10 Signs He Is Sleeping With His Baby Mama and What to Do About It

Establishing and maintaining trust in a relationship can be challenging, particularly when past relationships are involved.

This is even more complex when there’s a child from such past relationships.

A worry that often plagues women is if their partner has rekindled a romantic relationship with the mother of his child.

While it’s natural to carry such suspicions, unfounded doubts can be harmful for your relationship.

It’s important to keep an eye out for red flags, but equally crucial to handle this sensitive situation rationally.

In this article, we’ll help you understand possible indications of infidelity and offer practical advice on how to respond effectively.

Signs He Is Sleeping With His Baby Mama

1. Still spends time at her place

One of the most evident signs to note is if he still spends considerable time at his baby mama’s place.

There’s a fine line when it comes to fulfilling co-parenting duties and maintaining a healthy relationship with the ex.

However, if he’s at her place more often than required for mere parenting responsibilities, you have a reason to pause and reflect.

His growing presence at her house might be a tell-tale sign that he’s been sleeping with his baby mama.

It is one thing to drop by for the sake of the children, but an entirely different scenario if he hangs around for hours that spill into late evenings or nights without a clear explanation.

Keeping an open line of communication with his baby mama is crucial for their shared child.

Yet, him being there constantly, especially at inappropriate hours, might be more than a simple parenting commitment.

Every relationship should consist of trust, but it becomes difficult when you find your partner spending nights at his baby mama’s house.

It is concerning, particularly if this becomes a routine rather than an exception.

Also, note if he is inclined to hide this fact or gives vague reasons for so.

Lack of transparency could be an indication that he’s not entirely honest with you.

It’s essential to listen to your gut feeling as it can often lead you to the truth.

At the same time, understand that there might be valid reasons behind his action, which he might be explaining to you.

If he’s at her place more often than required for parenting responsibilities, you have reason to pause and reflect.

This only calls for your attention if he seems to be overdoing it.

Or, worst-case scenario, avoiding spending time with you to be at her place.

Consider having an open and honest conversation with him to address your concerns.

If his explanations do not satisfy you, evaluate your relationship and decide accordingly.

Your peace of mind should be your ultimate priority.

Above all, remember that you shouldn’t make assumptions or take impulsive decisions based on suspicion alone.

Keep the communication lines open with your partner and try to understand his point of view too.

While this might be a tough spot to be in, remember that no situation is too challenging if you dare to face it with your head held high.

Invest your time and energy into understanding the dynamics of your relationship and his relationship with his baby mama before drawing conclusions.

And while doing so, don’t forget to prioritize yourself and your well-being.

You deserve clarity, and you have every right to seek it.


Above is a video that contains insights on how to read certain ‘red flags’ or signs in a relationship.

This can be notably useful in discerning the nature of your partner’s ongoing involvement with his baby mama.

Watching this may offer you some relatable perspectives and a better understanding of your current situation.

2. More secretive about his phone

Many of us value our privacy and our phone is generally considered a very private belonging, however, if you notice that he has suddenly become more secretive about his phone, it could be a sign of trouble.

Typically, there’s a sense of shared privacy in a relationship; secrets are kept at a minimum and there’s an understanding of transparency.

However, when he constantly hides his phone screen when texting or avoids letting you use his phone, his unusual phone behavior may indicate that he’s trying to hide something.

Is he changing his passwords frequently?

Is his phone always on silent or do not disturb mode all of a sudden?

These are things worth considering.

It’s one thing to value privacy, but it’s another thing to over-guard one’s phone to the point where it causes suspicion.

His secretive phone behavior doesn’t only constitute a breach of trust, but it also hypothetically opens the door for him to be secretive in other areas of your relationship.

While there could be reasons unrelated to infidelity for these behaviors, incessant phone guarding could be an indicator that he’s communicating with his baby mama more frequently or inappropriately.

In this case, it’s significantly important to ask him about it.

Having an open, honest, and respectful dialogue finds its need here, where you share your feelings and how his behavior raises concerns to you.

Communication in a relationship can resolve such issues, but it’s also essential to frame it as a matter concerning your feelings rather than hinting he’s dishonest.

Another note to consider is if he’s getting defensive or dismissive over your concerns, these are other signs that he might not be telling the truth.

Being swamped by defensive responses could mean that he is feeling cornered or threatened and wants to shift the blame away from himself.

Indeed, his increased secretive behaviour about his phone may be a sign that he’s sleeping with his baby mama, but it’s also a sign that your relationship lacks transparency and trust.

Addressing this worrying behavior directly and delicately discussing it with him may provide some clarity and, perhaps, comfort, if not certainty.

Remember, being honest and direct with your concerns and feelings doesn’t make you obsessive; it rather proves your commitment towards a healthy and transparent relationship.

Whether his increased phone secrecy is due to infidelity or not, this isn’t a sign to be overlooked or ignored.

3. Cancelling or Changing Plans Last Minute

One of the most frustrating situations you can experience in a relationship is when your partner starts to cancel or change plans at the last minute.

This might suggest that he is giving priority to his baby mama over you, especially if it starts happening more frequently than before.

Let’s not rule out the fact that life is unpredictable, and sometimes plans can genuinely change.

However, this becomes a red flag when it morphs into a pattern.

“Jealousy isn’t always a sign of weakness or insecurity.”

It’s important to understand the role of intuition here.

Trust your gut feeling if you continually feel something is off, even after he has repeatedly provided seemingly sound reasons for cancelling or changing plans.

In a healthy relationship, mutual respect and communication are key.

If your man cares about you, he should value your time and make you a priority as much as his baby mama.

An evident change in how your partner respects and values your time might indicate there’s a bigger issue at play.

If he begins treating what should be quality time with you as something he can schedule and reschedule at his convenience, it perhaps signals that he might be setting aside time elsewhere, possibly with his baby mama.

If you find yourself continually frustrated and unsure about where you stand in your relationship because your man cancels or changes plans last minute, it’s time for a conversation.

Addressing your concerns in a calm and composed way can help you understand the real reason behind his actions.

However, remember you have all the right to feel respected and prioritized in your relationship.

When They Cancel Last Minute, Ask These 3 Questions!

By watching this enlightening video, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to handle a situation where your partner frequently cancels or modifies plans at the last minute.

Moreover, you’ll learn some powerful questions to ask him when such behavior occurs.

Understanding this situation better helps you ensure that you’re dealing with the issue from an informed perspective.

Remember, knowledge is power.

The key takeaway from this sign is to trust your intuition, communicate your feelings, and reassure yourself that you deserve to be treated respectfully.

4. Shows Unusual Signs of Guilt

Your partner’s behavior might have changed in unexpected ways that make you feel uncomfortable.

He might exhibit traits that he never has before, such as showing signs of guilt.

When a person is feeling guilty about something, they tend to constantly apologise for things that don’t require an apology.

Your partner might start doing this too if he’s sleeping with his baby mama.

Another sign of guilt could be the sudden desire for too much reassurance or validation.

They might constantly ask if you’re alright or if they’re doing everything in good shape when in reality, nothing significant has happened.

Your partner may also try to compensate for his guilt by being unusually generous or kind towards you.

People often turn to acts of kindness as a way to alleviate their guilt.

This could take the shape of gifts, more than usual affection, or going out of their way to do things for you.

If you notice a sudden increase in such behavior, he might be feeling guilty about something.

These acts seem lovely at first, but don’t be fooled if they are out of character for your partner.

Unsolicited thoughtful actions could be a sign of guilt rather than love.

It’s also worth noting how guilt can make a person withdraw or isolate themselves.

They might avoid conversations, seem distant, or not be their usual, open self.

People usually isolate themselves when they feel guilty to avoid conversations that might expose their guilt.

So, if he’s usually talkative and open, but has become withdrawn, it could signal guilt over sleeping with his baby mama.

An on-edge or defensive demeanor can also point to a guilty conscience.

People who are lying or hiding something will often become defensive if they suspect they’re under scrutiny.

If your partner seems overly defensive, particularly when you’re asking simple or mundane questions, this could be a subconscious effort to guard their secret and avoid suspicion.

Finally, he might also have sudden mood swings, another potential sign of guilt.

Feelings of guilt can weigh heavily on a person, leading to emotional instability.

Being happy in one moment and then becoming upset or short-tempered at the next can be an indication of guilt eating at his conscience.

Remember, your partner could show just one or all of these signs, and it’s vital to keep in mind that these behaviors can also be indicative of other issues or problems.

It’s important to communicate your concerns openly and honestly, approaching the situation with care.

Doing so will maintain the trust and integrity of your relationship.

However, if you strongly suspect he is sleeping with his baby mama, you may want to consult professional help to navigate through the scenarios and find a resolution.

5. Talks Frequently About Her

The fifth indicator that he might be sleeping with his baby mama is if he talks frequently about her.

Sometimes, in certain situations, it is normal and even healthy for him to discuss issues or situations related to their child.

However, this should not turn into an everyday occurrence.

When the conversation excessively revolves around her, this might be a sign that she occupies his thoughts more than necessary.

A man who constantly talks about his child’s mother might be doing so because he still maintains a deep emotional connection with her.

If you notice that his face lights up whenever he speaks about her, or he seems pretty enthusiastic and engaged while discussing her, these are possible indications that he is more than just co-parenting.

He might be using these discussions as a way to keep her in the picture or perhaps even rationalize his actions to himself.

In this context, the content and manner of the conversations can be insightful.

Frequent praises, affectionate descriptions, or excessive reminiscence of past incidents are clear signs of lingering feelings.

Check whether his talks revolve around their past relationship or does it often gravitate towards her present life?

If it’s the latter, it means he’s still keeping tabs on her life beyond their child.

Another thing to note is if he gets defensive or agitated if you raise objections to these frequent discussions about her.

This could be because he is emotionally protective of her as well.

Three Reasons Why #Narcissists Talk to You About Other Women

Note that there’s a video in this section which can be a helpful resource to gain insight about manipulative tendencies and a narcissist’s behavior in relationships.

Gleaning these insights could help you understand the situation better.

By watching it, you might learn how a narcissist uses different tactics to control and manipulate others, including you.

This can be crucial when addressing challenging relationship dynamics.

It’s always key to approach the situation with a clear head and open communication.

However, if these signs are persistent and causing distress, it’s important to consider professional guidance.

Remember, it’s crucial to protect your emotional health and wellbeing in the face of challenging circumstances.

Don’t let anyone take your peace of mind for granted.

6. Pays her more attention than you

One of the most challenging aspects in this situation could be the feeling of being second best, which could emerge if he is giving his baby mama greater attention than you.

Even without physical intimacy, the emotional connection between the two of them may seem stronger.

He might spend more time talking with her, and he might choose to do things with her, even if the child is not involved.

This constant preference for her could be a sign of deceit.

While it’s good that he wants to be there for his child, striking a balance is critical, and neglecting your relationship is not a good sign.

Spotting this could be particularly challenging if there are children involved because he has a valid reason to maintain some form of connection with her.

However, the amount of time and attention he gives his baby mama should not overwhelm the attention he gives you.

His relationship with her should also be centered around their child and not branch off into personal matters.

This statement points toward the fact that while it’s necessary for him to communicate with his child’s mother, there also exist boundaries which should not be crossed.

If he seems to take an unusual interest in her personal life, spends frequent time with her away from the child, or simply seems too invested, it could indicate that there’s something more to their relationship than coparenting.

Observe his behavior carefully to distinguish between healthy coparenting and being overly invested in her.

Open communication is also essential here.

If your feelings are hurt, you should express your concerns to him.

However, avoid criticizing his baby mama as it may only lead to resentment and defensiveness

You will need to be calm, collected, and diplomatic in expressing your feelings and concerns.

By doing so, you give him the chance to realize his actions and potentially ease your tensions.

Bear in mind that patience, understanding, and communication are essential.

You may also suggest relationship or family counseling as a proactive approach to dealing with this issue.

An unbiased professional might be able to provide valuable insights and strategies that you both can use to navigate your complex situation.

Last but not least, if it becomes evident, even after communication and negotiation, that he continues to prioritize her over you, it may be time to reconsider the status of your relationship.

7. Changes his appearance

One of the significant signs to watch out for is when your man starts to change his appearance. This doesn’t necessarily mean a drastic change like plastic surgery; sometimes, a mere change in wardrobe, haircut, or even his grooming routine can be indicative.

A sudden, unexplained change in his appearance could imply that he is trying to impress someone – possibly, his baby mama.

While people often alter their looks as they age or even due to changes in trends, it becomes suspicious when this change seems out of character. YIf he was previously content wearing jeans and t-shirts but now is suddenly into designer suits, it raises a red flag.

Moreover, if this increased attention to his physical attractiveness coincides with him spending more time with his baby mama, it’s a fair reason for doubt.

Noticing that he started wearing a particular aftershave or cologne that he knows she likes can also be a cause for concern.

Understanding the reason behind his sudden change in appearance is crucial, as it could be connected to his increased involvement with his baby mama.

Enhancing one’s appearance is often linked to various factors, such as lifestyle changes, mid-life crises, or simply wanting to feel better about oneself.

However, in the context of this topic, a sudden interest in his looks could be related to him wanting to seem more attractive to his baby mama.

Physical attraction is a prominent aspect in any relationship.

If he is trying to enhance his appearance to attract her, it might indicate that there’s more to their relationship than just co-parenting.

Suppose you notice he’s going shopping more often, buying new clothes, spending more time at the gym.

In that case, these could all be signs that he’s making an effort to look better for someone else – potentially his baby mama.

While any of these individual signs might not necessarily imply the worst, taken together, they create a pattern of behavior that is concerning.

Although it might be difficult to bring up this topic, it’s essential for your peace of mind and the health of your relationship to do so.

Communication is crucial.

Try discussing your concerns with him in a non-confrontational way.

My Husband Isn't Attracted To My Physical Appearance

If you’re unsure about interpreting the signals and worried about your relationship status, this video could prove helpful.

It might provide you insights into understanding male behavior and attraction.

8. Lots of Unexplained Absences

One of the more obvious signs of deceit on his part is the sudden increase in unexplained absences.

It’s not unusual for someone to become busier than usual, especially with work responsibilities or extended family issues.

However, when these absences become frequent and he cannot give substantial reasons for these, then it should raise a red flag.

None of his absences are justified with a plausible explanation.

This shows that he may not be willing to be honest about his whereabouts and just might be hiding something: spending time with his baby mama.

Men who cheat tend to register numerous unexplained absences and often these absences are utilized to spend time with the other person.

An increase in late nights at work, sudden business trips, spending more time with friends or generally being away from home more often than not can be worrying signs.

Obviously, it does not automatically mean that he is sleeping with his baby mama, but it certainly is a cause for concern.

If it continues, it would be right to start questioning him about his absences.

This is not invading his privacy but just seeking clarity for the sake of the relationship.

If he gets defensive, evasive or angry while being questioned, then it might be an implication that something is off.

His reaction to your questioning can indicate if he is hiding something.

This is because if he is indeed sleeping with his baby mama, he would feel cornered and this will reflect in his responses.

Note that it’s essential to approach the issue delicately to avoid unnecessary confrontations or animosity.

Try to have an open, non-confrontational discussion about his absences and your concerns.

Always remember, communication is key in addressing issues successfully in a relationship.

It’s also important to keenly observe his body language as he responds to your queries – sometimes, non-verbal cues might give him away.

While all these signs do not conclusively prove that he is sleeping with his baby mama, they are indicators you should not ignore and it would be best to have a conversation about them before making any decisions.

9. Closely guards his financial details

If your man is now being extremely secretive about his finances, this is a significant red flag.

It’s one thing to want some privacy, but it’s another to suddenly guard every financial detail like a fierce predator.

This could an indication of trying to cover up expenditures that he doesn’t want you to know about.

5 Red Flags Your Spouse Is FINANCIALLY Cheating

If this demeanor strikes a chord with your situation, watching the embedded video might be really educational.

It offers tips on spotting financial irregularities that may signal a deeper issue than just monetary infidelity.

Previously, you were privy to his financial dealings and suddenly he’s become super secretive, this should raise a brow or two.

“Perhaps, he’s now reluctant to share information about his bank statements, credit card bills, or has changed his passwords without telling you.”

This sudden change can be nerve-wracking and raise questions about what he is hiding, especially if there are other signs he may be sleeping with his baby mama.

It’s also alarming if he’s started keeping a separate savings account or has suddenly increased his budget for it without explanation.

As you are in a relationship, aspects like financial transparency should not be a threat to his individuality.

Monetary secrecy in most cases suggests that he might be spending more on his baby mama or perhaps, they are rekindling their past.

Also, look out for signs of large cash withdrawals or charges to places you don’t recognize.

If he’s spending a great deal of money without sensible explanation, maybe he’s taking her on dates or buying her expensive things.

Keep in mind, while it’s completely fine for him to support his child, it becomes suspicious when it’s apparent he’s caterering the baby mama and to a larger extent than needed.

10. He’s defensive when her name comes up

It’s quite a tell-tale sign if he becomes defensive each time his baby mama’s name pops up in your conversation.

His defensiveness could range from rebuffing your questions outright to being evasive or even changing the subject entirely.

Regardless of the deflection approach he uses, it shows a clear uncomfortable response according to a relationship expert.

Interestingly, being defensive is a mechanism we subconsciously use to protect ourselves.

So, when he becomes defensive when you mention his baby’s mama, it’s likely because there’s something he feels he needs to protect.

If this behaviour is consistent, it very well could be a sign he’s sleeping with his baby mama.

Consistent defensiveness in conversations about her manifests his emotional investment in the matter.

It is something to be particularly concerned about, especially when coupled with other signals.

Apart from that, it’s essential to understand that defensiveness might also be a response to your accusations, especially if they’re unwarranted or malicious.

Thus, it’s necessary to handle these scenarios delicately.

Direct confrontation may lead to hostility and further strain your relationship.

Also, while these signs may indicate a possible affair they do not serve as definite proof.

You shouldn’t jump to conclusions without substantial evidence.

If you strongly feel that he may be sleeping with his baby mama, the best course of action would be to discuss your uncertainties and feelings openly and honestly with him.

Healthy communication is crucial in any relationship and can resolve a wide range of issues.

You need to convey your doubts without attacking him verbally or accusing him incessantly.

These doubts and worries you have are but natural and addressing them head-on can save your relationship from unnecessary stress and tension.

Remember that signs are only indications while trust and communication form the basis of any relationship.

Respecting your partner’s past, including the fact that he already has children, is key to maintaining a healthy relationship.

The Bottom Line

Taking into account these ten potential indicators, it seems possible that the man in question could be unfaithful.

Although these signs don’t provide conclusive evidence, they do raise suspicions and invite further inquiry.

Often, changes in behavior, unusual secrecy or defensiveness, and increasing absences without proper explanation can be indicative of infidelity.

However, it’s essential to have a clear, open dialogue about your concerns before jumping to conclusions.

Open communication and trust are crucial in any relationship.