant changes.

4. Frequent Interaction With Your Family

One of the sure signs your boyfriend may be planning a surprise proposal is an increased interaction with your family.

Relationships are not just about the connection between two people, but they also deeply involve the combining of two families.

The family gets to play an important role, especially during marriage and its preparations.

Your boyfriend making concerted efforts to frequently visit your family might imply he is seeking more than just regular interactions.

Indeed, his frequent and unusual attempts might be to gain the approval and support of your family, an essential step before he pops the question.

The significance of this approval and support from your immediate family is deeply rooted in tradition and cannot be overemphasized.

Your partner connecting with your family makes the transition more pleasant and seamless post-proposal.

This scenario is especially true if your partner knows that getting your family’s blessing is essential to you.

Your partner might be observing your family dynamics, engaging in their activities, or even making goodwill gestures;

all these are strategic efforts to integrate himself into your family.

Such family integration may provide him the push to proceed with the proposal.

Besides, anyone planning to propose will want to build a solid relationship with their potential in-laws.

Your boyfriend getting along with your siblings, seeking your parents’ advice, or showing interest in family traditions might not be merely coincidental but could imply a forthcoming proposal.

Interacting with your family could also be his way of showing his commitment to you.

Your boyfriend is likely making sure he is integrating into your personal life and is comfortable with all the dynamics, getting himself prepared for the big question.


5. Noticeable Financial Planning or Saving

One of the earliest and most concrete signs that your boyfriend is preparing a surprise proposal could be a sudden, noticeable change in his financial behavior.

This can manifest in various ways such as a heightened level of frugality, a significant increase in his savings, or even certain adjustments in his lifestyle to accommodate a larger, unspecified expense in the near future.

If your boyfriend tends to spend money freely, then sudden financial restraint could be an indicator of a planned engagement expense.

A crucial sign that he is planning to propose could be his increasing concern and focus on building a fund for a major unspecified expenditure.

This could mean he’s trying to build a significant safety cushion for the future, which might prove to be critical when making such a huge personal investment as a wedding proposal.

This signifies his serious intention of committing to a future endeavor which involves a certain financial outlay – most likely an engagement ring or even preparations for a wedding.

An even stronger clue could be his sudden interest in investing and new found curiosity about various means of growing his savings.

Your partner’s sudden inclination toward financial growth could point towards an intention to strengthen his financial standing before making a lifelong commitment.

This is often overlooked but is a clear indication of a man’s readiness to assume responsibility for a family and a potential sign of an imminent proposal.

A bolstered savings account or sudden financial maneuvering seems indicative of a major purchase in the pipeline.

About this, women are often left wondering what the big purchase might be, swirling in the mystery of it, feeding their anticipation.

It’s fair to say that an engagement ring is one of the biggest purchases a man will make in his life, so some level of financial preparation for it is only to be expected.

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Planning To Propose Soon

The aforementioned video provides a broader interpretation and analysis of these signs and might assist you in understanding whether a wedding proposal is on the way.

It goes over some apparent indicators, as well as some less obvious signs, to help you determine if your boyfriend is planning a surprise proposal.

6. Mysterious Calls or Messages

If your boyfriend has suddenly grown more protective of his phone or you notice an increased amount of calls and/or messages from unrecognized numbers, this may indicate that he’s planning something big – like a surprise marriage proposal.

He might be in contact with the jeweler to ascertain the readiness of the engagement ring, or with a party planner for the proposal event.

It could also be that these mysterious contacts are from a variety of people that are helping him pull off the surprise, including close associates and family members.

In other cases, the contacts could be representations of preparations for the surprise proposal, such as reservations at a romantic restaurant, orders from an online gift shop, or bookings made at a hotel.

In essence, if your boyfriend is making or receiving calls or messages that he doesn’t want you to know about, this may be a key sign that he’s planning a surprise proposal.

This is especially true if these calls or messages are occurring more frequently than usual, or at odd times of the day or night.

Your boyfriend may avoid answering certain calls around you or may try to discreetly read messages when you are not in sight.

It is important to note, however, that these actions are not conclusively indicative of a preparation for a marriage proposal.

He might be planning a surprise birthday party, an anniversary surprise, or he may simply be going through a difficult time that he’s not comfortable sharing.

However, if this secrecy is coupled with other signs listed in this article, it is possible that your boyfriend is preparing to ask for your hand in marriage.

One thing to remember: avoid snooping.

Respect his privacy.

While it’s important to communicate openly and honestly about any concerns you may have, you wouldn’t want to ruin a potential big surprise that could be a positive, life-changing event.

But remember, not everyone is the same and these are general guidelines.

Each person and relationship is unique and different.

So, remember to be patient and understanding, and when the time is right, you’ll know whether those mysterious calls or messages were indeed indications of a surprise marriage proposal in the making.

And if he does propose, it will be a beautiful moment worth waiting for.

Whatever the case may be, knowing these signs should give you a gist of whether your boyfriend is planning to pop the question.

7. Excitement for a special date

Your boyfriend’s sudden enthusiasm for a particular date is a major hint that he’s planning something special, perhaps a surprise proposal.

Normally, a date may be just casual – dinner, a movie, or a concert.

But his excitement levels are noticeably amped up this time.

You’ve noticed that he talks about this date continuously, his focus doesn’t shift to other topics or dates.

Suddenly it becomes a centerpiece in most of his conversations with you – he also frequently checks with you to ensure you’re free that day.

This should be a clear indication that something major awaits you.

He seems to be way more excited about this date than he should be and he’s also being secretive about where you’re going or what you’ll be doing.

This might be his way of keeping you in suspense and making sure that nothing spoils his big surprise.

This particular upcoming event suddenly becomes the don of all your plans, and he wants to make sure you’re absolutely available and excited.

It’s like the highlight of his year, his excitement gleams in his eyes when he even remotely mentions the date.

His attention to every detail concerning this special date is meticulously scrutinized, so nothing falls out of place on the actual day.

This undoubtedly indicates that he is planning a great surprise, possibly the biggest of them all – a proposal.

He wants it to be a moment you would never forget, a moment that marks a significant point in your relationship journey.

The date could coincide with an anniversary or it could be a random day that he’s selected.

But it’s not just about the day, it’s about what that day would hold.

He seems to have a formed plan – one he cannot wait to unfold.

If you’ve been dating for a while, perhaps this is an indication that he is ready to take the relationship to the next level, and he’s planning to do so on this specific date.

His excitement for this specific date suggests that it will be something more than just an ordinary event.

That being said, it’s very important not to preempt or pressure him about this day.

Let it unfold according to his plans.

This is a man who is excitedly planning what he believes would be one of the most memorable moments of your lives.

In all these, you can’t help but reciprocate his enthusiasm and get excited for the day too.

After all, it could be a turning point in your relationship, a day filled with love, happiness, and a life-changing question.

When You Meet Someone Great . . . And Then Get Too Excited . . . (Matthew Hussey)

From this video, you’ll get great insights on how excitement can sometimes be misunderstood in relationships.

It also enlightens you on how to strike the right balance when you’re falling in love and getting excited about your shared future.

8. Unusual business trips or meetings.

An unusual increase in business trips or impromptu meetings, especially if your boyfriend’s job isn’t typically filled with such activities, could be a sign that he is planning a surprise proposal.

You might notice unexplained absences or days when he seems unusually busy.

This could be a red flag.

If his work schedule suddenly becomes erratic and filled with commitments that keep him away from home more frequently than before, there’s a good chance that he is brewing something grand behind your back.

A change in work commitments can often be a smoke screen for other activities, such as ring shopping, talking to your family members or planning that perfect proposal event.

You should, however, keep in mind that while these unusual business trips or meetings could be signs of an upcoming proposal, they could also be simply related to work.

This statement highlights the importance of not jumping to conclusions too quickly.

It’s crucial to gather more evidence and consider other related signs if you’re trying to figure out if he’s planning a surprise proposal.

Similarly, is he having mysterious meetings with your friends or family members?

This could be a signal of preparations for a proposal, as he may be seeking advice or sharing his plans.

If you’re finding it difficult to track his movements or if he seems to be hiding something, it could be a strong indication that he’s planning a surprise proposal.

In general, if your boyfriend’s behavior has dramatically shifted, and he’s taking secretive trips or holding closed-door meetings, it’s likely that he’s planning something big.

Remember, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s up to no good; maybe he’s just carefully orchestrating the perfect proposal.

This behavior could be coupled with other signs like saving money, making mysterious calls or being overly excited about a special date.

All these signs together strengthen the idea that he may be planning a surprise proposal.

One thing to keep in mind is that while these are all possible signs, every individual is different.

What could be a tell-tale sign in one relationship might not mean the same in another.

Overall, increased business trips or meetings, particularly the ones that are unexplained or seem out of the ordinary, coupled with other key signs may indicate a surprise proposal is in the works

Just remember to be patient and let things unfold naturally.

If he’s really planning a surprise proposal, you wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise!

9. Getting help from your friends.

One of the classic signs of a man planning to propose is him seeking help or advice from your close friends.

This could manifest in various forms; he might be asking for their help in picking the perfect ring or perhaps gaining insight into your likes and dislikes when it comes to romantic gestures.

Quite often, men are clueless about matters involving specific details such as ring sizes, preferred jewelry stores, or favorite gems.

It’s quite common for them to rely on someone with more knowledge about you for these things.

He could also be consulting with your friends about the best way to execute his proposal, seeking for advice about the perfect location or time.

Remember, every person is unique.

Consequently, each proposal should be tailored to ensure that it mirrors the love and affection between the couple involved.

Seeking advice from your friends is a thoughtful way of ensuring that every detail of the surprise proposal resonates with your personal preferences and choices.

Furthermore, the fact that your friends are involved in the surprise proposal planning also shows how much your significant other values their input and opinions.

This further stands as proof of his commitment and seriousness about the relationship.

Your friends in this context serves as a guide, providing him with details about your likes and dislikes, style preferences, and even advice about how to make the proposal moment unique to you.

He trusts that your friends, who know you well, will provide valuable help in planning a memorable proposal.

They can offer him guidance on everything, from the choice of location or setting to the ring or other surprise elements he’s contemplating.

He understands the importance of the occasion and seeks their assistance to make it perfect for you.

Nevertheless, don’t jump to any conclusions just yet; he could be consulting your friends for other reasons too!

While it’s exciting to think that a proposal might be underway, it’s crucial to be patient and not let your imagination run wild.

This point alone might not be a direct indication of a coming proposal but, it undoubtedly hints towards it when seen in line with other points in this list.


By watching the video, you could gain some ideas as to the intricate details that go into planning a surprise proposal.

Moreover, it would provide you with a glimpse of the love, thoughtfulness, and seriousness your partner carries while planning a proposal.

10. Increased Nervousness or Excitement

Has your boyfriend been acting noticeably different recently?

Perhaps he’s seemingly more anxious or enthusiastic than usual?

Other than the usual ups and downs of life or temporary stress, there might be a special reason behind his peculiar behaviour.

Many men are incredibly nervous or excited in the days leading up to a surprise proposal.

People are unique and handle their nerves differently, so this increased nervousness might manifest in different ways.

He might be excessively chatty or unusually quiet due to the intense emotions he’s experiencing.

If your boyfriend isn’t typically a nervous individual, his recent easily flustered behaviour could be due to the stress of orchestrating the surprise proposal.

On the other hand, perhaps he’s more ecstatic than nervous.

As the proposal date approaches, the joy or relief might be overflowing into daily life in more ways than one.

Maybe he can’t wipe that grin off his face, or he’s suddenly the life of the party.

Either way, his emotions are running high, and it could be a sign something big is coming.

You might notice him smiling more than usual or unusually quiet due to the intense emotions he’s feeling.

Consider, he knows that he’s about to take a monumental step in your relationship, which is equally exciting and nerve-wracking.

He’s holding a secret that will soon transform your world.

He is aware of the potential change this proposal could bring in both of your lives.

Keeping such an impactful secret isn’t easy, hence the elevated emotional state.

Keep in mind that acting odd or nervous doesn’t always imply a bad thing.

He’s possibly just dealing with pre-proposal jitters.

However, if he does seem more hyperactive than normal and it’s coupled with other signs in this list, a wedding proposal might be on its way.

So keep a close eye on those subtle emotional changes.

They might indicate the life-changing question he’s about to pop.

If this nervous excitement seems a mystery, take solace in the fact that it’s probably just because he loves you enough to be worried about making your proposal perfect.

This can be seen as his commitment and dedication to ensuring that this moment is as magical as it can be for both of you.

However, always remember the importance of communication.

If you are concerned about his behavior, sit down and talk about it when the time feels right.

In conclusion, increased nervousness or excitement is a common sign hinting at a forthcoming surprise proposal.

And seeing your beloved in this much anticipation for your shared future is a wonderful sign that your relationship is on the right track.

11. Unexpected photography booking.

One of the signs that your boyfriend is planning a surprise proposal might be an unexpected photography booking.

You might find out about it unintentionally, maybe there are calls from a number you don’t recognize or emails popping up in shared accounts.

While it might initially spark confusion, it’s important to remember that a professional photoshoot is often part of an engagement plan.

He will want to capture the special moment when he pops the question, and what better way to do this than by hiring a professional.

Photography isn’t simply about taking pictures but about telling a story.

A good photographer will be able to capture the essence of your relationship, the emotion, and the surprise element when the moment arrives.

Your boyfriend is likely thinking about how he wants that moment to be forever captured and looked back on in years to come.

The booking might be for your favorite beach, park, cityscape, or even the spot where you had your first date.

Investing in a professional photographer for the occasion is a clear sign that your boyfriend wants to capture the moment in the best way possible and cherishes the impending proposal.

It’s not just about the act of proposing, but rather the sentiment and emotion attached to it.

Having high-quality photographs of such a pivotal moment in your relationship is something many couples cherish.

It’s also plausible for him to go the extra mile and arrange a whole photoshoot for after the proposal to celebrate the occasion.

It’s all part of this exciting journey you are on together.

Talking about photography, take a look at this video that could provide some insight:

How to Photograph an Engagement Session (BEHIND THE SCENES)

You might get an idea of the effort and planning needed for a successful engagement photoshoot.

It’s not as simple as snapping a few pictures, there’s thought and consideration involved to really tell a story.

Furthermore, you’ll get a peek into the behind-the-scenes of such an event, giving you a better understanding of the process.

By doing so, you can appreciate the lengths your boyfriend is likely going to in order to make the proposal a memorable event.

Remember, these are just signs and should not be taken as conclusive evidence.

While you might feel like your boyfriend is planning a surprise proposal, try your best to play along and let him surprise you.

And certainly, do not let this unintentional discovery ruin the excitement and surprise awaiting you.

The key is to enjoy the journey because it’s not every day you get proposed to!

12. Planning a Special Trip or Vacation.

One extraordinary indication that your boyfriend might be planning a surprise proposal is if he starts planning a special trip or vacation.

This isn’t an ordinary trip; he’s thinking about something that’s more intimate or significant.

He often chooses a location that is meaningful to you as a couple or somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit.

He manifests an unusual urgency about confirming the travel dates, putting a lot of thought into the itinerary, and ensuring that every detail suits your preference.

Out of character, he becomes particular about the time you spend there, trying to avoid routine sightseeing, and more focused on creating the perfect environment.

Sometimes he will even stretch his financial limits to book exclusive resorts, arrange private dinners or surprise you with first-class tickets.

He will take care of everything, from bookings to packing your suitcases; he wants to make sure nothing disrupts his plan.

The involvement of a third person like a travel agent, who he mysteriously keeps checking with, is also a strong sign.

This third person is often briefed not to disclose anything to you.

His ensuring that every aspect of the trip is taken care of hints at it being something more than just a casual holiday.

Unusually, he would also insist on ensuring that your schedules are syncing perfectly for the vacation.

Even if he usually isn’t fussed about romantic occasions, he might arrange the trip to coincide with a special day such as your anniversary or a holiday.

He could plan a seemingly random adventure trip, a secluded beach holiday or even a romantic city break.

His meticulous planning and excitement for the trip could be his attempt to take you off guard and create the ideal moment to pop the question.

There might be times that he gets defensive or secretive if you ask too many questions about the trip.

Remember, a surprise proposal requires careful orchestration, and your boyfriend’s endeavour to plan the perfect trip plays a substantial part in that.

13. Suddenly caring about your manicure

You’ve probably noticed that suddenly, your boyfriend shows a newfound interest in your manicure.

While it’s not expected for men to take notice of nail art trends, all of a sudden, you notice that he comments on the state of your nails.

It seems strange, doesn’t it?

It’s a peculiar shift, particularly considering the fact that he barely took notice of these details before.

He’s interested and involved, he suggests a spa day and you find him googling nail salons.

Even though it seems like a harmless gesture, there might be more underlying this sudden interest.

Could it be that he’s planning to slide a ring onto your finger soon?

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

He wants your hands, particularly your fingers, to look their best for the big event.

He probably knows you’ll be sharing pictures on social media documenting your engagement.

He’s simply doing his part to ensure that the engagement ring photos come out exemplary, acknowledging the fact that a well-manicured finger would enhance the look of the ring.

My Boyfriend Does My Nails

Give the video a watch, it might give you some insights into your boyfriend’s sudden interest in your nails.

It could provide valuable clues to understanding his unexpected behavior and possibly confirm your suspicions.

It’s not out of character for individuals planning a surprise proposal to watch out for such details.

The thoughtfulness goes a long way to show how much he thinks about the proposal and how important it is to him.

Therefore, if your boyfriend suddenly becomes keen about your manicure, it might not just be a passing fancy.

This could be a subtle sign that your engagement ring is on the way!

Remember, focusing closely on these details doesn’t always guarantee a proposal.

However, if this behavior is also accompanied by other signs, you might want to be ready for a surprise proposal anytime soon.

14. Picking Romantic or Nostalgic Locations

One of the most telling signs that your boyfriend is planning a surprise proposal is his unusual interest or preference towards romantic or nostalgic locations.

This might seem odd especially if your partner is not the romantic type or if your dates are mostly casual.

His sudden desire to visit places that are special to your relationship could definitely raise some eyebrows.

Could it be that he is trying to relive sweet memories or simply seeking ambiance for a romantic proposal?

It’s crucial to pay attention to these cues without jumping into conclusions.

Whether it’s the restaurant where you both first sat down for a meal, the park where your love sprouted, or simply a location that you always fantasized visiting together, his sudden inclination towards such places is a strong sign.

Rhetorically, these locations hold great significance as it ties back to the romantic history that you two share.

Moreover, proposing at such a place would gravely intensify the reminiscence and make the moment even more unforgettable.

Aside from familiar places, a penchant for specifically romantic locations, like a candlelit dinner by the beach, a cozy mountain resort, or a quiet vineyard, hints at something extra special ahead.

Interestingly, beneath the veil of this newfound interest in romantic locations, his true intentions might be concealed.

In addition, a sense of nostalgia in location choice can be most telling if your boyfriend isn’t a hype-man for anniversaries or past events.

His sudden appreciation of the past or the romantic vibe of a location might just be the trick he is using to keep you off-guard for the big surprise ahead.

Though a magical or sentimental spot can toll heavily on the emotional impact of the proposal, it’s often a way to create an enchanting atmosphere for when he pops the question.

These signs are not purely indicative of an impending proposal, as they are also signs of a partner who is genuinely in love and wants to make every moment with you special.

However, if such actions are accompained by other signs mentioned in this list, a surprise proposal might be under the wraps.

Finally, remember to bask in these beautiful moments your partner is trying to create without letting your anticipation dominate the joy of being genuinely loved and celebrated.

15. Giving misleading statements or hints.

Relationships can sometimes become a guessing game, especially when your boyfriend starts giving misleading statements or hints.

These statements could be totally different from what he has been saying or intending to do.

Surprise proposals usually require some level of discretion and trickery which can easily be engineered through misleading statements.

These statements could range from discussions about plans together in the short-term or long-term.

There might be some really vague or irrelevant indications that might leave you guessing or confused.

The confusion may seem out of place and may stir up some anxiety or suspicions, but usually, they are a smokescreen to keep you on your toes and maintain the element of surprise.

This sly tactic is often used as a deflection strategy to prevent you from figuring out his real intention, which could be the big question.

Sometimes, he might hint towards a totally opposite event like going on a simple vacation or a casual get-together, but in reality, he may be planning your dream proposal.

These misleading hints will keep your attention diverted.

Bizarre as it may sound, if you are becoming increasingly confused about his plans or statements, it might be because he is actually planning a surprise proposal.

Signs SOMEONE Is Secretly Preparing To Marry Or Propose To You If This Happen!

In the given video, you will be able to spot some more signs relating to subtle changes in his behavior which might indicate a planned surprise proposal.

This will help you understand your partner’s actions better and anticipate his next move.

In the midst of all the vague statements, always remember to give him the benefit of doubt since he’s trying to design a perfect moment for you.

His misleading statements are his way of safeguarding your surprise and making the proposal unforgettable for you.

While you anticipate what the surprise might be or where the hint is leading, he’s probably on the verge of making one of the most important decisions of his life.

The decisions that might anchor both of your lives together permanently.

16. Asking for your parent’s contact information.

Your boyfriend has always been respectful of your privacy, but lately, he’s been asking for your parents’ contact information.

This is not the usual chit chat and might be a sign he’s planning a surprise proposal.

If he usually doesn’t interact much with your parents, this sudden interest can be quite baffling.

But in the context of a surprise proposal, it makes perfect sense.

Traditionally, it’s expected for a man to ask for his girlfriend’s parents’ blessing before the marriage proposal.

He may want to discuss it with your parents or ask for their approval for his marriage proposal.

This also shows his respect for your family tradition as well as his intention to uphold these values, should you choose to be his life partner.

This move denotes his understanding of the significance of being part of your family.

It’s not just about getting married to you, but also about integrating into your family and becoming part of it.

Getting your parents’ approval is a significant step towards a successful marriage proposal.

It’s a sign of respect towards your family, and it’s a clear indication that he’s seriously considering making you his wife.

Mentioning your parents and seeking their contact details implies that he has a serious conversation in mind.

It’s not a topic he would bring up casually.

Furthermore, he wouldn’t risk alarming you or arousing your suspicions unless he has a strong reason to ask for these details.

In this case, that reason could very well be a planned surprise proposal.

Besides, your boyfriend might also be seeking your parents’ advice or input on the proposal.

After all, who knows you better than your own parents?

He might be inquiring about the kind of engagement ring you would like, your favorite place, or even about a convenient time to pop the question.

It indicates his eagerness to get it right and flex his commitment to you and your future together.

This further proves that he’s serious about his intentions and the surprise proposal.

Of course, it’s also possible that he’s planning a surprise for your parents too.

Maybe a family dinner, a surprise visit, or a special occasion where he could propose.

To sum up, although it’s unusual for your boyfriend to be suddenly interested in your parents’ contact details, it fits perfectly into a surprise proposal scenario, being an indication of respect, intent and considerable thought for the surprise he’s planning.

Remember, not everyone sticks to these traditional norms in a relationship, your boyfriend simply may respect such traditions and thus wants to follow them before making the big move.

Therefore, while it’s not a foolproof sign, it’s a significant one that might indicate your boyfriend is planning a surprise proposal.

17. Frequent visits to fancy shops

When your boyfriend starts to make frequent visits to high-end or luxury jewellery shops, boutiques, or other fancy places, it might be a clear sign that he’s preparing to pop the question.

After all, buying an engagement ring or arranging the perfect proposal setting often involves exploration of higher-end venues.

Such places not only offer quality products and services but also provide an appropriate environment for his mission.

Even if you’re not directly informed about these nouveau-riche excursions, you might start noticing small hints here and there.

Receipts left out, an elegant shopping bag hidden away or an unexpected credit card bill can all be indications of his trips to more upscale establishments.

You might observe him getting overly defensive or trying to divert discussions when asked about these mysterious outings or receipts.

Remember, when he frequently visits fancy shops, it can be a significant hint that he’s planning something special for you.

If he’s more of a frugal person or generally avoids spending too much, this sudden change in behavior becomes all the more intriguing.

However, with frequent visits to fancy shops, it can get challenging to keep things a secret.

Hence, be supportive and try not to push him too much about the reason behind these visits.

By doing so, you are not only respecting his privacy but also giving him the space he needs to get things planned perfectly.

It’s going to be equally exciting and rewarding for you when he reveals his surprise proposal plan.

Easy to Miss Signs That He'll Never Propose

If you’re still unsure about his behavioral changes, you might want to check out this video for some additional insight.

It provides detailed information about some often-overlooked clues that can help you determine whether a proposal might indeed be in the works.

In conclusion, don’t jump to conclusions straight away but instead keep an open-eye towards all possible hints and enjoy this exciting time in your relationship.

More importantly, remember that every relationship is unique, and these are just potential signs, not definitive proofs.

Stay patient, and let the journey towards the special day be as beautiful as the moment itself.

The Bottom Line

It is evident that an array of subtle yet distinct signals might suggest your partner is planning to propose.

This could be—from showing an unusual interest in your ring size, becoming increasingly secretive, discussing more about the future, to getting excessively involved with your family.

Significant signs may also include unexpected financial planning, receiving mysterious phone calls, or exhibiting heightened excitement for a special date.

They might also organize unforeseen trips, secure a photography booking or show amplified interest in your beauty routines, often to make everything perfect for the big moment.

Moreover, if they lean on your friends for help, exhibit nervousness, opt for romantic places, drop misleading hints, ask for your parents’ contacts or visits to fancy stores, it might well be they’re about to get down on one knee.

Recognizing these signs can help set your expectations and prepare you for this life-changing event.

However, it remains crucial to respect the element of surprise your partner might be working hard to create.