17 Funny Replies to “I Miss You” From An Ex

Dealing with a former significant other can often be a challenging endeavor.

At times, you may find yourself in an unexpected position where an ex-partner sends an “I miss you” text.

While addressing such a situation can seem daunting, a dash of humor can bring in some much-needed lightness.

This article focuses on an assortment of entertaining responses you can employ when faced with such a scenario.

Our aim?

To provide a diverse selection of light-hearted, clever remarks that help you navigate these moments with ease and confidence.

Funny Replies To “i Miss You” From An Ex

1. Sorry, I cannot recall who this is!

Probably one of the quickest and most humorous ways to respond to an I miss you message from an ex is to play dumb.

This involves acting as if you don’t remember who they are.

Besides the immediate humor it provides, it also carries a passive message implying that they were not that significant in your life that you should remember them.

In case they make an effort to remind you of who they are, simply proceed to pretend you still don’t recall them.

When done right, this can be a hilarious way to respond, but do keep in mind to be tactful and not to hurt the other person’s feelings.

Every relationship is unique, so this might not work smoothly for everyone, I advise using it in a moment when the humor is sure to be appreciated.

This is undeniably one of the fastest ways to redirect the topic and possibly save you from a string of long and unnecessary conversations.

Probably one of the quickest and most humorous ways to respond to an “I miss you” message from an ex is to play dumb.

With that said, this technique is a clever way to express that you are not interested in going down memory lane.

It subtly communicates your unavailability for any form of overtures from them.

However, make sure never to string them along endlessly, letting them think they have a chance with you would be unfair and cruel if you know you are over them and wish to move on.

Make sure never to cross the line with your humor and turn it to sarcasm, as this may wound the other person.

It takes maturity and prudence to know when to stop.

In the off chance that your ex persistently keeps in touch and your humorous replies don’t seem to be working, you might need to set clear boundaries.

It will be beneficial and helpful for both of you in the end.

When you just don't know how to respond to a narcissist

Watching this video may provide useful insights into ways of relating with situations when someone is being persistent and not respecting your boundaries.

It will also shed light on various effective responses to employ when dealing with people who refuse to accept that a relationship has ended.

In conclusion, recalling vivid experiences from the past can be a tricky business. The important thing to remember is to be careful with your words, respect for the other person, and your willingness to move on from the past.

2. Who’s this?

New phone, who dis?”

“Who’s this?

New phone, who dis?” is a humorous response that one may use to address an ex-partner who professes to miss them.

The meta humor in this statement comes from the implication that the recipient of the ex’s text has either forgotten their ex or has chosen to act as if they don’t remember them.

This approach can be rather effective as it informs the ex-partner in a light-hearted manner that their advances are no longer effective.

It’s also a way of making it apparent that one has moved on without stating it directly.

Moreover, this saying epitomizes a level of nonchalance to the ex-partner’s expressions of longing, demonstrating a degree of emotional distance.

Following this statement, their ex might understand the fact that they’ve been effectively erased from their past partner’s memory.

Such a statement can often put a stop to their attempts to spark an old flame.

The phrase “new phone, who dis?” originated as an internet slang used when someone didn’t want to respond to an incoming text or call.

It’s a slick and comedic way of avoiding an unwanted interaction.

Applying it to respond to ‘I miss you’ texts from an ex-partner brings out a witty and carefree side of the text recipient.

This line gives the suggestion that one has replaced their old phone along with its memories.

The memories, of course, include their past relationship, implying they’ve moved forward.

The humor might help take the sting out of the rejection for the ex-partner while it may also give the one who uses it a little joy during what could be an uncomfortable situation.

The punch of this amusing response is that it depicts total lack of effort in memory retention concerning an ex-lover.

It suggests that the chapter of old love has been closed for so long that it’s not worth reopening.

The morsel of humor at the ex-lover’s expense adds a savory delight for the one reasserting their independence.

Coincidentally or not, it’s a clever use of technological metaphors to express an emotional status.

Considering the prevalent role of smartphones in our everyday lives, this reply carries a universal appeal.

Bringing in a dash of humor and wit, this statement shows that it’s possible to decline overtures from an ex in a way that is assertive but not harsh.

It retains a sense of respect and dignity for both sides.

This one-liner can inspire many not to respond to an ex’s text out of politeness or guilt, but engage in a way that honours their self-worth and mental peace.

Such an unpredictable reply can catch the ex-partner off guard, deflecting their emotional energy and deterring further intimate conversation.

Whimsical as it might seem, this response is a statement of boundary and an attempt to bring a finality to a chapter one does not wish to revisit.

3. Have you checked inside the fridge?

We have all had moments where something or someone becomes a refreshing change of pace in our lives.

It usually happens when we step outside our comfort zones and choose to face new challenges and people rather than sticking to the familiar.

This new element, however, can often leave an imprint on us, making us miss it when it’s no longer around.

This is the case with relationships as well.

Imagine getting a text from an ex saying, “I miss you”.

Such a situation can prove to be emotional or awkward, depending on how your relationship with this person was when you were together.

You might be surprised, confused, happy, or even feel nothing at all.

Navigating through these feelings can sometimes be a challenge.

You will need a balance of humour and wit to reply adequately.

A humorous approach, like asking, “Have you checked inside the fridge?” can swiftly change the tone of the conversation.

In this context, not only are you hinting that you might be distracted with other more exciting things (or in this case, feasting on delicious food), but you’re also subtly indicating that they’re not really a pressing issue in your life. This could be a way to tell them that you’re doing just fine without them.

Moreover, the humorous approach takes away any awkward tension that could have built up.

Remember, sometimes humour can be a defence mechanism in uncomfortable situations.

It allows you to express how you feel without getting too serious.

This type of response shows that you’ve moved on from the relationship and are not affected.

Dealing with your past is important as it helps you to understand your present better and shapes your future life.

Refrigerator not Cooling? Check these things first!

As you explore this concept further, the video above may prove helpful.

It contains useful pointers, especially when such messages cause anxiety.

Additionally, it might provide new and creative ways for you to respond to such ‘I miss you’ texts.

In conclusion, dealing with a past relationship can be tricky.

But a humorous and light-hearted response like asking “Have you checked inside the fridge?” can ease the tension without you having to suppress your feelings.

It shows that you’re moving on, and it could even signify that you’re in a better place emotionally.

Sometimes, laughter really is the best therapy.

4. Oh, were you gone?

The phrase Oh, were you gone? can serve as a fantastic retort that adds a flavor of mild surprise and obvious disinterest to your conversation.

This amusing reply, rich with its comical undertone, will make it clear that their absence was in fact inconsequential to you.

When you express that you didn’t even notice their nonexistence, it sends a strong message that their presence or absence holds no significant part in your life anymore.

By responding with this question, you put forth a metaphorical eyebrow raise to their statement of missing you.

This reaffirms that your life has moved forward and that you are unperturbed without them.

It symbolizes the lack of impact their departure had on your everyday existence.

It is a brilliant and comical way of suggesting that their absence was barely felt, let alone missed.

Precisely, when you effectively express a feeling of surprise to their claim of missing you, it implies that their departure did not create a void.

This message therefore conveys that their absence didn’t even make a dramatic plot twist in the story of your life.

Furthermore, it encourages a sense of humor and shows that you are taking their statement lightly, which can help dilute the heaviness often associated with such conversations.

It encapsulates the sentiment that you have moved on from them and subtly communicates a level of indifference.

In such scenarios, humor can be a wonderful mechanism to cope and deal with uncomfortable situations.

When you convey a lack of realization of their absence, it puts across how little you have been affected by the separation, and that your days have rolled on just fine.

They may have expected you to be constantly aware of their absence, and this message is funny because it completely overturns those expectations.

Humor not only glorifies your happy state of existence, but also serves as a beacon indicating you are doing well without them in the picture. Releasing this little joke into the atmosphere showcases your carefree attitude, taking a step back from the gloom that ‘missing you’ messages typically hold.

This kind of reply thus mirrors you’re past the point of feeling melancholic or holding any leftover sentiments.

So, ‘Oh, were you gone?’ is a prideful and funny way of asserting that you are just doing fine.

It indicates personal growth and resilience.

There’s also a certain sense of empowerment that comes with being able to respond to their ‘I miss you’ in such a humorous and uncaring manner.

This sentence is layered with humour, indifference and a dash of surprise, which makes it an impactful response to an ex’s message.

This undermining question gives you, the one who was left behind, a sense of control over the situation by flipping the script and playfully dismissing their claimed emotions. It requires a sense of fearless honesty, conveyed with ease and humor.

It is both a declaration of being unfazed by their departure, and a testament to your strength and happiness in their absence.

5. I miss our dog more.

Just saying.”

Processing memories of an ex-partner can, at times, be difficult.

Usually, this occurs when they suddenly send you unexpected texts like “I miss you.” In a bid to respond without rekindling any affection, some quirky and humorous replies can come in handy.

One such flippant and yet hilarious response is “I miss our dog more.

Just saying.”

To add a literal and fun edge, consider twisting the intent behind the original message.

Instead of merely acknowledging their feelings, you can unexpectedly direct the conversation towards shared belongings or experiences that hold no emotional weight, like the shared custody of a pet.

I miss our dog more.

Just saying.

This unexpected revelation can catch your ex by surprise, subtly reminding them that you have also moved on and your priorities have shifted.

More than simply missing your shared dog more than them, you’re also concisely expressing your indifference towards reigniting the old flame.

However, this reply isn’t cold or mean.

It’s lightly humorous, making the situation less tense, and underscores an unspoken intention to keep the conversation casual rather than heavy with past memories.

It’s crucial to communicate, especially when interacting with an ex, that you’ve moved on and are living a life separate from them.

While they might interpret this as a casual brush-off, you’re merely highlighting your focus on more significant aspects of your life, like the dog you both loved.

Although this may trigger a feeling of nostalgia in your ex, remember your boundaries.

Caring halfheartedly about the dog and not about the actual person missing you has a certain witticism in keeping your ex at bay.

Now, it’d be interesting to know how to react when you receive a text out of the blue from your ex.

So, you may want to have a look at this.

STOP WAITING For His Text & DO THIS Instead... | Matthew Hussey

This video could provide useful insights on how to manage such situations tactfully.

By watching, you may learn strategies to maintain your calm and respond appropriately when your ex texts you all of a sudden.

6. Upgrade in progress.

Error: Past lover not found.”

When you get that unwelcomed “I miss you” text from an ex, one humorous way to respond would be: “Upgrade in progress.

Error: Past lover not found“.

Replying in this manner draws parallels to a computer or a gadget undergoing an update, humorously suggesting that you are in a process of “upgrade” and the old (your ex) is not a part of the new system.

This analogy is sharp and loaded with sarcasm, enough to unsettle your ex and leave them wondering whether to make a comeback.

By equating yourself to a tech gadget undergoing an upgrade, you communicate that you are pursuing positive self-improvement, and anything or anyone (that includes the ex) not aligning with this upward progression is conveniently discarded.

Hence, there lies the humor, the tongue-in-cheek retaliation to a redundant confession of missing you.

In a way, this text aligns with the core sentiments of breaking up and moving on – cleansing oneself of past baggage and embracing growth.

Having said that, it draws a subtle boundary line, sending out a message that any attempt to reconcile will result in an “error”.

This embedded caution enhances the humor quotient while letting your ex know where they stand – outside the boundary of your new life.

Furthermore, the use of tech-jargon, often associated with robotics, devoid of any human emotions, intensifies the humor.

The phrase “Error: Past lover not found” is a witty extension of this humour, implying that the past lover (your ex) isn’t even in the memory to be found and missed.

It also indicates that you are reshaping your life, and there is no room for past regrets or romantic nostalgia.

It’s a humorous yet powerful way of proclaiming one’s independence and the audacity to move on with head held high.

Moreover, the use of such a quote in today’s tech-driven world only amplifies its relevance and elicits a chuckle.

It characterizes the ex as a redundant code or a faulty feature now trashed, adding an extra layer of jest and mockery.

This funny reply never gets old and always works as a perfect comeback.

It breezily articulates that you have moved on, humorously hinting at your ex’s irrelevant position in your new-found happy status quo.

Moreover, the humor being seamlessly interwoven with a tinge of iciness keeps the ex at a healthy distance.

It ensures that you’re responding without being mean yet maintaining dignity and personal space.

In conclusion, this is a brilliant and hilarious way of replying back without sliding down to emotional conversations and unnecessary confrontations.

Moreover, it stands firm on the ground of self-respect and the power of ushering in personal transformation amidst humor and sarcasm.

7. That’s unusual.

Everyone else is celebrating.”

Experiencing the end of a relationship can evoke a multitude of emotions.

Receiving a “I miss you” text from an ex-partner can leave you grappling with how to respond.

While some might feel inclined to respond in a sympathetic manner, others might choose to utilize humor as a defense mechanism. Our devices brim with countless encounters and this is your cue to add a little comic flair.

Imagine this situation – you’re in the middle of enjoying some alone time, or perhaps even a gathering with friends, when your phone buzzes.

On the screen, you see a text from your ex proclaiming, “I miss you”. A wave of nostalgia might hit you, but it’s important to stay rooted and respond with tact.

Here’s a cheeky response bound to leave them pondering: “That’s unusual.

Everyone else is celebrating.” This reply is designed not just for catharsis, but also to let your ex-partner know you’re having a good time even in their absence.

Instead of letting the text dampen your mood and derail your joy, you cleverly use it as a catapult to enhance your happiness.

Humor is an incredibly effective tool for diffusing intense emotions, and creating a buffer of light-heartedness can help you navigate through these tricky messages.

Not only does this response spare you from awkwardness, but it also addresses the situation with a light-heartedness that indicates you’re moving on and having fun.

The intent isn’t to malign, but rather to establish a boundary subtly.

Negotiating the choppy seas of post-breakup communications can often have you feeling like a ship without a compass. But with a dash of humor and sprinkle of sass, you can turn the tables around.

The selected response not only helps to lighten the mood but also invokes a sense of blissful indifference.

How to respond to put-downs, sarcasm and back-handed compliments: The FSAT Script.

This video offers a sneak-peek into tackling any put-downs, sarcasm or back-handed compliments that might come your way.

It’s a great resource for anyone who’s seeking to improve their communication skills.

By expertly merging practicality with wit, this video offers unique strategies that can help turn bitter awkwardness into an opportunity for comfortable closure.

Invest a little time in yourself and you’ll be amazed at how powerfully you can maneuver a conversation.

Remember, the key is to step up to communicate rather than step down to placate.

So, the next time your ex reaches out and you’re not sure how to reply, remember this clever, funny response.

It’s all about keeping things light and maintaining your composure. Who knew that something as simple as a humorous response could serve as your secret weapon in preserving your peace of mind and self-respect?

8. Thanks. Did my dog text you this?

There’s something uniquely hilarious about this response.

Imagining your ex, trying to express their lingering feelings, only to be hit with “Thanks.

Did my dog text you this?“.

This statement adds an element of mock confusion and disbelief to the situation, making it especially comical.

It’s as if you’re caught off guard by the fact that your ex might still have feelings for you, to such an extent that you think the text might have come from an unbelievably random source like your dog.

It’s a beautiful display of deflection and humor to disconnect from an awkward situation.

The beauty of the witty quip is its clever dismissal woven with humor.

Rather than revisiting painful memories or mooning over what could have been, this funny response shuts down the conversation without harshness, illustrating the power of humor even in potentially uncomfortable situations.

There is a unique skill involved in using laughter during stressful situations – and responding to an ex in such a nonchalant and cheeky manner is the perfect example of this.

This funny response not only invokes a chuckle but also lightens the atmosphere considerably.

Any tension that might have been there quickly dissipates as both parties might end up laughing.

Turning an emotional message into a laughable interaction is not only unexpected but adds a fun twist, breaking any expectations of a traditional, romantic response.

This reply deftly deflects the sentimental intentions behind the original message sent by your ex.

It cleverly emerges from an unexpected corner, catching your ex off guard and making it less likely for them to reply with another emotional text.

It effectively stops any further emotional encroachments in a light-hearted, non-offensive manner.

By choosing such a response, you also retain your dignity and showcase your ability to rise above an emotionally charged situation and deal with it with grace and humor.

Moreover, in a comedic way, you express to your ex that their message of missed sentiment is perhaps misplaced.

It might have been relevant if you shared the same emotional space, but given the current circumstances, it is as absurd as a text from a dog.

This amusing reply also assures you that you’re steering clear from any sentiments that might evoke a sense of longing or regret, maintaining a light-hearted and positive narrative even in the face of an unexpected, emotional text.

The sense of humor reflected through this text demonstrates how you dealt with the end of your relationship.

It’s a clear sign that you’ve moved on, effectively communicating your detachment in a humorous manner.

Such a witty remark also manifests your ability to maintain your cool and control the narrative.

This prevents your ex from manipulating the conversation or your emotions, keeping the ball in your court.

This funny response is a fantastic ‘curveball’ reply to the classic “I miss you” text from an ex, preserving your peace while subtly conveying that you’ve moved on.

Remaining light-hearted and maintaining your sense of humor can be a valuable tool in navigating tricky post-breakup interactions.

Life comes with its fair share of unexpected turns, and sometimes, the best way to handle them is to laugh it off!

9. Oh, sorry!

My memory was recently deleted.”

To begin with, this specific response to ‘I miss you’ from an ex-partner carries a significant undertaking of humor and sarcasm that can’t be overlooked.

Technology and its impacts have infiltrated nearly every aspect of our social lives, including how we handle relationships and post-breakup social interactions.

Keen to blend personal and technological realities, you might say, “Oh, sorry!

My memory was recently deleted,” a great one-liner that can hold hundreds of undertones and covert messages.

The idea behind the funny response is tantamount to saying that every memory associated with our past relationship has been intentionally and deliberately erased, hence its meaningfulness and relevance.

Sending such a witty retort not only allows you to maintain a jovial disposition but also sends a clear message to the sender that their text message has failed to provoke the response they were probably hoping for.

With this reply, you’re indicating that the past doesn’t hold any grip on you, brilliantly tackling a seemingly difficult situation.

“Oh, sorry!

My memory was recently deleted”

This sentence entails the essence of letting go and moving forward from a broken relationship, which is not an easy thing to do.

The ability to relate human emotions and situations with the technological process of ‘deleting memory’ reflects the light-hearted nature of the situation.

It tends to maintain a jocular tone while hinting at a deeper context- the acceptance of a dissolved past.

While seeing such a message might entertain your friends and some web users, it is also a good reminder that embracing humor can make severe instances of existence seem much less daunting.

It’s an empowering way to claim control over the situation while communicating that you’re strong enough to delete painful memories.

How to Clean C Drive In Windows 10 (Make Your PC Faster)

Watching this video might not only broaden your knowledge, but it’s also incredibly useful for practical situations.

It demonstrates how to clean the C drive on your PC, a process that can metaphorically resonate with the act of cleansing your memory of past relationships.

By learning to delete unwanted files, you can enjoy a more efficient computer operating system, much like how discarding past negative experiences can lead to improved emotional well-being.

The analogy here is not lost, and it adds a fitting dimension to the topic of discussion.

Overall, this funny response to “I miss you” is a clear exemplification of how to utilize humor and sarcasm to tackle an often unwanted text from an ex-partner.

While this whole venture might seem a bit tongue-in-cheek, knowing how to handle such situations while maintaining your emotional equilibrium is an essential life skill.

Therefore, embracing humor as an instrument to cope with awkward social interactions might just be the way to go in this interconnected digital world.

10. Please hold while I find a care.

Packed full of sardonic humor, this response pulls no punches.

To an ex declaring their feelings of missing you, there’s nothing quite like the dismissive undertone of “Please hold while I find a care.” It’s like being put through to customer service, with an extra dash of exasperation.

In applying this response, it’s important to remember that dealing with an ex is a delicate balance.

You don’t want to be overly harsh, but on the other hand, having a zesty reply in your pocket can flex your wittiness while helping elevate your sense of independence and detachment.

The key to executing this line lies in timing and delivery.

Drop it in when your ex least expects it, with a dash of throwaway charm, and you’re guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

The response carries an undertone of humor with an overtone of indifference, which serves as a gentle reminder that you’ve moved on.

The response carries an undertone of humor with an overtone of indifference, which serves as a gentle reminder that you’ve moved on.

It’s a statement that immediately demands space and puts a pause on the conversation, giving you the power to control the dynamics from here on.

It’s a psychological tactic as much as it is a funny reply.

Moreover, this response spells out your stand in the most humorous and non-confrontational way.

You’re clarifying that their feelings are probably not echoed, or that you really need a lot of time to even consider reciprocating the sentiment.

While not overtly mean, the phrase carries a clear message: that your level of care at their declaration of missing you is, more or less, absent.

It is an elegant way to keep your distance while also maintaining a light and breezy approach.

But is it too harsh?

That is a debate better left to personal discretion.

Everyone has a different tolerance level when it comes to dealing with exes.

This might be perfectly acceptable for those who have no problem reminding their ex that the bridge is burned, while others might find it a tad too rollicking.

The beauty of this phrase is its ability to adapt to the circumstances.

You can say it sarcastically or seriously, draw it out as a tease, or use it to succinctly put a stop to the conversation.

And, if nothing else, it’s a good way to lighten the mood and show your unshakeable self-confidence.

From a receiver’s perspective, it’s quite obvious that this is a funny retort meant to be taken with a pinch of salt.

But with a lightly covered double entendre, it subtly conveys the message of emotional unavailability.

Above all, this jest returns a measure of control into our hands when an ex decides to wax sentimental about the ‘good old times’.

Remaining undeterred in the face of such emotional onslaughts showcases your strengths and resilience, making it clear that you are doing just fine without them in your life.

11. Noted. Want me to alert the media?

Getting an ‘I miss you’ text from an ex can always throw a curveball in your otherwise smooth-sailing day.

A response like “Noted.

Want me to alert the media?” gives a fun spin to these out-of-the-blue messages.

The light-hearted note and the satirical reference to the media adds an element of humor to your response.

The idea behind the quip is not to belittle the feelings of the ex but to show that your life is no longer intertwined with theirs.

You’re merely playing the role of a passive recipient to their sudden realization of missing you.

Humour is a powerful tool when it comes to handling uncomfortable situations.

While the text from your ex might have startled you, your funny reply won’t just diffuse your own tension but will also throw your ex off balance, making them ponder the unanticipated levity in your response.

The unexpected twist of alerting media hints at the inconsequentiality and the question regarding the need for a public announcement of such a personal sentiment.

This sentence subtly implies that their feelings of missing you, delivered through a text, are not of significant concern to you anymore.

You’re merely taking their confession of missing you in your stride without adding any unnecessary emotional weight to it.

Your savage response could potentially act as a deterrent to further emotional approaches from your ex.

You demonstrate that you have moved on, and the chapter of your life that they were a part of has been closed.

In this digital age, your text replies can potentially have wider implications, even causing social media storms.

Thus, taking the satirical route of alerting the ‘media’ about an ex missing you, also hints at a popular trend where private conversations quickly become public, adding an extra layer of humorous context to your reply.

40 Responses To The “I Miss You” Text

This video offers other similar, funny replies.

It’s certainly a great aid for those who want to channel some humor to tackle unexpected, emotional messages from their ex.

12. Awww…So sweet!

Sending thoughts and prayers.”

Breaking up with a significant other can bring about a myriad of emotions.

Sometimes, humor is the easiest way to navigate through these turbulent times.

When an ex texts you saying “I miss you”, it can stir a lot of feelings – including bewilderment, irritation, or even mirth.

And it’s that mirth that we may want to hang onto especially when we need a light-hearted approach.

Replying “Awww…So sweet!

Sending thoughts and prayers.” to an ex’s message can be the kind of response that suits the moment.

Rather than getting dragged back into old memories or engaging in a serious conversation, this reply keeps things humorous and under control.

It allows you to assume a wry, detached stance without getting sucked into an emotional vortex.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of this response lies in its undertones of sarcasm.

By choosing to send “thoughts and prayers”, you are essentially treating your old relationship like a lost cause – something past retrieval.

This can send a bigger message of finality to your ex, subtly informing them of your disinterest in revisiting the past.

“Replying “Awww…So sweet!

Sending thoughts and prayers.” to an ex’s message can be the kind of response that suits the moment.”

There are layers to the statement.

It’s almost as if you’re saying, ‘I acknowledge your feelings, but they don’t mean anything to me now.’ This balance can help you maintain your dignity while also putting a smile on your face every time you think about it.

Humour isn’t just to make others laugh.

It’s a powerful emotional tool that can help us navigate difficult situations with grace.

So, when your past tries to intrude in your present, you can keep it at bay with your sense of humour, tact and timing.

A lighthearted scoff, framed as “thoughts and prayers”, can do just that.

Plus, it acts as a sharp retort without sounding rude.

You aren’t rebuffing your ex outright or making a scene; instead, you’re taking their comment in stride and responding with a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Your ex might be seeking some kind of response, perhaps a hint of the same old warmth or a sliver of hope.

But, with this retort, you dash those expectations effectively.

Employing humour in such a way not only helps you cope better but also sets clear boundaries with your ex.

In the future, if you’re ever thinking about how to respond to an “I miss you” from an ex, consider adding a dose of humour to your response.

It might make the situation easier and stop any potential feelings from resurfacing.

Indeed, it’s an interesting approach to see the lighter side of life and diffuse any awkwardness.

And at its heart, it’s about empowering yourself by choosing how you respond and what it says about your perspective on the situation.

So, even in handling tricky ex-situations, humour can indeed save the day!

This isn’t to say it will work perfectly every time, or that it might not escalate the situation in certain cases.

But at least, you’re not left feeling overwhelmed by rekindled emotions and you have a chance to step back, preserve your peace, and even have a light laugh at the situation.

13. Was that a haiku?

I didn’t notice.”

I hope you’re prepared for a chuckle with this one – an ex just sent you an “I miss you” message, and it might be in the form of a haiku.

Isn’t that adorably creative?

Maybe they’re trying to score some extra points for a poetic sentiment.

Haikus are a form of poetry originating from Japan, and they are quite renowned for their simplicity and brevity.

They are composed of three lines, with a 5-7-5 syllable count.

But hey, who’s counting when it’s an ex?

What really matters here isn’t the poetic structure, it’s the unexpected and somewhat hilarious situation you find yourself in – receiving an “I miss you” message neatly wrapped in haiku format.

This injects humor to the situation, offering a light reprieve from the awkwardness and intensity that might otherwise be felt.

Your sassy approach can help place a humor-filled boundary while conveying the message of not reciprocating their feeling.

Why not take it to the next level and reply with an indifferent “Was that a haiku?

I didn’t notice.” It would underline your lack of interest in their emotional exhibition and would draw a laugh from anyone observing the exchange.

However, it’s also a great opportunity to take your humor and wittiness a step further.

Why not respond with a haiku of your own?

Something that communicates your lack of mutual feelings, yet does so in a way that keeps the conversation non-confrontational.

How To Write A Haiku Poem (Step-By-Step Tutorial)

For those of you feeling up to the challenge, the above resource might make for an enlightening watch.

It’s packed with simple, digestible tips for constructing a solid haiku.

After all, if you’re going to fire back with a verse, you might as well do it with finesse.

With this response, you’re showing that you not only missed the sentiment of their haiku but also that you’re more interested in the haiku itself than their feelings.

It’s a mild, amusing way to hint at your disinterest and disconnection,

So, the next time an ex decides to pour their heart out in a haiku, remember, a bit of good-natured banter never hurt anyone!

Your humor, whit, and creative-response can certainly take a classic, in most cases, awkward situation, and turn it into a memorable interaction.

14. They say memory tends to fade with age.

Breaking up is a tough experience, regardless of the reason or circumstances, and it depends on the individual how they cope or move on.

However, when an ex-love interest texts to say, I miss you, a clever, funny reply is a good distraction and defense against unwanted nostalgia.

They say memory tends to fade with age, is a humorous, interesting, and effective response that can be used in this situation.

It’s ironic, yet ticklish, way to imply that you’ve forgotten about the relationship, or that the memories don’t affect you as much anymore.

It seems light-hearted, but underneath lies a resignation that time has moved on and so have you.

It’s also clever because it implicitly mocks age, tapping into a common fear people have of aging, or forgetting important things as they get older.

The embodiment of nonchalance and indifference, this response catches an ex off guard, without causing any petty or vindictive confrontations.

And since ‘laughing it off’ is often an effective way to cope with uncomfortable situations, this reply also has an element of personal therapy in it.

It’s a bit slick, touch teasing, yet inoffensive in its delivery.

It’s an assertive way of saying that you’re not bothered by those past memories they miss, and you’ve moved past the relationship without any regrets.

Now, it’s important to remember that just as humour varies from person to person, so too will the effectiveness of this reply.

But it’s a safe and cheeky choice that’s likely to get your point across without resorting to hostility or bitterness.

There’s also the possibility that your ex might find it amusing and the exchange can remain cordial and friendly.

At the same time, this response leaves zero space for false hopes about rekindling an old flame.

It unequivocally plants the notion that the past is indeed in the past, effectively maintaining the distance between the two of you.

In the grand scheme of things, the idea of forgetting is often associated with moving on, which is essentially what this ‘memory fading’ response conveys.

So, by using humour and a bit of sarcasm, this ‘memory aging’ reply saves you from the awkwardness of the situation, keeps the conversation light, and most importantly, allows you to convey that you have moved on.

15. That’s nice!

Missing my pizza more here.”

Being humorous is a powerful way to diffuse particularly painful situations and responding to an ex stating that they miss you with a statement as absurd as, “That’s nice!

Missing my pizza more here.” is just one of these ways.

After you’ve spent a significant amount of time together, it’s natural for your ex to feel a degree of attachment and want to express it, even if the feelings aren’t mutual.

However, simply liking their text won’t change anything.

It’s simply a form of emotional manipulation, and the best response is one that doesn’t give them the response they desire.

“That’s nice!

Missing my pizza more here.”

This retort isn’t just humorous in delivery, but it also communicates to your ex that you have already moved on and have other priorities in your life, like enjoying a pizza.

There’s nothing like a good old ‘pizza over you’ joke to show your ex where your priorities lie.

This will get the message across that you are not emotionally affected by their advances.

Further, laughter is a form of healing and by making light of the situation, you can manage to heal your own pain while also putting across the message to your ex that you are perfectly fine without them.

Importantly, the message must be delivered right.

Using a lot of sarcasm can make you appear mean and rude, which might dampen your otherwise funny response.

So make sure to achieve a perfect balance.

Indeed, it’s worth noting you’ve started focusing on other aspects of your life that bring you joy, like pizza.

This could provide an opportunity to have a light-hearted engagement with your ex while making it obvious that you aren’t available for emotional manipulation.

5 Common Texts Your Ex Will Send (And How To Reply!)

By watching the mentioned video, you will get to understand some common texts that your ex might send to you.

Moreover, it is not only about recognising these texts but also learning how to respond appropriately to them.

Remember, you don’t owe your ex anything, and how you choose to respond is entirely up to you.

You can be as sarcastic, humorous or as stoic as your personality dictates.

The key is to put your foot down and not succumb to any emotional manipulation.

Your happiness and peace of mind should be your primary concern, not your ex’s.

So, go ahead, enjoy that pizza and let your ex know where your priorities lie.

After all, your happiness is more important than their need for validation.

16. I have been happily not missing you.

Whether you’ve recently broken up with them or it’s been years since you’ve last spoken, sometimes an ex can come up from the blue and confess that they miss you.

There’s no easy way to respond to such an unsolicited confession, especially if you don’t share the sentiment.

It’s only natural that you’d want to break whatever spell they’re currently under, and do so using a perfect combination of humor and cold hard facts.

Enter the Unmissed Ex response: “I have been happily not missing you“.

It’s a funny and clever comeback that leaves no room for confusion.

It’s both sarcastic and true, and it ends the conversation before it has a chance to get too mushy.

It’s assertive and firm, showing that you’re comfortable with the past and are not interested in rekindling the relationship.

Responding to an ex who misses you is a delicate situation that requires a lot of tact and wit.

You must consider their feelings as well as yours, and you have just a single sentence to communicate your intent clearly and decisively.

The beauty of this reply is its simplicity – It cuts through any false sense of longing and draws a line that says “Moved On” in bold, clear letters.

The beauty of this reply is its simplicity – It cuts through any false sense of longing and draws a line that says “Moved On” in bold, clear letters.

Despite the latent irreverence in this sentence, there’s a few subtler points getting across.

It conveys self-assuredness, clearly stating that you are fine on your own, and are not hung up on the past relationship.

It also sends a message of rejection without being rude or inconsiderate.

The humor diffuses any tension and gives closure, serving as a soft yet firm rejection.

While it can be tempting to ignore them or reply with something equally heartbreaking, a funny response like this signals that you’ve moved on and laughing about it.

It demonstrates strength and self-respect in a way that few other responses can.

You do not ignore your feelings or those of your ex.

Instead, you’re honest about your status and feelings, sidestepping any lingering bitterness or regret that such a message might bring up.

And while it may not bring immediate closure, it can give both parties some much-needed perspective.

Breaking up is hard.

The aftermath is often even more complex, filled with unstated feelings, unsent conversations, and unexpected twists.

When an ex suddenly declares they miss you, it’s only natural to have a myriad of feelings.

That’s why funny replies like “I have been happily not missing you” exist, to simplify a complex situation into something laughable and manageable.

It’s essential to reply with humor, especially if you no longer have feelings for the person prying into your life out of the blue.

Humor is the best armor we have in instances such as these.

It can shield us from unnecessary pain, offer a moment of levity, and help us navigate the complicated world of love, breakup, and moving on.

17. OMG!

Just found my sock.

It was lost too.”

When your ex tells you they miss you, it can lead to a host of questions in your mind.

“Do they want to rekindle the relationship?” “Do they regret the breakup?” As a safeguard, using humor to deflect their sentiment is a powerful tool.

A funny response, such as “OMG!

Just found my sock.

It was lost too.”, not only mitigates any awkwardness, but it provides a moment of levity that can help maintain the space and boundaries you’ve set after your breakup.

Upon receiving a text from your ex declaring their nostalgia for your relationship, you may feel discomfort or unease.

Responding with humor is a defense mechanism that allows you to maintain your personal space and boundaries.

Humor keeps the interaction light-hearted and ensures that the conversation doesn’t take an emotional turn.

The key to successfully using humor in this way is maintaining a sense of detachment.

Just like the lost sock that has been found, the past should stay in the past.

By making a joke about finding a lost sock, you’re subtly stating that yes, while there was something lost, but it doesn’t mean that it’s worthy of deep emotional distress or turmoil.

This can help temper the emotions of your ex, providing them with a gentle reminder that the relationship is over for a reason.

However, it’s important to remember to always be respectful and considerate.

If you know that your ex is genuinely hurting, try not to make light of their feelings.

In this case, humor can be a double-edged sword.

At the same time, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could try to one-up the sock comment.

You could, for instance, say “I just found my dignity.

It was lost too.” This way, you’re still keeping the interaction light and funny, while also asserting your independence.

How to Respond to Your Ex's Text Messages

By watching this video, you might gain better insights on how to respond to text messages from your ex.

It provides practical tips and examples on how to navigate such encounters without losing your cool.

In conclusion, responding to texts from an ex can be tricky.

It can bring up a surge of emotions and potentially ruin your day.

However, humor, when used right, can be a great defense mechanism.

So, the next time your ex texts you “I miss you”, remember, you can always reply with “OMG! Just found my sock. It was lost too.”.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, the responses above not only serve as creative, humorous ways to deal with messages from an ex, but also demonstrate the importance of moving forward.

Whilst nostalgia can sometimes pull us back to past relationships, our reactions to such instances speak volumes about our personal growth.

Whether we decide to respond with ignorance, mockery, or blatant disinterest, these witty comebacks paint a picture of resilience, hinting at a future filled with better relationships and self-improvement.

So, when we encounter these messages and don’t know how to respond, remember, there’s a perfect comeback just waiting to be sent.