17 Signs He’s Not in Love, You’re Just Convenient

Navigating the world of romantic relationships can often be complex and misleading.

It’s crucial to understand the difference between genuine affection and convenience-driven interest—an issue that many women grapple with.

Formal dating protocol often renders these nuances invisible, leading to potential heartbreak and misunderstanding.

This article aims to shed light on this often overlooked aspect of relationship dynamics.

By paying attention to some often ignored signs, women can gain valuable insight into whether their partner truly loves them or views them merely as a convenience.

This understanding could be decisive in making informed decisions about continuing or terminating their relationships.

Signs He’s Not In Love, You’re Just Convenient

1. Rarely initiates contact or conversations

Being in a healthy relationship means that both parties are eager to communicate and share their experiences with each other.

If you notice that your partner rarely initiates contact or conversations, this could be a sign that he’s not really invested in your relationship.

It is normal to alternate in initiating conversations as it signifies interest and desire to connect with the other person.

A partner who loves you will want to talk to you, hear about your day, share his experiences, and discuss matters that are important to both of you.

If you’re always the one reaching out and he’s not returning your calls or texts until it’s convenient for him, this could mean you’re not a priority in his life.

In a loving relationship, both individuals actively engage in conversations, showing a genuine interest in understanding each other better.

However, if your partner hardly ever initiates a conversation, it means he’s not making the effort to connect with you.

This could indicate that he’s not in love, you’re just convenient for him.

The fact that he’s not taking the time to engage with you or show his interest in your life can be very disheartening and disrespectful.

Not initiating contact or conversations is a clear sign that he doesn’t want to connect with you on a deeper level.

It shows a lack of interest in your life, goals, thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

This lack of engagement is a huge red flag that he’s not really in love with you.

Instead, he might just be keeping you around for his own convenience, rather than due to any deep emotional attachment or affection.

Here Is A GREAT SIGN A Man Is Emotionally INVESTED In You

Watch this insightful video to understand better the behavior of a man who is emotionally invested in you.

It will provide some valuable pointers on how a man who’s truly in love will behave, and this can be a helpful guide when comparing it to your partner’s behavior.

2. Doesn’t express or show emotional intimacy.

One of the most prominent signs that he may not be in love and may just find you convenient is if he doesn’t show or express emotional intimacy.

This doesn’t mean that he should be pouring his heart out every day, but there should be moments where he opens up to you emotionally.

If he withholds his feelings, seems distant during conversations that involve emotions, it hints towards a lack of deep affection.

Displaying emotions and sharing personal feelings with a partner takes vulnerability, which comes along with trust and commitment in a relationship.

If he isn’t expressing or displaying any emotional intimacy, he’s withholding a crucial part of a healthy, loving relationship.

This particular behavior suggests that he might be in the relationship for the convenience and comfort, rather than love. It indicates that he’s not willing to let his guard down and give you access to his emotional side.

Even for individuals who find it challenging to express emotions, there’s usually an effort made when they are in love.

If he is not putting in that effort, he is probably not emotionally invested as one should be in a loving relationship.

Another sign is if he avoids situations where emotional intimacy might build, such as deep personal conversations, comforting each other, or discussing dreams and fears.

He might change the topic or dismiss these talks as ‘overly emotional’ or ‘unnecessary’ to avoid opening up emotionally.

If he’s not interested in having such emotional exchanges, that suggests he doesn’t want the connection to go beyond the surface level.

It is important to remember that emotional intimacy is a solid foundation of a lasting relationship, and without it, the connection can feel shallow and lack substance.

The fact that he refrains from exhibiting emotional intimacy could indicate his lack of intention for a long-term commitment. This could mean that you’re there just to fulfill his emotional needs without him intending to reciprocate the same for you.

He might also be unconsciously or consciously withholding his emotional intimacy to keep the relationship on his terms, which are convenient for him.

Ultimately, if he’s not ready to nurture emotional intimacy, it hints at him not being ready to be in love or not interested in sharing a deep emotional bond.

3. You don’t feature in his future plans.

It’s important to observe if your partner includes you in his future plans. If he is often talking about his plans or his dreams and you’re not in them, it might be a sign that you’re just convenient for him at the moment.

These plans don’t have to be monumental. They might be as simple as a weekend getaway or as big as his career moves.

If he is making big decisions without considering your opinion, your wants, or your impact on them, then he doesn’t see a future with you.

These can be heart-breaking realizations but acknowledging them is the first step towards understanding where you stand in the relationship.

Even when discussing trivial matters like a future home or a pet dog, if he is overly dominant and dismissive of your desires, it shows a lack of respect and value for your opinion.

You need to feel valued and involved in his future plans. If not, it’s a crucial sign that he’s not in love and you are just a convenient option for him.

Your partner should consider your opinion and include you in his future plans if he’s genuinely invested in the relationship and in love.

Therefore, if he is constantly sidelining you when it comes to any future plans, simple or grand, it represents a lack of deeper emotional commitment towards you. It indicates that he sees you merely as a convenience rather than a long term commitment.

It’s essential to have these conversations openly and honestly. It might be hard but it is good to know where you stand in your relationship.


This video will shed some light on why it’s important for your partner to see you in his future plans. It provides insights about the importance of a shared vision of the future for long-term relationship success.

No matter how uncomfortable these conversations may be, they are necessary for the health and future of your relationship. Your happiness and well-being need to be prioritized. Remember, you deserve to be loved and cherished, not just conveniently chosen.

11. Doesn’t invest active effort in the relationship.

In a healthy relationship, both partners should put in an equal amount of effort. If your partner is not investing active effort in the relationship, it speaks volumes about his feelings towards you.

Active effort means investing time, energy and emotions into building a strong, happy and healthy relationship. Lack of effort could mean that he’s not putting in the time to communicate, to understand, or to make you feel loved and appreciated.

If he’s often making you feel neglected, it might be because he sees the relationship as more of a convenience than an emotion-driven connection.

Any successful relationship requires active and deliberate effort from both partners. A one-sided effort can leave one feeling neglected and under-appreciated.

Being in love means caring about your partner’s feelings, needs, and desires, not simply taking them for granted. If he’s not doing that, then he’s not genuinely invested in the relationship.

It’s essential to have these conversations openly and honestly. It might be hard but it is for your own well-being. Remember, love is about mutual respect and effort. You deserve someone who is willing to put an equal amount of effort into the relationship.


This video might deepen your understanding of why both partners need to invest effort in a relationship. It elaborates on the importance of equal contribution from both sides in a relationship.

While these circumstances can be tough to face, it’s vital to prioritize your happiness. Remember, love is about balance and mutual respect. You deserve someone who is willing to put an equal amount of effort into the relationship.

4. Doesn’t Prioritize You or Your Requirements

When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to expect your partner to prioritize you before other aspects of his life.

If he’s constantly putting his needs, wants, and desires above yours, this could be a red flag that he doesn’t really love you.

As part of a healthy relationship, both individuals should feel respected, valued, and loved.

When one party consistently neglects the other’s needs, it could indicate a lack of genuine affection or investment in the relationship.

Instead, it could mean that he’s merely finding you convenient at the moment.

A person who deeply loves you would always consider your feelings and your needs.

A key attribute of love in a relationship is the willingness to make sacrifices for the happiness and well-being of your partner.

This requires a certain level of empathy and understanding that seems to be lacking in this scenario.

When sacrifices are made by one partner, they should be reciprocated by the other, otherwise it indicates a one-sided relationship.

Even small gestures like adjusting plans, giving up free time, or putting aside personal wants can speak volumes about the depth of love in a relationship.

If he is always the one receiving and never giving, it’s not a fair game.

Furthermore, being flexible and making adjustments for the sake of your partner’s happiness shows genuine love and concern.

But when he doesn’t bother to do these things for you, it’s clear that he doesn’t value you or the relationship enough.

It certainly raises scrutiny about his real feelings towards you and whether or not he’s in actual love with you.

So, if you’ve noticed that he constantly overlooks your needs or makes you feel unimportant, it might be a sign that he’s not in love with you, but just finds you convenient.

Remember, when someone truly loves you, they would always prioritize your happiness and welfare above all else.

Unfortunately, if he doesn’t make effort to care about your needs, it’s a potent indication that you’re simply a convenience to him rather than a beloved partner.

5. Avoids introducing you to his close circle

A significant sign of a relationship being convenience-based is when he avoids introducing you to his close circle.

This can include his friends, family, and other significant individuals in his life.

Creation of meaningful bonds with your partner’s social circle is usually a natural progression in a committed relationship.

However, if your beau is hesitant or outright avoids introducing you to the people who matter most to him, this could be a troubling indicator.

The lack of introductions not only creates a disconnect but also limits the level of intimacy and inclusion you can experience in his life.

This implies a lack of commitment or a reluctance to fully integrate you into his personal and social life.

The deep-rooted reasons for this could be varied, such as fear of commitment, uncertainty of the relationship’s future, or that he envisions a separate social and romantic life.

Why doesn't my boyfriend introduce me to his friends

Take a moment to check out this video. You may gain insights into the reasoning behind his behavior and positively navigate this situation.

In a healthy, loving relationship, your partner would want to show you off to the world and make you a part of his close-knit circle.

This would involve him actively wanting to involve you in his life’s social aspects and being proud of sharing his world with you.

Reluctance in doing so could translate to uncertainty in his feelings for you, raising questions of whether you’re just a convenience.

It is essential to address this issue and communicate your concerns to your partner, to reach a deeper understanding and potentially rectify the situation.

Remember, a relationship should be about mutual respect, love, and inclusion.

If you find yourself in a position where you are sidelined from your partner’s social life, it may be time to reevaluate your relationship’s dynamics.

Every person deserves a love that is inclusive, respectful, and acknowledging of their place in their partner’s life.

6. Only reaches out during his ‘free’ time

Experiencing love often involves investing time. When a man truly loves you, he will want to spend quality time with you, regardless of his schedule or other commitments. Conversely, if he only reaches out to you when he has free time or is bored, his intentions might be doubtful.

You might be in a relationship with him, but you feel secondary to his other interests – be it work, friends, hobbies or even long gaming sessions. Whenever there is a competition for his time, he chooses the competitor over you.

More often than not, you find yourself waiting by the phone for his call or text. You are always the one adjusting and compromising, making sure your schedule aligns with his ‘free’ hours.

Perhaps, you’ve sensed you’re only a convenience when all his other entertainment options run dry.

This feeling isn’t just frustrating. It sends a clear signal that he perceives you as an option. He seems to ignore you until he’s exhausted all his available pastimes. Seemingly being in love isn’t about having time; it’s about making time.

Your meetings are usually unplanned and spontaneous, dictated by his availability rather than mutual convenience. An impromptu date might seem romantic, but when it’s a regular occurrence, it’s a red flag.

You may have expressed your discomfort about this to him, but his behavior remains unchanged. He continues to prioritize his personal amusement over your needs and feelings.

Ironically, when it comes to responding to your emotional necessities, he suddenly becomes ‘busy’, demonstrating a lack of commitment to your relationship.

If his ‘free’ time is the only time he dedicates to you, he’s treating you as a pastime rather than a partner. Romantic relationships should involve more than just filling gaps in each other’s schedules.

He might profess his ‘love’ for you, but his behavior clearly shows otherwise. His unreliability and unavailability raise questions about his emotional involvement in the relationship.

Beyond the spontaneous movie dates and late-night drives, real relationships involve shared responsibilities and commitments. These are some of the fundamentals he seems to overlook in your relationship.

This pattern of behavior is unsettling. It signals that he lacks the desire to build a stable, nurturing relationship with you.

When a man is truly in love, he puts substantial effort into making his significant other feel prioritized and valued – not sidelined, ignored, or used as an escape from boredom.

If you’re reconciling yourself with this sort of treatment, remember that you deserve someone who values and appreciates you at all times, not just when it’s convenient.

7. He’s not interested in your personal life

Noticing a marked lack of curiosity from him about your day-to-day life can signify that he’s not in love with you, but rather sees you as a convenient choice. If he’s in love, he should genuinely want to know about what’s going on with you, but if this is not the case, then it’s a clear cut sign that you are just convenient for him.

He may not inquire about your work, hobbies, or passions. This disinterest in the personal things that make you ‘you’ translates into him not being in love with you. Love, after all, is about more than just being there for someone. It’s about knowing who they really are and being interested in their life.

One isn’t expected to remember every single detail of their partner’s life, but showing an active interest in what your partner shares with you is an important aspect of a loving relationship. So if he rarely, if ever, asks you how your day was or how you’re doing, this is definitely a sign that he’s not in love with you.

If your stories, opinions, interests, and feelings are continually unacknowledged or actively ignored, this shows he’s not recognising you as an individual, but more as a prop or accessory to his own existence.

This line of thinking emphasizes that his lack of interest in you as a unique individual indicates that not only is he not in love with you, but he also doesn’t acknowledge you as an equal partner.

Remember, someone who truly loves you would care about your thoughts. They would want to hear about your day or your ideas because they value your perspective and appreciate your existence in their life.

This does not mean they will agree with everything you say or do, but there is a definite difference between disagreeing and blatantly disregarding.

One might argue that he could just be a mildly interested or quiet individual but there is a clear difference between someone who is shy or introverted, and someone who is simply uninterested.

7 Signs A Man Is Not That Into You

Watching the aforementioned video will provide further insights on deciphering if a man is truly interested in you. It will also help you to understand and identify the differences between genuine love and someone who views you as just a convenience.

Ultimately, if you find yourself in a situation where you constantly feel ignored or disregarded, it’s crucial to remember that your feelings and experiences are valid and you deserve someone who values your individuality and treats you with the respect and consideration you deserve.

8. Your relationship lacks deep, meaningful conversations.

One undeniable marker of a strong and healthy relationship is the existence of deep and meaningful conversations.

These are the kinds of discussions that go beyond the typical, mundane day-to-day chatter and focus on topics that are important and personal to both partners.

It’s in such discussions that we truly get to know our partners: learning about their hopes, dreams, fears and aspirations.

On the flip side, relationships that lack such dialogues can often feel shallow and unsatisfying.

If your conversations with him seem superficial or lacking in depth, it could be a sign that he doesn’t view your relationship as anything beyond convenience.

Superficial conversation isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker by itself, but combined with other signs, it could indicate lack of emotional commitment.

For instance, when exchanges rarely venture beyond routine topics – like what happened at work today or what to eat for dinner – and meaningful discussions about personal topics or the future are conspicuously absent, this is a warning sign.

By avoiding deeper conversations, he may be subconsciously hindering the emotional closeness that such talks often foster.

In a healthy relationship, there should be a mutual interest in delving beyond the surface level.

If you find that he typically redirects or avoids deeper discussions, this can indicate a reluctance to fully invest in the relationship emotionally.

Beyond just being convenient, meaningful conversations often make us vulnerable because they reveal our deepest thoughts and feelings.

However, his resistance to having such talks suggests a reluctance to show vulnerability to you or connect on a deeper level – which again suggests convenience over deep affection.

It’s essential to remember that open, honest, deep conversations are the backbone of a strong, mutually satisfying relationship.

Without them, it becomes difficult to build genuine intimacy and mutual understanding.

So, if his conversations with you never seem to scratch below the surface, it might just be out of convenience and not because he’s in love.

9. You feel like an option, not a priority.

One of the clearest signs that he doesn’t truly love you but finds you convenient is when you feel like you’re merely an option rather than a priority in his life.

If you always find yourself pulled to the sidelines for his work, hobbies or friends, it’s a sign that he doesn’t value the relationship as much as he should.

In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel equally important and valued.

Your partner should set aside time for you without making it seem like a chore or an obligation.

If you constantly feel like you’re vying for his attention with his other commitments, it’s a sign that the relationship isn’t balanced.

This feeling of being an option often leads to you questioning your worth, second-guessing his feelings, and feeling insecure in the relationship.

Such feelings are completely valid and signal that he isn’t respecting your needs or treating you as a top priority in his life.

If you always find yourself pulled to the sidelines for his work, hobbies or friends, it’s a sign that he doesn’t value the relationship as much as he should.

This statement is a clear indicator that your relationship lacks value in his eyes.

It’s critical to recognize how detrimental this imbalance can be to your self-esteem and mental health.

You should discuss your feelings with him openly and honestly. If he continues to make you feel secondary, you may need to reconsider your relationship status.

If you’re faced with these feelings, don’t dismiss them. They’re an important signal that something is ammis in your relationship.

8 Signs That You Aren't Their Priority

In this insightful video, you may find more signs and examples that further validate your feelings.

Watching it could equip you with a better understanding of your relationship and stimulate important conversations.

10. He avoids discussing emotions or feelings

A significant sign that he’s not in love and you’re simply convenient is if he habitually avoids discussing emotions or feelings. This can involve his own feelings, your emotions, or issues that evoke emotional responses. People, who effectively express and handle emotions, are crucial to both personal and relationship maturity.

If your partner frequently sidesteps emotional discussions, this could mean that he is either not capable of handling emotional intimacy or is just not interested enough to invest his time and attention in it. A thriving relationship demands emotional investment from both parties, and it starts with healthy, open conversations about emotions. Dismissing emotional discussions is a clear red flag.

When he consistently shies away from expressing his feelings or lending an ear to yours, it might indicate that he’s not looking for a deeply emotionally invested relationship.

This sort of emotional evasion could spring from a plethora of personal issues. However, it’s not your job to diagnose him or try to fix him. Instead, an emotional connection must be formed naturally. If he seems reluctant to foster such a connection, it could be indicative of a deeper problem.

Open and honest conversations about feelings – both positive and negative – are an integral part of any intimate relationship. If he continually evades such discussions, it could signify an emotional unavailability on his part. He might be using you as a convenient placeholder until someone ‘better’ comes along.

While it’s alright to respect your partner’s privacy and personal space, there’s a fine line between privacy and emotional evasiveness. Respectful and kind conversations about feelings ought to be a pillar in any loving relationship. Instead, if there’s an evident reluctance or avoidance of emotional discussions, it could mean he isn’t as invested in the relationship as you are.

Remember that your emotional needs are valuable and must be respected in a relationship. You deserve a partner who is willing to engage with you on an emotional level, providing warmth, understanding, and care. If your current partner consistently avoids emotional discussions, it’s advisable to pause and reassess the state of your relationship.

If he continues to sidestep emotional discussions, it can lead to an emotionally unsatisfying relationship. This sort of emotional void could affect other areas of your relationship as well – like communication, trust and intimacy. Instead of feeling loved and cared for, one might end up feeling used and neglected.

Try discussing this issue with your partner. If he continues to shy away or becomes defensive when the subject of emotional discussions arises, it’s likely a cause for concern. Remember that you deserve a partner capable of emotional connection and expression – one that enhances rather than detracts from your wellbeing.

Therefore, it’s advisable to have an open discussion about this behavior and articulate your worries. Don’t be persuaded to silence your needs; they are as important as his. If he fails to recognize the issue or dismisses your feelings, it might be a clear indication that he doesn’t truly love you but merely finds you convenient.

11. Doesn’t invest active effort in the relationship

One of the most important factors in a meaningful relationship is the level of effort each partner puts into maintaining it. If your partner rarely, if at all, invests active effort in your relationship, it might be a sign that he’s not in love.

This lack of effort can manifest in various ways, such as consistently forgetting important dates or not making an effort to spend quality time together. Sometimes, he might even fail to properly communicate his feelings and thoughts to you.

In a healthy relationship, both partners should have an equal stake and equally invest in maintaining and improving the relationship dynamic.
It’s not just about remembering anniversaries or planning dates, but about understanding your needs, validating your emotions, and working together to solve issues that arise. However, if he’s not putting in the required effort, it’s a sign that he might not value the relationship as much as he should.

The lack of effort is particularly evident when it comes to resolving conflicts. If he seldom tries to resolve issues, preferring to ignore them, or expects you to do all the work in solving problems, it’s indicative of a lack of emotional investment.

He might also not show any interest in activities or pastimes you enjoy. Whether it’s ignoring your favorite series or not joining you on your morning run, these are warning signs of a lack of interest in shared experiences, often a sign of a deeper issue.

If He Doesn't Put In The Effort In The Relationship, Do This!

In this video discussion, a professional shares her insights on the lack of effort in a relationship and how to address it. She emphasizes on the importance of reciprocity in a relationship and how the absence of it can cause emotional distress.

She also discusses the importance of asserting oneself in a relationship and ensuring that both parties put in an equal amount of effort. Learning this can help you better understand your situation and possibly direct some conversations with him about shared responsibilities in your relationship.

You should also be aware that if he consistently does not show an interest in you or in the things that matter to you, it might be more than a mere coincidence. It might be a pattern of neglect, disinterest, or worse, it could be indicative of his inability to love you the right way.

Every relationship requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and grow. If these are lacking, it’s a clear sign that you’re not in a healthy, loving relationship.

Remember, you deserve a partner who invests in you, is excited about your relationship, and is capable and willing to put in the effort required to sustain, nurture, and grow the love you share.

If you’re not receiving this, it doesn’t necessarily reflect on your worth, but it should certainly make you reconsider your romantic involvement with someone who doesn’t value you the way you deserve to be valued.

All in all, if a man is not investing active effort in your relationship, it’s a strong indication that the love might not be as deep as it should be. It suggests that he does not see you as an important part of his life and that you might just be someone convenient, not someone he truly loves.

12. You spend more time apart than together

When in a relationship, it is often expected that both partners will desire to spend as much time as possible together. But this might not always be the case. If you find yourself spending more time apart than together, then that might be one of the signs that he’s not in love.

A relationship is built on mutual interest, shared experiences, and moments spent together. If these aspects are not prominently evident in your relationship, it’s perhaps because he might not be as invested as you are.

Furthermore, if he justifies spending more time apart by giving excuses about work, other commitments, or even needing personal space regularly, it shows that he’s not taking your emotional needs into account.

These justifications might seem valid and reasonable at first. However, when it becomes a persistent pattern, it may be indicative of his insincere intent or lack of affection for you.

This is not to say that one should be together 24/7. A healthy relationship does require space for individuals to grow and maintain their individual identities. However, noticeably spending more time apart than together, especially if it is clear he has other priorities over you, raises questions about his feelings.

The effort to create shared memories and shared experiences in a relationship shows active interest and love. Love, beyond the initial phase of attraction, is a conscious choice and requires work.

If spending quality time with you is not on his list of priorities, then chances are, he might be viewing the relationship from a perspective of convenience.

Also, this does not mean spending time together in routine or mundane activities. The key phrase here is ‘quality time’. It’s about creating lasting memories, engaging in meaningful discussions, and truly understanding each other.

The time spent together in a relationship is not merely about physical presence but also emotional and mental connectivity. If he’s always too busy, always prioritizing other activities over you, or just not available even when he’s with you, it might be because he’s just not that into you.

Being the only one initiating plans, or always waiting for him to make time for you, can be emotionally draining. Your relationship should not feel like a constant struggle for attention. Love is supposed to be about mutual care and understanding.

Therefore, take note if the distance between you two is more than the proximity, both physically and emotionally. This could be a clear sign that he’s not in love, and the relationship exists merely for his convenience. Remember, you deserve better than just being someone’s plan B or fallback option when they have nothing better to do.

So, pay attention to how he spends his time, who he invests his time in, and whether he genuinely wants to spend time with you or not. Bear in mind, the key to this all is finding balance. Individual time is important, but so is time together. Him frequently choosing time apart over time with you could be a sign that he’s not really in love, you’re just convenient.

13. He often takes more than he gives.

In relationships, reciprocation is key and if you’re noticing that your partner often takes more than he gives, it can be a clear sign that you’re more of a convenience to him than a love interest.

This might come in different forms; you may observe that he always expects you to adjust your schedules to accommodate his, or he might be consistently unresponsive or unapologetic about not contributing equally to the relationship.

This sort of behaviour reflects a lack of respect for your time and effort, as well as a disregard for the happiness and fulfillment of both parties in the relationship.

Being in a relationship where you are constantly giving and not receiving can be emotionally draining and ultimately unhealthy.

It’s vital that in these circumstances, you recognize your worth and the importance of your contributions to the relationship.

The kind of relationship where one person constantly takes without giving back is unfair and unsustainable in the long term.

The balance in a relationship should not be heavily skewed towards one person’s favor. Reciprocity is a fundamental element of any healthy relationship.

In your situation, if you perceive that he is always on the receiving end and rarely gives back – emotionally, physically, or financially – then it’s a strong indication that he regards you as a convenience, rather than a love interest.

How to Cope with a Selfish Partner

You may find some tips and strategies in the video useful in dealing with such a partner.

It can also provide insights on how to set boundaries and assert your needs in a relationship, so that you don’t end up being someone else’s convenience.

Never settle for being someone’s second choice or backup plan. You deserve to be with someone who appreciates your worth and reciprocates your love and effort.

Always remember, a one-sided relationship can’t be sustained for long and it’s better to voice your feelings early on before getting in too deep.

14. More interested in physical intimacy than emotional.

In a healthy and balanced relationship, there’s typically a balanced mix of emotional and physical intimacy. However, one of the indicators that he might not truly love you but rather finds you convenient is if there is an overemphasis on physical intimacy.

If you feel like your relationship is primarily defined by physical interactions rather than emotional ones, it is a strong red flag.

Physical intimacy is an essential component in a relationship. Still, the emotional aspect is what significantly deepens the connection and makes it real and fulfilling.

If the man you’re with is

15. Lack of empathy towards your struggles

One of the glaring signs that a man is not in love but finds you convenient is his lack of empathy towards your struggles.

When someone genuinely loves you, your happiness is their happiness, and your sorrows are theirs too.

A significant part of being in a healthy, loving relationship is the ability to sympathize with your partner, understanding their emotions, and sharing in their struggles.

In contrast, a man who does not love you will be indifferent to the difficulties you face.

If he is emotionally unconcerned about the issues and struggles you’re going through, it may be a flag that he’s not emotionally invested in you but is simply finding you expedient for his own needs.

In essence, your struggles don’t seem to impact his emotional state which reflects lack of concern and empathy on his part.

Struggles are a part of life and a person who loves you would always be there with you in your lowest times trying to lighten up your burdens.

Supporting this sentiment, a person who has genuine feelings for you will not avoid or ignore your hardships.

Instead, he’ll stand beside you, offering emotional support and sharing collaborative solutions to help you overcome your battles.

However, if he remains aloof and detaches himself from your problems, then it can be safely assumed that he lacks empathy and is not acting as a companion should.

Just as happiness, challenges and struggles are shared in a relationship too.

If he does not share in your struggles, it shows a lack of emotional bonding and understanding between you two.

Another significant aspect to take into account is how he reacts to your sharing of struggles.

Does he listen attentively? Or does he brush off your issues, showing no interest or giving generic responses? Observing these behaviours can give a lot of insights.

Evaluating his ability to empathize is a critical factor for you to consider whether to take this relationship further or not.

6 Signs You're Dealing with Someone Who Deeply Lacks Empathy

It is recommended to watch the video to gain further insights about people who lack empathy. It provides a comprehensive understanding of such behaviours and gives tools to deal with them.

Through the video, you can also discern if these behaviours align with your partner’s actions, helping you make a well-informed decision about your relationship.

16. Doesn’t make sacrifices for your relationship

When a person is deeply in love, they usually don’t mind making sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. They put their partner’s needs above their own, because they genuinely care for their happiness.

However, if your man is unwilling to make sacrifices, it’s a glaring sign that he’s not in love with you. He simply views you as a convenient option and feels no need to put in the extra effort.

This could manifest in many ways. For example, he might refuse to compromise in discussions, or he might not make time for you when he’s busy.

The reluctance to make any kind of sacrifice, whether big or small, signifies a lack of investment in the relationship. It’s a clear sign he prioritizes his own comfort and needs over yours.

This attitude is clearly indicative of his disinterest in building a deep and meaningful relationship with you. After all, compromise and sacrifice are fundamental aspects of a healthy, committed relationship.

Failing to recognize and address this negative behavior can cause harm and resentment in the long run. It’s important to understand that sacrifice is a reciprocal process, and it’s essential in a loving relationship.

If he’s not willing to adjust his plans or consider your feelings in his decisions, it is a red flag. His unwillingness to make sacrifices for your relationship is a clear indicator that you are not a priority in his life.

Being in a relationship where one person continually sacrifices while the other doesn’t reciprocate can leave you feeling unappreciated and drained. It’s crucial to address these issues and communicate your feelings.

If he is not willing to change or compromise in any way, it might be a sign that this relationship is not for his benefit. He might be using you for his convenience, not because he’s passionate about you.

Remember that a person who truly loves you will always be willing to make sacrifices in order to maintain and nurture the relationship. They understand that love is not just about receiving, but also about giving and compromising.

Taking a hard look at your man’s behaviour and his unwillingness to sacrifice, can provide valuable insight into his true feelings for you. It’s essential to clarify this issue, as it’s a reliable sign whether or not he’s genuinely in love with you.

If he’s not making sacrifices, it’s a sign that he’s taking your relationship for granted. It shows that he doesn’t highly value you or your relationship, and possibly sees you as merely convenient.

As harsh as this realization may seem, understanding this bitter truth can empower you to seek better and demand the love and respect you deserve.

In conclusion, not being willing to make sacrifices for the relationship, is a significant indicator of his true feelings for you. If he doesn’t step up, it might be time to reconsider if this relationship is worth your energy and love.

17. He’s dismissive of your thoughts and opinions.

One of the telltale signs that he’s not really in love and you are just a convenience to him is that he is dismissive of your thoughts and opinions.

If your man truly cared about you, he would value your insights and seek your counsel on various matters.

Unfortunately, if he consistently disregards your perspectives or blatantly dismisses them without due consideration, it’s a big red flag.

Such behavior not only belittles you but also makes you feel unwanted and devalued in the relationship.

You should never have to fight for your voice to be heard in a relationship that is meant to be an equal partnership.

Such conduct points to a severe lack of respect, and without respect, love cannot thrive.

It’s vitally important to recognise that your thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter just as much as his do.

Your voice should always be heard and respected within the confines of a loving relationship.

In a truly loving relationship, your partner will not only listen to your thoughts, but he will also consider them.

This means without judging or immediately dismissing them before hearing you out fully.

However, if your partner is consistently making light of what you say or showing little to no interest in your opinions, it’s time to take note.

Such a disconnect not only indicates his lack of emotional investment in the relationship, but it also paints a crystal clear picture of where his priorities lay.

Worse still, if he belittles or mocks your opinions in front of others, it shows a brazen disregard for your feelings and a complete lack of respect for you as an individual.

It’s not only about him not being in love, but it also speaks volumes about his character and how he views women in general.


This video provides valuable insights into signs of emotional unavailability which can help you further understand his dismissive behaviour towards your thoughts.

Watching it may shed more light on your situation, and help you take the necessary steps to protect your emotional wellbeing.

The Bottom Line

Evidently, if your partner consistently exhibits these behaviors, it’s safe to say he isn’t serious about your relationship.

It portrays a clear disregard for your feelings, ignoring your needs and neglecting to incorporate you into his future.

His reluctance to delve into deeper conversations or express emotional intimacy is a red flag.

A relationship needs balanced effort, genuine interest in the other’s personal life, and respect for each other’s thoughts and opinions.

If he only prioritizes his demands, shows more interest in physical intimacy, has a lack of empathy, and doesn’t sacrifice for the relationship, it’s an unhealthy relationship asymmetry, indicating he might not be as invested in the relationship as you are.

It’s important to acknowledge these signals to prevent prolonged emotional distress and to make decisions best for your emotional well-being.